If you liked
Hotaru no Hikari
...then you might like
Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai
If you like the josei comedy Hotaru no Hikari - I think you should try Dame na Watashi ni Koi Shite Kudasai. These comedies have a similar flavor, both women are about the same age, in their late twenties and have never had a successful love life, each of them craves food and likes to drink! lol. The comedy in each is centered around them having to live with their boss because of money problems, and their bantering conversations where they make fun of their boss to his face is similar. They also have
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Very similar story of an older woman who's a bit of a mess and is forced to live with an antagonistic guy because of reasons then romance slowly grows. Both mangakas are very good with comic reactions so it's a fun read. If you like Hotaru no Hikari you'll definitely like Dame na Watashi.
Recommended by IgnatzKrazyKat