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Battle Royale
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Both pertain to normal kids getting wrapped up in a death game and being forced to deal with their situations. Doubt is a little more story centric while BR is simply survival
Individuals are pitted off to kill each other for the amusement of some.
Recommended by radiantfire
Both Doubt and Battle Royale involve a survival game between High Schoolers. Both very gruesome. Both games in each of the series' bring out the evil nature of the characters.
Recommended by fatfreelife1
In both these stories it is the fight for life. Both groups of teens must take part in a "game" kill in order to survive. Only one can live, the rest must die, Battle Royale is a bit more sadistic than Doubt but both very good.
"Battle Royale" and "Doubt" both center around a kind of survival game where trust in other humans is tested. Both mangas are very mature and have deeply psychological and well-developed plots. Battle Royale is more on the action/epic side while Doubt is more on the mystery side. Both are VERY good and HIGHLY recommended. :D
Recommended by DaDookster