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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Beginning with the obvious, both Re:Zero and Steins;Gate were animated by the same studio, White Fox and both main protagonists have time traveling related abilities.
Now for the juicy stuff, both Okabe and Subaru are quite different from the usual anime protagonist and aren't meant to be self-inserts for viewers. They both must overcome obstacles to save the ones they love and both feature thrilling story lines and engaging characters that break the mold of most anime tropes like Tsunderes (with Steins;Gate's Kurisu) and Moé characters (Re:Zero's Rem). The authors want you to see the MCs go through very difficult (and sometimes gory) hardships in order
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Recommended by Kyouma-D-Luffy
Time traveling is always a popular theme for anime.But it is risky because it can cause a lot of plot holes.Then again those two anime don't have a problem about that at all.Both mc have similar goal and reason for using time travel again and again.Steins;Gate hasn't got any real fight scenes but it has much philosophical approach about time travel.Both are done by the same studio so animation style is similar too.
Both anime revolve mostly around an ordinary guy who does his best to protect those he cares about, no matter how many times he has to do it:
- Both Guys who are suddenly caught in a spiral of disastrous events
- Both have something to do with the Butterfly Effect/Travelling back in time
- Both MC's are pretty powerless and non-significant at first
- Both MC's will stop at nothing to save those they care about
The protagonist is forced in a continuous time loop and attempts to redo the reality by making different choices with the help of knowledge from previous loops - in a way that would result in less gruesome fate, most of the time to protect his close ones.
Essentially similar concept. Re:Zero is basically Steins;Gate meets KonoSuba.
Similar theme of live die repeat. In case of steins gate he doesnt get to do the dying part.
-Both mc's start to lose it after a while.
-A romatic relationship is slowly forming with the mc in bith shows.
-Steins;Gate is more of a sci fi and re zero more of a fantasy anime.
-Both can be very dreadful and life draining at times.
-The ending is spectacular in both shows.
All and all if you enjoy the one I believe you will enjoy the other one. Steins;Gate can be difficult to watch specialy early on but dont give up. The end is what matters.
Recommended by Yumekui_John
Re:Zero and Steins;Gate featured an MC with similiar power: time travel. And the 'time travel' aspect of these series isn't just some cool sci-fi material, it has a little dark element attached to it: 'death'. Both MC tried to save people around them from the hand of the reaper, they also touched upon the psychological aspect of the MC as the only one who remember the events from before the timeline is altered. Also, both series are produced by the same studio and have fantastic, fluid animation. However, while Steins;Gate is a bit slow on the beginning, Re:Zero show its dark element right on the
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Recommended by KannaAyasaki
well, if i tell will be a spoiler, but just knows that both are good and the "time travel" envolving a friend is "similar"
If you like watching someone getting desperate to save everything by some kind of "time-travel" you would love this show instantly.
Despite opposite settings, both of these series feature time looping as the main plot device and strong character development, plus similar themes of selflessness and looking forward rather than behind.
Recommended by MockingEntropy
Both of these animes have the same theme of going back in time to save a life, but in one the person has to die in order to change time while the other simply has to microwave a burrito. Other than that the series as a whole seems completely different.
Recommended by Minecraftbed
“Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu” and “Steins;Gate” have the concept of going back in time. Problems are always arising for the main characters. Whenever they think they can catch a break, something around them has to go wrong. Furthermore, their mental state will be affected from seeing the people around them suffer. With that being said, these anime can have a very dark and serious tone. While “Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu’s” storyline is set in a fantasy world, “Steins;Gate” focuses on a real life aspect.
In Steins;Gate the mc makes a time leap machine and the plot becomes saving his friend by time leaping. In re:zero, The mc also uses time leap to save his friends. In the both series, they need to figure the way how to save people. In rezero, by triggering specific events, meanwhile in Steins;Gate by redoing his actons.
If you've seen them both then you'll know this is an obvious comparison.
Slight spoilers for story premises here, but nothing that would ruin either for you if you haven't seen them yet.
Both of these Anime are by White Fox, and have more or less the same story structure and premise: The main character has the power to rewind time somehow, and this interferes with the natural order of things. As such, they lose people they care about, and end up going back again and again, growing increasingly desperate, as they try to get the perfect result.
Both stories have a great deal of intrigue and mystery
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Recommended by DemonicSquid
Both shows have a very similar concept around them. Steins;Gate and Re:Zero are both produced by the same studio, White Fox. The main protagonists of both shows can act like goofballs at times, but become serious and dependable when it comes to helping others out. I don't want to say too much as it's best to go into both of these shows blind and I definitely recommend both of them. Steins;Gate and Re:Zero are both fantastic shows produced by White Fox though Re:Zero is very controversial at times. This is only my opinion though.
the similarities
1)same studio
2)same topic- time travel
3)both the MC travels time to save someone.
4)both the MC are goofy but when the situations calls they become serious.
1)Steins;gate is a science fiction while Re:zero is a fantasy.
Recommended by TheGeniusBaka
Time travel concept, similar animation styles and made by the same studio ( white fox studio). Both also have a complex plot and interesting story.
Recommended by Light_Yagatonmi
Both have to do with going back in time to save someone they care about. The protagonists are both funny and goofy but have a darker tragic side. However,
Re:Zero has more gore and takes place in a fantasy environment and Steins;Gate is more realistic.
Someone at White Fox be like: "You guys remember this anime about time travel we made few years ago, that everybody loved? Let's do that again!"
Similar in that both main characters have the ability to travel back in time ,and that they use that power to try to save a loved one.
-both are related to different worldline and travelling back time
-both the MC are air headed but serious in tough situations
-both MC travel back time to save someone
-both shows have really cute girls...
and interesting plot and twist....
Both start happy and lighthearted but descend into madness.
The main character undergoes extreme stress, due to certain events.
Both involve time travel and returning to the same time.
The main guys have many similarities.
Both involve a romance.
Both have a cat girl named F(a/e)ris and a trap.
Recommended by PatViBrittania
- Both have dimensional travel
- Dark elements.
However, steins;gate focuses more on time travel as Re:Zero focuses on fantasy and dimensional travel.
Recommended by FlyJanassic
The vibe from both series are very alike; intense, hilarious and much more. The main characters are also very similar; they are not afraid to speak their mind to express themselves, and they often go out of their way to help other people. What's more similar is that both series deal with time-travel where the main character is able to go back into time to make better decisions to avoid similar incidents of occurring again.
Great plot with time travel stories.
A main character tries to save the person that he loves by the time leap.
Recommended by iversteins93
-Both feature hilarious protagonists
-Both involve... hmm... how shall we say this without giving to much away.. A way of 'resetting'
-Made by the same studio, similar art style
-Start slow but reveal the truth later
Recommended by thelectricow
They both have time travel where the main character must go back mutiple times.
- Mayushii always suffering
- The local MC always suffering too but he lived from his checkpoint
- Immature MC
- Cringy MC
In both anime the main character starts from the beginning each time he fails to save his beloved person, both see them die again and again in multiple ways and that experience takes its toll, They both lose hope at one point but someone gives them the courage to not stop and continue.
Trime travel plays a major role in both animes. Rintarou Okabe and Subaru Natsuki are able to travel backward in time in order to save someone they care about. This time travel happens multiple times throughout the anime.
-Both anime tell about LIVE - FAIL/DIE - REPEAT sequence.
-Both main character try to save someone that important to them using time machine (for Steins;Gate) and using checkpoint (for Re:Zero).
-Both anime contain a lot of emotion, especially desperation, fear, and love.
-Both anime have most popular waifu (Kirisu for Steins;Gate and Rem for Re:Zero).
Made by the same studio, Re:Zero may not be as great as Steins;Gate but many elements such as time travel and a wacky main character are still present
Recommended by FatherNick
Both Animes follow similar time travel theme where MC can go back and still remember the other timeline to accomplish a goal. I would also mention Madoka being in the same league.
P.S. this is my favorite genre
Recommended by Sid-Kenshin
Both the series , the guys have an ability to go back to the past , in both the series the girls are targeted for their life , in both the series the guys go back again and again to prevent the deaths of their nakama , and in both the series they reach success but by passing through a long line of pain !!
Recommended by SatsugaiDeAtsu
Two incredible series about time-travelling and the absolute chaos that attempting to change the past can do to one's psyche. They're both mature series with fantastic story-telling, characters, music, and art. Steins;Gate is in my opinion the superior of the two due to its superior story-telling and cast, but Re:Zero is fantastic in its own right.
Carismatic main character that sometimes acts like an air-headed but it's not, at least not that much. Time traveling, deaths, same studio, interesting plot.
The two main protagonists, Okabe and Subaru, work with time whether it is through a machine or an ability (There is more similarities with this. However, I will leave it a surprise.). The story revolves around take action and changing the future, otherwise known as the Butterfly Effect. Both animes are made by the same studios and are enjoyable to watch after the first few episodes.
Recommended by AurelicButter
The male protagonists are very alike, as they share the traits of being humorous, caring, energetic, and emotional. The female protagonist believes in the male protagonist, which is something both anime share as well. Both shows have a lot of humor now and then, and they also have mysteries that the protagonists have to solve through thorough investigation. In the end, I honestly think that if you loved Steins;Gate, you most likely will love Re: zero as well. Not only that, they are from the same studio. The only difference between the two is the setting and the difference darkness between the two anime. Re:
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Both have almost the same concept of time travel. A guy who travel to past to save his friends from death.
The idea is: if you liked Re:Zero, you might love Steins;Gate
Before you click away because you're thinking, 'this can't be an accurate recommendation', just hear me out. There's only one thing that these two have in common: redo parts of life to save the ones you love. It sometimes may seem impossible to keep on going, but keep trying and don't give up - this is the core message in both.
So if you like these kind of underlying messages (like I did), you won't regret watching them.
Compelling portrayals of despair and the growing feeling of madness and regret over one's actions repeated over a time loop. Also, both White Fox productions.
Both are time travel series.
Both have the concept of going back in time to save someone.
Hilarious protagonists that are total air heads XD
But there is a difference in the way that use to return the time back
in re zero he must die and return to chikpont its more like Game
but in steins:gate they Using scientific ways that are more realistic
Recommended by Gintoki_Mh
Same animation studio, time travel elements, quirky characters, psychological impact of tragedy on the characters.
Rather than being able to time-travel, Re:Zero gives Subaru(Main character) the ability to "reset" time up to a particular point as soon as he dies.
Similar to Steins;Gate, the main protagonists are both thrown in the dilemma of going through trials again and again to obtain the desired result. However, this journey of trying to get the best situation affects their character and drains them of their "Humanity" at some point.
Events will unfold as their journey continues.
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu is probably the most popular anime released during the summer of 2016. From watching both Steins gate and Re:zero I've noticed how both the Main Characters go back in time some how to stop current events from happening. Steins Gate is by far the most confusing anime I've every seen, even episode 1 was very confusing, but everything makes sense when they explain it around the middle part of the series. If you are looking for romance in Steins Gate, then theres not that much at the beginning but there is quite a lot of romance towards the end. Steins
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It reminds me a little to re: zero only that the protagonist in my opinion is better developed.
really the characters will like you, as much as its history.
Thanks to this, I fell in love with travel in time.
It is a masterpiece.
I only saw myself this season, I have to see the rest but I'm content to see that end.
Recommended by Sacerdotisa
Arguably the best time travel story I have ever had the pleasure to watch, Steins;Gate offers the time traveling thriller story with genuinely interesting characters without using as much gore as portrayed in Re:Zero.
Recommended by dat_kun4i_guy
Both shows are about how time travel has consequences, and can cause emotional stress for the time traveler. Re:Zero has more fantasy than science, but if you want a show to give you similar feels to Steins;Gate, this is the show.
Recommended by d1rkSMATHERS
Both the MC have the chance to alter the future to save someone who is precious to them.
In both of them, there is a time travel relation
Recommended by ilikedalek
Both have a return to previous area plot device. If you are into an anime that involves going back into time then you are in the right place.
Recommended by SurfingOtaku
Both share a high level of comedy and writing. But what really links these shows are the main characters. They start off with a (seemigly) happy MC surrounded by friends they care a lot for. Then said friends die. Again. And Again. And Again. Inability to change the past leads to worsening mental states as they begin fighting not only fate, but themselves as well. In Steins;Gate this only happens in the second half of the show; in Zero, it's the whole thing. If you liked Okabe's character deconstruction and are looking for something similar, then I highly recommend this show. Just beware, it's a
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Recommended by HeathenRose
Both were made by the same studio, basically meaning there are similarities in the animation quality.
Both of the main characters face the tragedy of failing to save the people they care about over and over again.
Both deal with the usage of time travel.
Firstly both anime is produced by the same studio. MC has similar time traveling related abilities. Author represents how both mc stuggles through hardship again again to save the person they care about. Both anime have it's beautiful share of characters that are loveable. Gives of a similar vibe even though both are not from the same genre!
Plot Heavy and Time Travel or the idea of messing with Timelines is explored!
Both shows follow their main character through traumatic events where they end up going back in time to fix their mistakes only to make more. As they attempt to fix all of their problems, they end up suffering from the consequences of altering history.
Recommended by Gavatron67
Both animes have the main character attempting to save what he loves the most, and they both go through a series of serious torment, confusion and desperation in order to achieve his goal while the other characters are almost clueless on why the main character is acting different all of a sudden.
Recommended by JoHnO674sh0t678
To be honest since seeing Steins;Gate I have been looking for a psychological thriller along the same lines. With that in mind, now I've seen Re:Zero it's definitively in the same ballpark. Both have lead male protagonists that travel through time to try and save their loved ones while continuing to be effected by the pain of losing them over and over. The shows also have very well fleshed out character and story development along with a broad range of emotion. Many comedic, mysterious and dark tones make the feel of the shows to be parallel.
Both have got time travelling and a protagonist who wants to save their friends and they are truly caring about their friends and cares nothing but their friends
They both have time travel elements. Both characters go through similar revelations and events and have huge character development. Both are thrilling and I recommend you watch it if you love this.
these two anime have a match in terms of the storyline where the main character is stuck in the failure of the rescue of the person he loves that makes this anime may be no different is the two anime is in production by the same studio
I don't think there's anything similar to Steins;Gate but one of those shows that made me feel at least some of the feels i have with Steins;Gate is Re:Zero. It has a totally different way of traveling back to the past, and is amazing, i totally recommend it.
Recommended by Dereknalox123
In both Anime there are main caracters who can travel through time. To save their friends they are forced to make mentally depressing experiences.
Both series focus on the protagonist who comes into a situation where he has time travel powers. Both Subaru and Okabe go trough a lot of suffering trying to overcome the obstacles they face. As the viewer you get attached to the characters and just really want both protagonists to succeed and find happiness and get an end to all their suffering. Eventually both protagonists find friends that support them no matter what, even if they don't know everything the protagonist knows. Like that Subaru manages to get trough thanks to Rem and Emilia, while Okabe is supported by Kurisu trough all world lines.
If u
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Both of these animes had made me scared and excited while watching. If you like steins;gate you will definitely love re:zero. Both characters possess an incredible power about time and space.
Recommended by TgKirito01
In Re;zero, the explanations are a bit lesser than Steins;gate but both anime have a same kind of thing. They both have Time-travelling things & changing the past type option. Both are very inspirational for people who thinks to change their past or wants to change as a better version of them selves. At the starting, you might not understand it fully & might wanna quit watching but take my reccomendation & continue watching to episode 18 in Re;zero, I'm damn sure it'll become one of your favourite anime.
same studio, both related to time, both are rollercoasters of a ride (and can get pretty dark). Both are gureto
Despite having very different settings, both series feature a similar plot structure in which the MC finds himself repeatedly going back into time to protect those he cares about. The MCs are similar personality-wise, and both series explore the psychological ramifications of failing multiple times.
if you want an anime with perfect character development (and that contributes to their deconstruction later), interesting plot twists that leave you stuck all the time, an intelligent anime that makes you think full of hidden messages and the best protagonists of all times, steins;gate is the right choice
Both shows are centered around the use of some kind of time travel (such as time loops) by the protagonist to save their loved ones; Re:Zero is basically Steins;Gate in an isekai. Both shows feature some amount of suffering, and they were both animated by studio White Fox.
Both anime from same studio, both anime have time travel and the MC is trying to save someone important to him.
Recommended by AdityaRizkiS
Both have main characters that travel back in time
Both have main characters that suffer a lot throughout the series
Both have main characters that try to protect all of there friends
Both have main characters that travel back in time to save a girl
Both have main characters with Chūnibyō personalities
If your looking for a main character that's similar to Hououin Kyouma or Subaru check out either one.
Recommended by Some-AnimeLover
Both anime has similar type MC that suffers for saving his dear peoples.Both MC's are great & Masterpiece.Highly recommended anime and also must watch for you.
Recommended by SoraTheSky808568
Both involve time travel (kind of) and trying to save their friends and loved ones with it.
In both animes the plot revolves around going a few days in the past to change future events.
Both are fantastic thriller animes
Involve changing the past
The main character suffers
Made by White Fox
Recommended by Reapercodbo3
Time travel: Both Steins;Gate and Re:Zero involve time travel in their plotlines, although they approach the concept in different ways.
Science fiction elements: Both series contain elements of science fiction, such as alternate realities, advanced technology, and supernatural abilities.
Complex characters: Both shows feature complex, multi-dimensional characters with their own motivations and flaws. The main characters, Okabe Rintaro and Subaru Natsuki, both face difficult challenges and undergo significant character development throughout the series.
High stakes: Both Steins;Gate and Re:Zero involve high stakes situations, where the actions of the characters can have far-reaching consequences. Failure to achieve their goals can result in catastrophic outcomes.
Plot twists: Both series are known
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Same concept, different style
Steins;Gate is more realistic and Re:Zero has a lot of fantasy elements. Both are great in their own ways so I highly recommend both to watch
The main characters both travel back in time to save someone or to prevent something. ya
Recommended by y3llowchicken
The plot is very sad and exciting, exactly like S; G, also the "return to the past" mechanics reappears present in -Steins; Gate
Recommended by DeltaLight
Both main protagonists have time traveling related abilities.
Recommended by salimnyumnyum
Both anime main charachters go the past about a day or two and having mental problems
Recommended by markonemasa
Both anime show the psychological affects of time travel on the protagonist.
Recommended by Never_say_Never
Similar subject
Recommended by Kartesat13
Both are about time traveling and life saving but one is simp other is
Recommended by Getthegtang1023
-both have the try over again and again kind of thing going on
-both feature proper waifu material
So basically a guy redoing scenarios and overcoming hurdles in order to achieve a desired future.
In both title, you'll see the main character go through some real deal. The support and other MC's are also a good complement to the story.
Both shows were animated by the same studio and it involves time travel in some kind of way.
Recommended by tartaruga_
Don't be fooled by its Harem setup! These 2 titles may both have male MCs that are surrounded by "waifu" characters but both of these tackle matters in a very serious manner. Both of these stories strike hard emotionally and go darker than you'd ever expect from a waifu-heavy Anime. Both also use a Time-Travel concept.
In Both anime the male MCs has to go in the past again and again(and suffer a lot{specially in Re:Zero}) to save their love however one is scientifically developed story and the other is fantasy, But still if you are looking for well developed time travel stories this is where you should definitely go.
Both Re:Zero and Steins;Gate were animated by the same studio, White Fox and both main protagonists have time traveling related abilities. Basically Steins;Gate but Isekai without Sci-fi. And here is a thing: a romantic relationship is slowly forming with the mc in both shows.
Recommended by KuroganeAkira1
Same psychological/mystery vibe to them. Both have some episodes which end with cliffhanger or plot twist.
Recommended by Tsugomi-sama
Both main characters have this time related ability that allows them to go back into the past, albeit Re: Zero is more magic and fantasy related and Steins;Gate being a sci-fi anime, they still have the same theme. Both of the MCs will stop at nothing even if it's to repeat the same events over and over to save the people they love. Not to mention, both are made by the same studio and have done an amazing anime adaptation on both animes.
If you want pain and suffering, and are a fan of Steins;Gate and other psycho-thriller animes, Re: Zero is the one for
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Recommended by dardardarner
Both do some really interesting things with time travel that both left me in awe and in tears!
1) Both male MCs can initiate time travelling(with the exception of some cases occurring
2) Both male MCs initiate time travelling to help their friends (all female)
3) Both TV shows have a female character which is very supportive of respective male MC
no matter which world lines they are in (although they both hate the respective male
MC at the beginning of both TV shows but end up loving them, which is a classic plot)
Recommended by justdoingmyJOB
- Butterfly effect
- mc suffering
- time travel
- slowly forming romantic relationship
- same studio
- dark elements
Recommended by SenpaiSchmeki
TIME TRAVEL is possible in both and only main characters can do it
Both mc have 2 cute girls O_O
Both Mc sees the person they love will die and gonna save them
Both mc have same personality
And you love both anime
- Both tackle the theme of the MC going back in time in order to save someone precious. In Steins Gate, it gets much more complex compared to Re:Zero Through, with the addition of world lines, time loops, and going forward in time. As in Re:Zero it's just about going back.
- A big difference between these two shows is the world settings. Steins Gate is more sci-fi-like. Meanwhile the world of Re:Zero is set in an Isekai Fantasy World.
- Both shows have wholesome and dark moments, really dark moments. To the point where you think there is no hope left for the main character. Until
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Both the anime has the main protagonist who has to suffer to protect his friends. They can repeat their actions and they can solve the mistake they have done.Both the anime belongs to thriller genre.
Recommended by Watcheramaze
it's like begin something from the bottom then fail and repeat or restart
Recommended by SakuraHimee
- time travel and time leap
- protagonist seeing close ones dying every time time they time travel
- protagonist have to do something different in each time loop to keep everyone safe.
Let’s do more screwing around with time travel! That’s pretty much what goes on in Steins;Gate, in which a bunch of psuedo-scientists stumble upon a device that allows them to communicate with the past and alter the flow of history.
But the goal of the cast here isn’t to prevent some major tragedy from occurring. Not at first, anyway. Eventually, all they’re trying to do is clean up their own mess, as their meddling brings all sorts of butterfly effect consequences to bear.
- Both are involved with time
- Both main protagonists are chads
- Both have big depression
- Both have those ight girls
One difference is that one is an isekai and the other is in today's world
so yeah
I would recommend it if you like the other
Re:Zero is the fantasy version of Steins;Gate. Both have very similar plots: the main character is able to time travel a short time into the past. Both also have very similar ways of storytelling as being animated by the same studio, while showing the true horrors of time travel and failure. If you liked Steins;Gate, you'll love Re:Zero.
Recommended by a_diplodon
If you liked the time travel aspect of Steins;Gate than you can watch Re:Zero to realize how overrated Re:Zero is cause the time travel aspect in Re:Zero sucked.
Recommended by VincentFarrar
The male protagonists in both Steins;Gate and Re:Zero have a similar goal. I won't say which goal because spoilers. They try to accomplish this goal through some sort of time travel. Steins;Gate elaborates a lot on the concepts of time, whereas in Re:Zero a more mysterious kind of power is involved to make time travel possible.
The protagonist suffers because of deahts, a lot of repeated deaths that can't be stopped.
The main characters in their stories each struggle to save those who are precious to them by going back to the past.
But the way they do it is very different.
For the main character in Re:Zero, he does so using the ability he calls "Return by dead". But the requirement to use this ability is very risky. Which is where he has to feel the pain first. Then he returned to the past. If he used his ability often, he could be mentally crushed from feeling the pain too often.
For the main character in Steins; Gate, he uses a machine which can send memories to the
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Both have an amazing story ,even if they wouldn't be kinda similar but
in both anime there is time travelling and the protagonist has to deal with death in the past timelines and they cant really tell the other people about their problems.
Similar time travel concept with the main character suffering through the same event over and over again for the people he cares about.
Both shows revolve around the main character suffering in similar ways. Both characters strive to achieve something through a bunch of suffering.
They have nearly similar story , where the protagonist travels back in time and try to change what is happenng in their world .
Both anime are amazing, especially rezero
Both anime mcs have some sort of power that lets them return to a certain point
Both anime have a mc that is pushed to their mental limit
Recommended by Eswitchmi1R
Time travel related - personally for both ReZero and Steins Gate, I had to check the episode number to see if I was watching the right episode and not rewatching the previous one. Both really enjoyed watching! Recommend checking the order of the Steins Gate sequels :)
The main character dies over and over again, each time resetting his life a few days, to try and save his friends.
Only similar to Steins; Gate in concept, the execution is very different.
Recommended by slimysteak
Adapted by the same studio, similar time-travel mechanism. Both the protagonists; Okabe and Subaru are stuck in a loop and face many obstacle from saving their loved ones. Using knowledge from previous loops. he is able to go further.
If you like re;zero, you will love steins gate. Both have similar slow beginnings and during the middle of the show they both throw an insane episode at you, changing the pace of the show to extremely fast paced. Re;zero has return by death, whereas Steins;Gate has actual time travel, both are extremely similar and I feel that the Re:zero anime was inspired by Steins;Gate.
Madness. Went back in time, rinse and repeat (Steins gate better though)
Steins;Gate and Re:Zero both have main characters that suffer and struggle just to save the people that they love.
Recommended by Wamen_Respecter
Deals with time travel and is also a great character drama whilst having a great story.
If you like the emotional drama of re;zero and how Subaru is going to use his time looping abilities to save his friends, you should watch steins gate as its entire plot is about the multiverse and time travel, the story is also great.
Both protagonist has a time traveling ability in some different shape or form.
Both are extremely emotional and character focused.
The attention to detail in both stories are insane.
Both have extensive amounts of drama.
Re:Zero holds a major element of Steins;Gate and the prime of it's plot, which is time travel( in a sense.) The main character Subaru is given a power upon entering this new life, which is the ability to recall to a previous point in time, but the catch is it only activates when he dies. Subaru's psychology fits so well similar to Okabe from Steins;Gate, showing a man breaking down trying to figure out the solution to save their friends and loved ones. Definitely a watch for those who love the psychological elements of Steins;Gate.
Recommended by NovaHoshiX
Both are great examples of the time-travel genre. They both have main characters who use time travel to try and change the future. The difference is that in Steins;Gate, the protagonist uses a scientific method, while in Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, he uses a magical method.
Time travel anime created by white fox. Both very good.
Recommended by RedBeansNotRice
Both anime have a time travel theme. In summary, the main characters try to protect their loved ones by going to the past and they never get tired of trying over and over again until they succeed. But the most important thing they have in common is that both anime have a breathtaking story.
main characters can use time travel type things choose steins;gate if you like realtistic sci-fi approach with bit of slice of life and romance , choose re:zero if you like isekai and vast world
my personal fav is steins;gate even though re:zero is pretty solid itself
i would recommend watching s;g first then re:zero
Recommended by Messsier618