Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna, Kobato. Recommendations
You may think what the heck how are they alike? Well, the premise pretty much echos one another. They both include the uncommon theme of older girls with magical powers, and both main characters end up vowing to 'use Earth sympathy powers to save everyone' no matter how touching, preachy, or cheesy you may think that is. Your mileage may vary with both shows if the Earth sympathy type of awakening thing bugs the crap out of you or you get irritated anybody should even suggest that you should become more like I don't know...(the Amish, Saints, or Indians) or god forbid, that
you should turn nice instead of naughty. However, in my opinion, aside from the strong streak of non-conventionalism/pacifism/conservatism/environmentalism/etc (all of which is especially rampant in Earth Maiden Arjuna) generally, the whole point of each show is for the characters to channel Martin Luther King Jr. or any other famous activist and every other thing that has ever mattered in the history of ever possibly. What do I mean? Well, watching either Kobato. or Earth Maiden Arjuna is good for you in actuality. You see, watching something like Earth Maiden Arjuna will make you think more about environment, sharing, working hard, living in peace, and equality if you don't already think about it. And then something like Kobato. will simply coexist in harmony in your presence in order to make you feel like a badass singing lullabies to babies, singing to trees, and befriending Angels in your neighborhood. These are positive shows that are in essence good for your soul; so, therefore, I recommend both.
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