Nana, Banana Fish Recommendations
Banana Fish and Nana are two of my favorite anime, so for starters, they both appeal to my set of values, whatever those may be exactly. Nana and Banana Fish both showcase the relationship (which starts of rocky for both) between two characters of the same gender, one having come from a happy, loving home and the other experiencing pain and abandonment throughout the entirety of their youths. Both of these pairs meet eachother due to the more innocent one's expected life plans not working out exactly as they wanted. As the shows progress, characters fade in and out of the shows and both pairs
do the same within the other's life. Around the endings of both(like ending arcs) both pairs find it hard to see their respective partners which only strengthens their bonds. Neither has a particularly happy ending, though that's all up to perspective. True happiness isn't exactly attainable and neither Nana or Banana Fish shy away from telling the viewer that. However, that doesn't mean they leave you feeling hopeless. At their ends', while reflecting on all that had been lost and all that's missed, you're left feeling grateful for the things you'll wind up taking with you and never letting go. The people in out lives won't stay constant, no matter how close, important, or how much you both may want to, but instead of getting caught up in it all and becoming stuck in one place, both shows portray this message of getting back onto your feet and moving forward through all the pain even if everything you've ever wanted is still there in the opposite direction. Things wouldn't be the same that way anyway. Growth is important to both shows. I really enjoy that the development in these series aren't just up. Characters develop in all over the place directions, sometimes even spiraling down into worse places they started. Development doesn't just mean improvement.
Both Banana Fish and Nana had something they wanted to share with me and after accepting those things, I can definitely say that I won't forget any of it.
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Both have moments of lgbt romance in it here and there and both feature lots of angsty pain and lots of sad emotional moments I'm certain many viewers could relate too and both feature two characters from polar opposite worlds, that grow quite close as time goes by.