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Casshern Sins
Both shows feature a lonely protagonist wandering dystopian wastelands and deserts. Vash the Stampede and Casshern both have incredible powers, are thus victorious in many battles and seem to be invincible. While there's a large bounty on Vash's head, the inhabitants of Casshern's world believe that killing Casshern would bring them eternal life, so they are both hunted and attacked wherever they go.
Recommended by MikeOnHighway61
Both deal heavily with the moral weight of wrong actions and the psychologies of the characters who bear the guilt of these actions. The main characters are similar in that, although both of them have sinned grievously, they both desire to atone for their sin and place a great deal of importance on protecting others whom they care about. A dark atmosphere pervades throughout most of both shows.
Recommended by TheSubtleDoctor
A barren wasteland of a setting and a main character villainized by society, his memories of the how and why of those two things being connected long lost. Trigun has a lot more levity than Casshern Sins (which, to be fair, has next to 0), but it still has an underlying melancholy and sense of loss. Casshern Sins is rather depressing, but has moments of light and hope. Thought Trigun was too silly? Watch Casshern. Thought Casshern was too dark? Watch Trigun.
Recommended by Tsukemono-san
- Protagonists with mysterious backstories that gradually unravel
- Main characters who have reputations for being very powerful/skilled with mixed feelings from the rumored people themselves
- Take place in sci-fi worlds that have an empty/lonely feeling to them (Trigun has a futuristic wild west-esque setting while Casshern Sins is outright apocalyptic)
- Tense action scenes
- Although Vash (and Trigun in general) has a more upbeat and humorous tone, they both have great serious and emotional moments
Both shows are narrated by beautiful poetry.
The leads are pacifists by nature and don't believe in wanton destruction.
Both leads have a bounty over their heads and are renowned for a massive act of violence that heavily impacted the world.
Recommended by _Poochyena_
Both shows features protagonists, facing the whole world by themselves, be it morally and philosophically. Both shows has this feeling that they're journeys to a final destination, but the destination itself is not the relevant, the characters they met and their interactions with them are main focus.
Similar format. The show is largely episodic but has a main story that develops over time. In addition, they both have top-notch animation, sound design, editing etc. Doesn't have the "feel" of most conventional, commercial anime.
Recommended by INeedAnAlias
Both shows take place over a desert landscape. Main characters have dark pasts and hidden powers.
Both are about unstoppable, non-human badasses that wander through apocalyptic worlds which are created as a result of their own actions while also being pursued by characters that wish to gain something from their capture/death. Both series also focus on the value of life and how purpose can be derived from hardship.