If you liked
Hotarubi no Mori e
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Kon no Ki Konoha
Both have similar storylines that follow the love between a girl and a forest spirit. Short and sweet, these oneshots are touching and beautifully drawn.
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~ A bitter-sweet tale about a lost girl who met a spirit that lives deep in the forest in her younger years. A beautiful memory that will linger on her heart forever.
Touching one shots about a forest spirit.
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Both have two similar stories where a girl finds a boy in a forest while playing and later on starts to visit him once in a while.
Both are about a little girl who gets lost in an enchanted forest and meets a spirit that she can't touch. In both, the little girl visits the spirit every day of a particular season year after year as she grows up.
Similar story:
A small girl, gets lost in the woods and finds a teenager.
She grows up every year as she grows up to visit him, but the boy grows at a slower rate.
A very similar drama-romance
Different actors, same impossible love.
Both are sweet stories about love between spirits and human beings
The two short one-shots present a similar story. A little girl meets a spirit in the forest and continues to meet him every year.
Both series feature romantic relationships between spirits and humans, with a young girl meeting a spirit but can only see him for a short period each year. As the girl grows older but the spirit stays roughly the same age, both have to confront the reality of their relationships.
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