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Ergo Proxy
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READ---> Both take place in the post-apocalyptic time strain, both are about a grandiose journey in which many truths are uncovered. Both are about a civilization living in a life support dome, under severly strict governmental rule, and both have strong routes in human will and the need for freedom and the truth. There are many more small similarities that you will pick up as you whatch these as well. If you've seen one, you'll love the other. Trust me.
Both series feature a post apocalyptic setting where the remainder of society has been diverted to domed cities. The protagonists each set out on unique journeys outside the domes that lead them to uncover key points about the plot and world they live in. Although the domed cities boast strict government and rife technology it's widely desolate outside of them.
Ergo Proxy carries a heavier tone than Freedom, and is the more developed story of the two. Freedom is short and easier to follow, but has noticeably less depth. If you've seen one you will probably enjoy the other. Regardless, they present similarities.