Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Shingeki no Kyojin Recommendations

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Revenge, Suffering, Agony and Redemption... Shingeki no Kyojin has a feeling of FMA Brotherhood in which a kid who lived a peaceful life gets thrown into a dark grim life full of tragedy and agony due to losing someone important to them. However, both main characters refused to move on and dedicated their lives for revenge and redemption. If you enjoy a full packed action dramatic plot you'll love both of these series.
report Recommended by CEMPUNK
There's a reason they have both become such a hit. Because they were brilliantly epic! If you intend to make your tv show life worthwhile, watch this show next. Strong plot, strong character, strong music. All in one made a show the best.
report Recommended by chanz
The loss of mothers plays a significant roll in shaping the characteristics of the protagonists of these two shows. The main characters are enrolled in some kind of military because of personal reasons and are fighting against supernatural enemies. The setting is an alternative steampunk-ish world with the similar use of tools and weapons. Both are considered shounen anime but tend to look like a seinen because they feature above-average violent situations and epic fights but also deep conversations and some philosophy about the human mentality. The animation is not really that similar but the coloring is, using earthy and dusty color almost always.
report Recommended by Skyclad-Observer
FMA brotherhood is my favorite tv anime, but shingeki kyojin has the potential to top that which i thought was impossible. Both protagonists have an incredibly tragic beginning which opens up into an amazing story that is based off of this tragic event. warning fma brotherhood leans more on the shounen side, while shingeki no kyojin has a lot of gore and a a good amount of "what the fuck moments". 見てください!このアニメわすげい楽しいですから見て!
report Recommended by StreetSmartz
- Kids used to live in a peacefull city - The main characters are siblings + childhood friend - The 'trigger' is the death of the mother (and wow, they look similiar and they even have the same Voice Actor) - Even though the father is alive, he seems to be absent in the beginning. Both dads have a similar appearance and they seem to be involved in the 'mystery' (titans/alchemy) - There's a focus on military - Almost the same amount of blood/violence/gore - There are also some strong female characters, without fanservice - Both live in a westernized world
report Recommended by Lypse
Well, there's certainly a similar vibe in terms of family loss based on the two main characters of the series. In fact, Eren & Mikasa from SnK/Edward & Alphonse from FMA: Brotherhood lost family members after tragedies. These left emotional scars in themselves and made a strong impact throughout their lives. However, they are able to stay alive and take back what's theirs through determination and instinct. There is a focus of military in both series although for very different reasons. The main characters gets involved directly with the military for their own reasons as well. Throughout the series, their skills increase as they fight for   read more
report Recommended by Stark700
Similar setting: military, young adults/children in war, political conspiracy, man vs fate/god Feature a trio of three young protagonists (Ed/Al/Winry, Eren/Armin/Mikasa) Similar themes: loss of family, revenge, facism, imperialism, genocide
report Recommended by kirakiradeths
Now plot-wise these two share little similarities other than the fact that each anime's main protagonist is a younger male who loses his mother in the beginning of the story. The reason for my recommendation is the incredible quality these two (mature) anime share. Both have incredible stories, with numerous plot twists. Both are very action-heavy and don't hold back any punches with gore and mature themes. If you enjoy one of these, then I'm certain you will enjoy the other.
report Recommended by TurtleHermit
*Also similar to the 2003, but Brotherhood was better* There's a thing that makes the main character different from the rest, a special power of some sort. Their parents play a key role in the plot, and both the daddies are mysterious fellows. The stories themselves are amazing, and also pretty dark and gory. To top it off, the soundtracks for both are phenomenal.
report Recommended by FirstFamiliar
The main characters are both thrust into the epic battles after losing their mothers. The enemies on both series tend of get their body parts blown off a lot, but they just regenerate themselves. The orchestrated soundtracks are really good and fitting for the situations they're used in, and battles tend to span multiple episodes.
report Recommended by 1231415333
Both feature Teen's boy with terrible home-live, fighting to protect humanity, alone with their sibling and Blonde sidekick. Have very engaging stories, with actual character development and plot-twist a plenty. Both are very famous in the Anime Community, so you really should watch both
report Recommended by Janeeyre
- Eren and Ed both lose their mother and this changes their lives for ever. - Both mothers happen to be voiced by Yoshino Takamori. Coincidence? I think not. - Similar amount of gore - Stories that never fail to leave you guessing - Easily breaking all 'typical' shounen story cliches - Lots of thought provoking underlying messages - NO blatant fanservice and weak female 'damsel in distress' characters - LOTS of badassery - High quality animation, AMAZING OSTs and faithful-to-the-manga adaptions - Historical settings The two anime have similar underlying themes but are different in terms of actual plot so it's easy to compare them without feeling like one is ripped off from the   read more
report Recommended by sodiumfluoride
While both series are basically not comparable to anything else ever created i think they have similarities in the realism of characters in there reactions to situations.
report Recommended by hypernova_00
Both series involve main characters who face through extremely difficult situations from loss, revenge, sadness, pain, and suffering. Edward Elric and Eren Jaeger have a strong drive that motivates them to achieve their goals as Edward wants to recover his body back from committing a taboo while Eren wants to not only adventure outside the walls, but also wants to kill all Titans. They also want to protect their friends no matter what the cost is. There are many plot twists and many moments within both series where you don't know what the outcome will be. They have a lot of suspense and have very intriguing   read more
report Recommended by Zeal_Seal
Both protagonists from Shingeki no Kyojin and FMA:B (Eren and Edward repectively) have lost their mothers and both their fathers are missing. Both protagonists are arguably of European descent and live in a westernized world. They are both determined to make things right in a cruel world but they quickly realize the dream they are chasing concerns not only themselves and the people the hold dear but the rest of the world too. All the while, they try to figure out the enigma that is the world they live in and reconcile themselves with the cruelty of such a world and a sense of helplessness   read more
report Recommended by thekillinglights
Both main characters have a goal to pursue. Both animes are full of light-hearted, dark and serious moments and both have plot twists which will leave you speechless.
report Recommended by BenTingz
Let me start off with how both anime are complete masterpieces. You will notice some anime have good stories but aren't well told. These, however, are on godly levels. The most enjoyable anime are the intense ones, and fullmetal alchemist delivers. I wasn't kidding when I said that it is on a godly level. Not like in dbz where goku surpassed god in the first series, but to the point where the main villian in the show must sacrifice the entire world to gain the literal earth-shattering power to kill the god people admire so much. And only then will he unlock the true secrets of   read more
report Recommended by Fatherdom02
- The main character's mother death is the key that makes the main characters start an adventure. - Both are about military and corruption. - There are unexpected villains
report Recommended by enxe
-Both feature a fantasy world with types of magic that manage to feel somewhat grounded in our reality due to the lengths taken to make the world's people and architecture believable -Both protagonists are hot-headed and out for revenge -Both prominently feature a corrupt governement -Both see the main group of characters as part of the military, and both revolt against the military at some point
report Recommended by thelectricow
- The father is gone and is a cruacial factor in the mystery. - The mother is dead as of the beginning of the story and is crucial for the enactment of the plot. - Siblings/best friends/cousins trio with two boys and one girl. - Epic female characters without fanservice. - Shingeki no Kyojin is more mature, whereas Brotherhood has plenty of (badly placed) humour. - The grand-scheme of things, the "who the bad guys are" aspect. - Both stories are set outside of Japan. - Military aspects - Main difference is that Shingeki no Kyojin is heavily muffled on its shonen aspects. It's more seinen than shonen, while Fullmetal Alchemist is Shonen all   read more
report Recommended by Gandeloft
Both are about a main character that lived a normal life but one day their life turns dark and grim, full of tragedy and agony due to losing someone close to them, both main characters refuse to move on from their past which makes them want redemption and revenge
report Recommended by Arquarion
Revenge, Suffering, Agony and Redemption... Shingeki no Kyojin has a feeling of FMA Brotherhood in which a kid who lived a peaceful life gets thrown into a dark grim life full of tragedy and agony due to losing someone important to them. However, both main characters refused to move on and dedicated their lives for revenge and redemption. If you enjoy a full packed action dramatic plot you'll love both of these series.
report Recommended by IMxArmy
These anime series share the same formula, you can see other recommendations where people already mentioned those similarities. FMA has a little more light and funny tone with cheesy jokes and funny characters, while AoT is much more brutal and gives a lot of sad and dramatic moments, giving a taste of despair. Despite those differences they are very similar and the plot is quite intriguing. I enjoyed both, FMA is my favorite and AoT is the second favorite, but it may change when the story of AoT will be finished.
report Recommended by DPM-JaMaN
Similar settings: vaguely fantastic medieval Europe in the throes of unstable governance.
report Recommended by -j--
Fullmetal Alchemist (FA) has super humans or homunculus that preys on humans. Shingeki no Kyojin has Titans doing the same thing. Both anime is about the survival of human against a stronger species. Both are packed with action. Both anime have protagonists aging about 15-16 years old. Both have characters having European names. Both anime belong to the Military genre.
report Recommended by ShikiSajiTomoya
A lot of fans have drawn similarities between the plot and the characters - Edward and Eren have very similar goals, character arcs, and backstories. The plot is also very similar - tragic childhood (Eren's mother was devoured by a Titan before his father went missing, and Edward's mother died due to an epidemic after his father went AWOL - he and Alphonse later attempted the sin of human transmutation in an attempt to resurrect her), etc. Both have a ton of action, feels, and great characters. Just watch out for the fandoms.
report Recommended by fullmetalassbutt
Both series are set up in a world of moderate (but not modern) technological development, sketchy governments, messed up abilities (idk if alchemy or titans are worse lol), and horror. Both possess psychological and action oriented plot events. Attack on Titan is like the more mature (seinen) thematic counterpart to Fullmetal.
report Recommended by cam609lee
Two legendary animes you must watch before you die Similarities: The loss of mothers plays a significant roll in shaping the characteristics of the protagonists of these two shows. The main characters are siblings + childhood friend Almost the same amount of blood/violence/gore There are also some strong female characters, without fan service
report Recommended by Ken-Kun
Revenge, Suffering, Agony and Redemption... Shingeki no Kyojin has a feeling of FMA Brotherhood in which a kid who lived a peaceful life gets thrown into a dark grim life full of tragedy and agony due to losing someone important to them. However, both main characters refused to move on and dedicated their lives for revenge and redemption. If you enjoy a full packed action dramatic plot you'll love both of these series.Good Luck;')
report Recommended by SoraTheSky808568
Since Shingeki no Kyojin writer, Isayama Hajime announced that SNK anime and manga both end at the same time, I can only think of one anime that is as same as it, Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood. Spoilers: They share many similarities. Characters, e.g. Edward = Eren Alphonse = Armin Winry = Mikasa Grisha = Van Hohenheim Carla = Trisha Roy Mustang = Levi They have some great fighting scenes and background music. It makes me enjoy. Most importantly, they are both great shows not because of popularity but quality. They show some significant issues like equivalent exchange and freedom. Therefore, I would like to recommend these two of the all-time great shows.
report Recommended by thunderdoraemon
Both of them are the greatest anime duos. If u are an anime fan u need to watch these. They are both masterpiece. Each character has a different and well written story and everyone is a very intersting character. U will love modt of the characters in these animes . Now talking about the hype moments i have never seen so many plot twists in an anime and ever plot twist will leave your jaws open . The story is written by a god ( Believe me u will think like this too ) . Just watch this anime and I can't say much   read more
report Recommended by Kanami_69
Both centered in war,especially the country is related to germany,and sometimes deppressing,if fmab has duo ed and al,you have trio eren,mikasa,armin
report Recommended by butterflyeffectt
Attack on Titan is known for its tightly woven plot and standout story, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the only show I've seen that not only meets the high quality of AOT, but surpasses it. If your favorite parts of Attack on Titan were its cast of characters, the mystery presented, and the many layers of the story, then Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the best show to watch to get more of this!
report Recommended by maykennay
Darker tones in the story but with very similar Main characters. Attack on titan, like Fullmetal is a masterpiece and truly a great anime to watch if you enjoyed Brotherhood! Attack on titan has great music, openings, and amazing story.
report Recommended by Mega0
similarities: - plot based so no filler - very cool and complex worldbuilding - both based on european cultures - a lot of interesting, diverse and complex characters - girbloss female characters differences - (FMAB) despite complex and emotional themes, the tone is an emotional rollercoaster and contains a lot of feel good and comedic moments as well as a lot of emotional moments - (FMAB) the character designs are more diverse and I enjoyed this anime more in terms terms of its visuals
report Recommended by im_yeli
Artificial super humans trying to destroy mankind. Lots of military and political elements
report Recommended by Mine_Max711
Both have similar supernatural powers and follow a main character who leads others and changes greatly throughout the story through facing problems of life and death. Both are also very well produced and the mangas they were adapted from are some of the best-rated of all time. Attack on Titan has enemies as titans and Marley, and Fullmetal has the enemies as the Homunculus and the father. Both are very well thought-out and are very dangerous, requiring both Eren Yeagar and Edward Elric to overcome huge problems throughout both of their shows.
report Recommended by soxterna
I think overall FMAB is the better show, but AOT is really the only show that I can compare it to. Both have some of the best characters and world building in all of fiction, if you like one of these shows, I would bet a lot of money that you would like the other.
report Recommended by slimysteak
This is similar to Fullemetal alchemist due to the fact that both are centered around a teenage boy looking to avenge someone they love ( eren's mother, Ed's brother and mother). They both are very exiting and have amazing plots with suspense. Both are very emotional and have amazing and badass characters. ( levi, erwin, mustang, wrath) I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoyed fullmetal alchemist, it is my second favorite anime of all time.
report Recommended by Linkx7762
Both shows start with typical shonen introduction, but it goes into more intense and nasty (in a satisfying way) as the deeper layer of the plot got uncovered. The twist and complexity makes both series a really good binge-watch material, as the wait to the next episode is quite frustrating.
report Recommended by deesintegrashun
Both are long running storydriven shonen series that tackle mature themes.
report Recommended by Yannisp101
both feature amazing fight scenes and heavily focuses on corruption within the military along with fantasy aspects
report Recommended by _morgancarr
Everyone has a goal in life. What are you left with when your mother is dead and your father has disappeared? All you have left is to fight. What are you left with when your homeland is invaded? All you have left is to fight. What are you left with when you know that the fate of the entire world rests on your shoulders? All you have left is to fight. The Elric brothers and the golden trio from Shiganshina have poor lives from the very first episodes, but they are fighting for freedom and a better world. And nothing will stand in their way, right?
report Recommended by jeremynightcore
They're both set in a war era, military themed, both got MC who's parents left them too early. Except Fmab is more light hearted than AOT.
report Recommended by TwigzLIVE
Both are shonen and have a Steampunk setting they have heavy and shocking plot twists and amazing worldbuilding
report Recommended by Ronin_4011
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