If you liked
Hokuto no Ken
...then you might like
Saint Seiya
Both series are iconic action animes from 1980s, being adaptations of extremely popular mangas from the same period. They have a lot of epic fights, powerful characters, manliness, fine amount of violent scenes; everything mentioned earlier is coated in the themes of believing in mankind's goodness and friendship allowing one to go past their limits. These two animes have numerous references to astronomy in either their plot or names of various battle techniques.
Both series were created in the 80's and share the epicness of the 80's: over the top action, violent scenes, epic fights, the power of love and friendship, overpowered characters and manly tears (yes, Saint Seiya IS manly in its way).
Recommended by DiogoAttitude
Battle shounen from the '80s with muscular warriors doing battle using martial arts tied to stars and/or constellations. There is a big focus on fate, destiny, and inheriting them from a previous generation. The fights follow a similar pattern involving punch-barrages, a life-aura effect, and lines like “now I’ll show you my ultimate technique”.
Saint Seiya is not very similar to Hokuto, but the last arc of Hokuto no Ken when the Goshasei protect Yuria, we can see that they are very similar, both history, plot, powers and characters (Juuza = Shaka, etc.),Etc.
Recommended by jonathanmaximus