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Azumanga Daiou The Animation
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Both series are about the everyday happenings a group of high school girls. They both follow their daily lives with anime humour thrown in.
Kind of obvious, really-- both are based on 4komas, deal with the daily life of a group of girls, COMEDY, et cetera.
Both are similar in that the main characters are all female, and similar personalities.
Both are slice of life comedies featuring a group of a high school girls and their random adventures throughout high school life.
Its both about the daily life from Schoolgirls whithout a big Storyline.
It\'s based on gags about School, games and Japanese Daily life.
Both series have similar plot lines and characters. Both are also "anything goes" when it comes to topics and are pretty episodic.
They both revolve around school, hanging out, eating and having fun.
Recommended by Aishiteruze
Both is about absolutely nothing and really cute. I like Lucky Star better though, I think it's way funnier.
Similar comedy style, its offbeat and centers around the lives of a group of high school girls.
Lucky Star's comedy is mostly being carried by Hirano Aya, and the rest of the gang play off her character. For Azumanga Daioh, everyone on the team works together with the others, so they function like a group, each is funny in her own way and they play off among on another. Lucky Star is basically talking about high school nothing, ala the Seinfeld Style. For Azumanga Daioh, there are very small arcs for the purpose of driving forward humor. Both 4koma-turned-anime shows about school with Azumanga Daioh being a little more slapstick and less Otaku humor driven.
Recommended by rayyhum777
Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star are comedies that rely on slice of life moments without a definite plot. Both follow a group of Highschool girls and the humour is derived from the interaction between the members of the cast, most of which display a zany behaviour. Azumanga Daioh's appeal might be wider while Lucky Star includes some otaku jokes that might be lost to many but both titles are likely to interest the same kind of public.
Both are utterly plotless relying solely on the personalities of each of the characters for the comedy. Lucky star is, in effect, Azumanga daioh in a brand new skin.
Both animes are about a group of normal (or not so normal) girls just trying to make their way through high school. These series have lots of running gags and clever one-liners that you'll come to remember them for. While Lucky Star is more for the otakus since it contains lots of references to other anime and Japanese culture, both contain characters you will fall in love with and will make you look at school and life in general in a humorous type of way.
Slapstick, crazy, weird comedy. Many references to Japanese culture, high school girls, etc.
If you like slice of life anime like Azumanga Daioh but want a more wacky show watch Lucky Star.
Well, they have a similar feel to it and they're both slice of life and comedy anime. The difference though is that Lucky Star has references to several anime and to the Japanese culture. But other than that, both shows are pretty similar in following the lives of a group of high school girls.
Both these shows revolve around a group of high school girls, their experience of high school and their personal lives. But in contrast to Lucky Star's brightly colored animations azumanga's animation is more dull to put focus on the fact that it wants you to pay more attention to the jokes and the physical comedy.
Both are completely random comedies set in high school, and neither of them really have all that much of a plot. The main difference is really just that Lucky Star uses a lot of references to other shows in almost every single episode, so Azumanga might be a lot easier to "get" for people who haven't seen that many anime-series before.
Recommended by Lord_Starfish
Both have a fairly small cast of interesting characters taking part in very everyday events, and both are extremely satisfying.
Both have a awesome set of girls as the main leads. They follow the "Slice of life" genere with their fancy twists and turns. Major comedy in them as well. If you are a all around fan of anime, these series have lots of puns and whatnot. You can't go wrong with this.
Recommended by Koji_Makenshi
It´s the same type of light humor. The series shows the life of a group of female high school friends and individual moments of them which are very funny. Also their teacher is a women maybe in her late 20's who lives alone, is aloof , single, and crazy.
Recommended by animenewbie
They both star high school girl and talks about their everyday lives and you get to learn more abotu Japanese culture!
Recommended by ChibiMilly
Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh are both lovable for the same reason: the beauty of nothing really happening. Both simply follow the lives of a small group of lovable characters in their daily lives, with tons of comedic material thrown in. Nothing super natural, no magic or space fights, nobody jumping into the air 50 feet at exactly the same time and hight as a long time rival only to kick each other's legs several times and fall...
In both these anime they have a school girl life with tons of friends and laughters, so if you like one of there. You should watch the other!=3
It is like - looking through a reflection of itself. LUCKY STAR IS AZUMANGA DAIOH!!! Only focused on one year of H.S., not 3...
Recommended by Denmi-Sama
It is also based on high school life. The charaters are almost the same way, but Lucky Star has Konata. She is an anime lover, a gamer, and the best cramer you'll ever meet! Kagami is kinda like Yomi. Always telling Konata to do her homework. And seems to always make her point. Tsukasa is like Osaka! Only Osaka is funnier, and Tsukasa is Stupider. Then brains with the biggest breats, Myuki! Overall i have to say Lucky Star is one of the funniest animes out there. Hope you watch and enjoy!
If you liked the everyday life of a bunch of pretty cute high school girls, sometimes facing really odd and funny scenes, then you must see Lucky Star.
Both animes have certain quirkyness to them there both random and cute. They make you smile and laugh sometimes non stop.Well for me that is.
It is just more slice-of-life really. But still, don't take this as more of the same. Azumanga Daioh has more of your "everyday people", leaving out otakus and a lot of cultural and anime references. It is also the closest you'll get to the "real-life" of japanese high-scholers.
They are both about a group of high school girls going through comedic scenario's. They both have small comedic acts with the teachers, too.
Both are insanibly cute , with humour and are sunny and are about everyday life of school girls
both are masterpieces and a must see
The characters in both series are very memorable. The environment in both series is pretty similar, without a flashy "I gotta save the world" storyline, but focusing on what friendship in high school is like, and little details that we experience everyday. If you are already out of high school, it is a plus!
both feature very little plot, both focus on a group of high school girls, both REALLY random, and both VERY FUNNY.
Recommended by Chotgoriin
Both of these are very hilarious comedies that revolve around typical groups of friends and the things they do in and out of school.
Well if you don't count the fact that both are about the daily lives of regular (but very eccentric) High School Japanese friends and the wacky adventures they apparently follow out of nothing to start with I don't really find much >.>
Recommended by asjgfhapwh
Just the day in the life of a school girl, no involvement of the male sex, so there is no room for silly romances but a lot of comedy. It brings about several characteristics that one may find to be similar in both series. The intelligent, the brave, the quiet or cool...etc. Both are hilarious and down right cute sometimes. If you like one, you'll definitely like the other.
Recommended by kurisutaru
ok...lets try this again. if you love lucky star, you will love azumanga daioh. they are both delightfully spontanious, about high school girls, and are a slice of life anime. i personaly love them both, and i even can match the characters to each other.
Recommended by uberpwnage78
In a simple sense, both deals with highschool life, simplicity, and randomness. Only that Lucky star is livelier than Azumanga Daioh.
Both are slice of life genre, No real plot as expected but more of a collage of just random events and awesome moments which a bunch of girls get up to. School style setting, both are really similar but different at the same time in terms of humour. If you enjoy Azumanga Daioh i expect that you'll enjoy Lucky Star.
Recommended by verylostpotato
Both are slice-of-life comedies set around the lives of a group of highschool girls. Both are episodic, and both are nonsensical at times.
Recommended by hammerfallruelz
If you just want to relax and chill out with some light jokes this is the anime for you! Both were originally 4 panel manga, therefore they are very similar in how the story progresses throughout the anime.
Recommended by Relightdeleif
Azumanga Daioh like Lucky Star originated from 4-panel manga. Like Lucky Star Azumanga Daioh focuses around a school life genre, but is a more comical and has a larger character selection.
Recommended by KnightessKana
Both not really storyline based, just day to day activities of a group of girls, and the funny moments.
Both I find very relaxing to watch as well as hilarious.
they talk about so many random things!!! if your into Azumanga Daioh..then you really got to watch Lucky Star!!
Recommended by juanitalfa
Both are comedys focusing on the everyday lives of a group of normal school girls. Both have no real plot and are just simple, funny and real fun to watch.
Recommended by OdysseusUlysses
A group of high-school girls and segments of their everyday lives. Features rapid-fire comedic sketches and doesn't have much plot, other than the graduation ceremony that both have.
Both are stories of girls in school, in which each of the characters has a unique personality and fun.
Funny situations in the classroom, school trips and trips with friends, are what characterize these girls. In addition to teachers a little "different" (not to say bizarre), but very funny.
Recommended by Koshka_hime
A classic Anime, in the genre of slice of life. This anime has spawned tons of memes.
If you have not seen this, it is definitely worth a look.
Both are Slice of Life. They are about the lives of girls in high school, each with their own peculiarities.
Again, centers on the daily life of school girls with some comedy elements. Lucky Star is somehow more down to earth with less weird and irrational twists. Even so, the warm, relaxed and cozy atmosphere that the watcher gets while watching the two animes are quite similar
This is even closer to Azumanga Daioh than Nichijou was. Lucky Star has the same concept, girls, hanging out, asking the others abot how they do things and blablabla.
Recommended by powerpuffz
Both are about girls attending high school. Neither have much of a huge plot. Just high school girls doing their thing. They both share their cute and funny moments and have silly, quirky characters.
Recommended by AngelKitty
Similar humor, Second plan doesn't exist, strange draw style.
Both series have topics about little things.
They're both funny, Slice of Life type anime that focus on girls in high school doing what you'd expect. Personally I think Lucky Star is a little harder to get it to due to it's starting point, and it doesn't have as much charm as Azumanga, but this isn't too much of a bother seeing as everything done right is done really well. Lucky Star's main character is an Otaku, which adds whole new comedy to the table as well as adding in reference to hard core anime fans. If you like Azumanga Daioh, i'm pretty sure you'll like this, so why not give it
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Recommended by RadiShineAmigo
Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh are very similar as they both focus on school, trips, and character personality. They both are so similar.
Recommended by Wolf_fangz
Life of high school girls hanging out and making the best of their years before college. You will totally be like, "I know, right?" :3
Recommended by iamfangirlXD
Both are mostly plotless funny slice of life animes about high school girls.
Both of these anime are of the "slice-of-life" style. They follow a group of girls and their daily life through school. I would recommend both of these to people who like a laid back anime that has good humor.
Recommended by scarletjam
Both stories are comedic(which could make you laugh very episode) and is a splice of life genre. the protagonist in both series are pretty much the same, has their unique way to deal with their own "life" problems(of some sorts) in a funny way(yep, funny and interesting way).Most the setting surrounds school(yes, school life) and around the city.
Recommended by Haruchhiii
Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star both focus on the every day life of a group of high school girls with quirky personalities. The somewhat random situations and conversations end up to be comical most of the time.
Recommended by Hakase-dono
This story tells about slice of life of female school students.. Like Azumanga Daioh, the story was rule by female and there was no male actors.. These two story play the normal funny life of students..
Girls going to school and do nonsense which end up being hilarious.
Recommended by WhatAGoodShow
Lucky Star is much more oriented toward otaku humor and references, but both are slice of life high school comedies in the same vein. Plus, Lucky Star has a cute and vibrant art style.
Slice of life anime filled with the bizarre and iconic comedy style of 2000's-era gag anime. The main characters are all female, and they have friendship groups with some smart ones and some knuckle-heads. The school setting is a big part of them, and the respective anime take place from entrance to graduation.
Honestly? Kind of the same thing, just different characters. Personally, I'd say they're both worth a watch, but if you didn't enjoy Azumanga, you're unlikely to enjoy Lucky Star. Personally, I've been into this kind of anime lately, don't really have much time for more "serious" stuff at the moment, but personal stuff aside, I recommend you in the very least TRY one or the other out, as they're pretty much classics, and I'd wager a good 70% of people would enjoy them to some degree.
Recommended by WhatNameToUseIdk
both very similar in characters and comedy
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