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Jack Frost
jack frost is almost identical to hellsing with one small detail jack frost has a bit more ecchi in it characters are amazingly identical its like taking alucard seras and integra and adding slightly perverted to there list of characteristics
This manga is terribly similar. So much that it seems like a fan service filled Korean rip-off of Hellsing. I had to drop the series at the second chapter because the similarities were disgustingly similar. I'm not sure if Jack Frost was meant to be a parody or a tremendous imitation but Jack Frost and Alucard pretty much have the exact same abilities. There are vampires, ghouls, and excess blood loss. Except for the warped universe and story basis. The main characters are pretty much the same. Naha-A Joo is Seres Victoria. Hansen is Anderson. Helmina is Integra. It seems aside from the big tits,
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