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Juubee Ninpuuchou
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Both of these anime show brutal deaths and unnaturally skilled samurai.....
It took me a while to make the connection because I watched these two animes roughly 10 years apart from each other, but on second thought the only difference between the two is Shigurui is more drawn out (being a TV series) than Ninja Scroll, and it's samurai based action vs. ninjas.
Both animes feature plenty of action, political background development, dark tones, gruesome deaths, and gratuitous sex scenes sprinkled throughout.
They both have a similar style and are also twisted, perverted, bloody, and gory.
Although "Shigurui" does not have people with supernatural abilities, these two have a lot in common. The first thing you would notice they share is that they both involve samurai. They are set in approximately same historic period (sorry if this is a mistake) where strength and honor are respected above all other things. There is not much dialogue and are no jokes or comic situations. But there is a lot of blood, occasional scenes with mild nudity and a lot of brutal deaths.