If you liked
Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam
...then you might like
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V
Series branched from the original series in their respective franchise revolves around a young boy who leads a normal life later gets caught up in a conflict revolving a tyrannical regime featuring blue mono eyed mecha with racism joins a resistance led by a red schemed strong character with glasses whose goal is to stop their domination.
Yuya Sakaki-Kamille Bidan
Yuzu Hiragi-Fa Yuiry
Reiji Akaba-Quattro Bajeena and Shun Kurosaki
Shuinin Sora-Four Murasame
Dennis Macfield-Rosamia Badam
Antique Gear Chaos Giant-Blue Hizack
Both are dark and gets bleaker as casualties pile up.
Recommended by WingZeroRequiem