If you liked
20th Century Boys
...then you might like
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction
In a world where hopelessness has blended into everyday life, a dystopian tale about some teenagers and their struggles. Anyway, frankly speaking, there really is no hope; the earth is about to end.
Both have themes about coming of age in the modern-day/near future with a deeper mystery underneath.
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20th century boys is a classic manga that focuses on a massive conspiracy that affects every part of society. It is a smart, sophisticated manga that brilliantly mixes highly serious and relatable moments with funny and sometimes entirely unrealistic fantasy, and really paved the way for a lot of modern seinen manga. Dead Dead Demons is similar in that it contains heavy, grounded, and serious subject matter in a similarly conspiratorial and clever style, but also does so with irony, sarcasm, and often absurdist humor.
Both manga also feature heavily detailed and artistic sets and worlds, yet both have a very cartoony, almost whimsical art
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Both mangas feature kids/teenagers struggling in a doomed world. Hopelessness, aliens and moral conflicts are always abundant.
Both are science fiction themed and revolve around a bigger conspiracy
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