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Both anime have great stories and artwork. But the best part about it is the way the stories are told. Both anime have kinda the same level of comedy and are both amazing watches. It wasn't until recently that I found out that the author was the same person but I would make the recommendation regardless.
Katanagatari reminds you of Bakemonogatari in many ways, it has the same use of camera angles and the hectic dialogs. And offers pretty much the same characters in a different setting (Boy meets Girl). Both shows are also based on light novels written by the same author, Nisio Isin.
Plenty of dialog and witty jokes and remarks here and there. Level of humor used in both shows are quite similar, including the casual use of some innuendo to brighten the mood. Artwork and visuals are superb in both.
Both are from the same author and as expected, characters are developed nicely with a quirky sense of humour. Both are animes featuring surrealist drawing style, little actual plot, curious characters, and random discussions about life the universe and everyting.
Both are adaptations of light novels written by Isin Nisio, and both are extremely heavy on dialogue. The style of humour employed in both Bakemono and Katana is very similar, so if you like one you're sure to enjoy the other. Also, though Bakemonogatari and Katanagatari seem like the typical harem and shonen series,both quickly break the confines of their respective genres.
To begin with, both animes are great and of high quality. They were both also made by Nisio isin. They both have a lot of similar core features, such as, romance and humor, while also being able to offer up a serious yet basic plot. They are both episodic while katanagatari is longer at 50 minute episodes. I highly recommend watching one if you have seen the other!
Both series has a similar animation style that incorporates the usage of heavy dialogue usage by the main characters. The light novels are also written by the same author (Nisio Isin) hence reflects upon a similar style of story telling.
Both series' humor is presented very well and considered entertaining and amusing with the dialogue, action, drama, and interactions between the main protagonists with other characters.
Both series features some supernatural themes and later on some romance.
Written by the same author. Each show is filled with entertaining dialogue and character interactions are a central focus.
Both from same author, both have great art and story with good amount of comedy and action mixed and both have great characters.
Watch these if you like anime which consist of mainly comedic conversations in between key events. I enjoyed both of these anime because they were almost like reading books but with action sequences here-and-there. Also, both have very unique art styles, so even if you don't like long, funny dialogues, it's worth the experience.
Recommended by Murdaj_Steve
Both are very good anime.
Both are the work of Nisio Isin.
Both are very heavy on dialogue. (Although there is a bit more action in Katanagatari)
Lastly, they have -gatari at the end
Recommended by Cosmicblaze454
Both have atypical arts are based upon short stories. In both case the narration or the writing of the story are quite similar since they are relying a lot on banter.
Katanagatari is a bit more accessible because it contains more action scenes and a bit less dialogues.
Recommended by Illyasviel
If you like the incredibly dialogue heavy narrative that the monogatari series has, Katanagatari offers a similar narrative with each episode feeling well fleshed out and juicy. Also same author, so great characters.
Main reason why these shows are similar comes from the fact that source materials for them were written by same author. This means you can expect a lot of dialogues with action from time to time.
Recommended by opasnimiki
Both animes have the same author, they have the same person for artwork and the setting is similar in both anime boy met with a girl then they are doing differend kind of things.
Recommended by iwsifakismag
Both written by the same person. The story in Katanagatari and Bakemonogatari are dialogue drive, meaning there are many words to be said and not much else. Both boast great, unique art styles, and if you like one, you will surely like the other.
Recommended by doublegambler
Both are written by Nishio Ishin and as a result have
-exceptionally strong dialogue
-interesting characters
Both are animated by shaft and thus
-Have their signature direction style
-is secretly quite dark (though not so secretly in Katangatari)
-make effective uer of fan service without making it the primary function of the anime
Awesome dialoges by Nisio Isin await you. If you loved either of anime mentioned, you'll definitely like the other one. The series even have similar names.
Both anime are mainly driven by their dialogues and chemistry between characters, as they´re both originally written by Nisio Isin. Their artstyles are similar and are creatively used throughout their story.
Recommended by AnimeXHunter
For starters both are adaptations of novels by NisioIsin and hence share a similar structure of story and sense of character and humour. Both anime have a large focus on the style of storytelling and tend to spend most of their time on the dialogue between the characters. The humour of both tends to be directed by the sheer bluntness of the characters; as they act odd or indifferent to common or usual situations.
As I see the Monogatari Series as a hit or miss for most people, I would like to add that while Katanagatari has many similarities to the Monogatari series in terms of
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Both anime are astounding in the same way, heavy but interesting dialogue, a long long time spent on character emotions and development and when a fight finally rolls around it feels very satisfying. All and all both are amazing and come from the same author.
Also the "-tari" at the end of the name.
Katanagatari reminds you of Bakemonogatari in many ways, both have a heavy dialogues and the same style of humour, also they are from the same creator ''Nisio Isin''
Same creator. Both shows have romance and filled with copious amounts of dialogue.
If you like the philosophy and style of nisioisin you will love katanagatari as you loved bakemonogatari
Both shows are filled with dialogue and have stories based mostly on 'telling' rather than 'showing'. They both have very interesting and diverse imagery while also providing an experience closer to reading a book rather than watching an anime. They both share themes of romance while providing greatly animated action scenes as well
Recommended by LandSwimmer
Same author, good story as well
Recommended by antiman7438
Both are based on works by Nisio Isin but differ a lot in subject matter.
Both have incredible dialogue, interesting, multilayered characters and very distinctive artworks.
The dialogue can be a lot to take in for both but if you can keep up, you're in for a hell of a ride.
Dialogue-heavy animes with a great story and great art. You will have a great time racking your brains about what just happened after watching. If you like that sort of stuff.
Recommended by CoolIcedTea