If you liked
Witch Hunter Robin
...then you might like
Wolf's Rain
Wolf\'s Rain and Witch Hunter Robin are both excellent series in which the story is presented in a dark setting. Characters are both developed and added slowly as you progress through the series. Each contain extensive action scenes and awesome music to go along with it.
The general atmosphere in these animes are very similar. There are minimal cute/funny elements, the general color of the series is black. However, the complex plot with sudden twists and climax makes these series beautiful works of art. (If my memory did not fail me, Wolf\'s Rain\'s plot was not as complex as that of Witch Hunter Robin and Ergo Proxy.)
Both contain that dark atmosphere, they both aired right next to each other on [adult swim] back in 2004, they both have great soundtracks, both have supernatural elements.
Recommended by OneHungryHippo