Bakemonogatari, Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Recommendations

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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Bunny Girl is basically a less verbose version of Bakemonogatari, complete with the anthology setup of the main guy, who comes off as a sarcastic prick but is secretly super nice, helps the waifu of the week come to terms with her social anxieties and hangups that supernaturally manifest in very literal ways. The snappy dialogue and instant chemistry between the leads makes both shows a very fun watch, but Bunny Girl is much more accessible.
report Recommended by Keirik
Main guy is just your normal guy trying to help a bunch of girls with their issues. Their issues have realistic causes, but supernatural symptoms. There is also an obvious romance in both. Bunny Girl doesn't have all the word-play and quirky Shaft animation.
report Recommended by pandoreye
- Girls afflicted by supernatural/spiritual phenomena - Main guy helps the girls - Predominantly female characters - Main guys both a little bit pervy/cheeky - Main girls in each are very tsundere Overall similar shows but both unique and if you watch one it doesnt feel like you're watching a rip off if you watch the other
report Recommended by venusinfleursx
If you enjoyed Bunny Girl Senpai, then you will enjoy it's original inspiration. Bakemonogatari is more dialogue driven in the best way possible (being much more complex and witty as well as thought provoking). In addition, the art style is one of a kind - I've yet to watch an anime as visually interesting in the particular way that Bakemonogatari (as well as the entire Monogatari series adapted from the many light novels) perfectly executes. Not only is this the most involved anime I've had the pleasure of watching, but it entraps my full and constant attention with thoroughly fleshed-out characters, clever humor, and entertaining plots.   read more
report Recommended by dankhomegrown
Despite it's title, it's a more innocent, more drama and less action playoff of the Bakemonogatari idea, and the Clannad idea (not After Story). Before talking about the similarities, these are both absolutely touching shows and deserve your attention even if you've seen the other. They both have a fresh take on things. A seemingly typical guy, who keeps his distance from others, notices a girl keeping her distance from others. Why are they keeping their distance? Because they each have a secret. Our main man, Sakuta has been dealing with his issues for years, and finds a girl who is in desperate need of   read more
report Recommended by Corruptbomber
Bunny Girl Senpai is to Bakemonogatari what cold pizza is to pizza. While being a lot less verbose it explores the same kind of narative.
report Recommended by Mike98
Solving girls' psychological problems with physical manifestations and building a harem of waifus along the way
report Recommended by marmieux
Same vibes, oddities/puberty syndrome, harem, tsundere girlfriend...
report Recommended by Nour_Che
- Sakurajima Mai is like when you order Senjougahara Hitagi from Wish.
report Recommended by Holo_or_Horo
"Aobuta" shares many similarities with the Monogatari Series. The story is about a high school boy meeting different girls with supernatural phenomenon and helping them solve their problems. The main character seems unsocial and his classmates always misunderstand him. But actually he is a straightforward boy, and willing to help people around him. The heroine is a pretty and cool girl with long black hair. She has a bit of sadism and sharp tougue, and often plays tricks on the main character.
report Recommended by lee960707
MC dealing with main heroine's problem in the first arc and helping another girl in next arcs. MC and main heroine's relationship in both series are similar.
report Recommended by EquatorPenguin
While I don't think these two are as similar as others who instantly compared the two. They do share some themes and structure, while differing in pacing and tone. If you enjoyed one you're fairly likely to enjoy the other, as I enjoyed both immensely, though for different reasons. The main similarity are to me is how the story is laid out. Story arcs in both focus on the cast of heroins and their supernatural problems that stem from and reflect their preexisting psychological hangups. The girls solve their problems by working together with the subdued, quick witted, and hilariously straightforward male protagonist of the   read more
report Recommended by TristanCooney
First of all, not only Bakemonogatari, but all the monogatari serie. It is very similar to the point that there's something weird going on with a female character for a ahort period of time and that the main character try to understand the situation and then save the girl. Monogatari have more dialogue and less actions than Bunny Girl and less character, indeed there's no background character in monogatari, it looks like they live in an emlty town. But if you liked bunny girl, you'll probably enjoy the monogatari serie!
report Recommended by Newtrat
Main guy goes around solving the supernatural dilemmas of various waifus alongside witty dialogue.
report Recommended by PixieBubbles
Very similar in terms of plot and characters. The main guy helps other girls who suffer from a supernatural phenomenon and of course, some of them fall in love with him. The main couples are also very similar in both shows.
report Recommended by priton
They both feature a lowkey pervy boy that runs into girls with supernatural issues that he helps them solve. They're both harems in a way, but the MC kind of chooses one girl from the beginning and proceeds to flirt around afterward in both shows. Let's just say that the MC in Rascal Does Not Dream is more loyal than the one in Bakemonogatari. They're both full of snippy comedy and great dialogue as well.
report Recommended by lisa_cap0b
Both focus around paranormal/supernatural occurrences. Female and Male MC's strongly resemble each other Male MC finds the need to save others from these supernatural occurrences Initial Arc establishes relationship between lead male and female Character driven series
report Recommended by xxxtentacles
It does look inspired from Nisiosin's Monogatari series, and I'd say that Monogatari is a superior anime compared to Bunny Girl Senpai.
report Recommended by PirateHasan
A guy trying to solve some girls problems that envolve supernatural stuff and something about their past/personality, has Romance, if u like trippy vibes u will like Bakemonogatari more if u like more normal slice of life then Bunny Girl, also Bakemonogatari misterys and everything tends to be more Complex
report Recommended by RafaKiyoura
Arcs that follow one girl with supernatural issues caused by trauma/feelings Kinda similar character (tsundere girlfriend, imoutu...etc) Seishun buta is less weird though
report Recommended by Pumpkinyaaan
Central theme of both stories is very similar (MC helping girls with their sobrenatural problems) And the relationship between both partners, is very similar.
report Recommended by ReppiT
It narrates similar story tropes but Bakemonogatari actually has good characters, a mindblowing animation, an eargasmic ost and, of course, one of the best story telling in anime
report Recommended by sovietbakuretsu
For once there is actually a show that is similar to Monogatari. Both shows involve the MC dealing with supernatural problems involving a wide range of girls. In both shows, while there's a main love interest that spans the series, there are small elements of harems for the MC's. Both shows also have unique interactions between the characters and contain ample amounts of witty humor
report Recommended by Short_Circut
The Monogatari series is deeper than bunny girl senpai. Bunny girl senpai is like a light-hearted version of the Monogatari series but offers characters that are easier to relate and connect to. I recommend the Monogatari series for good character studies and its visuals.
report Recommended by Michithetrap
If you didn't like Bakemonogatari for it being verbose, flashy, or unconventional but still enjoyed some of the themes used than Bunny Girl Senpai might be for you. Bakemonogatari will give you more memorable characters and is all-around better written but if you are looking for something more simple then Bunny Girl is the way.
report Recommended by dotta
seishun buta is monogatari if monogatari had nothing of weight to say or convey
report Recommended by shmoomp
Both stories follow a Male lead trying to help a bunch of girls with their problems related to the unnatural
report Recommended by Zar_Putin_I
Both try to explore problems that people face via more literal supernatural elements (spirits in Monogatari and adolecense syndrome in Seishun Buta Yarou). Where Bake more focuses on interal conflicts and problems relating to themselves, Seishun Buta Yarou focuses on an individual's interactions and place within a societal context (and then by proxy, how it affects them). Both however, are still good in both rights. There are also other small similarites that a fan of one can recognise in the other but they both still feel like fresh and interesting series in their own ways.
report Recommended by isra_q
Both shows have a note of the supernatural things, that happening around main characters: the hero of this story is still a high school student, who meets a girl with supernatural phenomenon and helping her to solve a problem. Also, main heroine has a personality of "tsundere": sometimes, she can be angry to protagonist and even rude him, but on the other hand, she loves him and feel safety with MC. Besides it, in both animes slip philosophical and scientific thoughts.
report Recommended by Cold_Raw
Bunny Girl Senpai is just the Monogatari series in a traditional anime format. Same premise of sarcastic-longer-but-secretly-incredibly-kind male protagonist saving each episode's waifu in distress, whose adolescent woes have manifested into supernatural phenomena. I watched Bunny Girl Senpai as it aired and only recently discovered the Monogatari series, so I was surprised by how similar the themes of the shows were despite their massively different presentation styles. Both series are great in their own right, and if you enjoyed Monogatari but wanted a more normal anime experience, then you'll love Bunny Girl Senpai
report Recommended by casualViewrKenny
The story lines are very similar and equally interesting! The main character seems to be a pushover when in reality he has a righteous attitude towards helping others in need. They both walk the line between supernatural and reality; the character's emotions manipulate the world at large through themes of physics and spirituality. The themes are also very philosophical and every episode of Bunny Girl leaves me wondering about how I perceive my world, just like the Bakemonogatari series did. Mild fanservice too! I absolutely recommend both anime.
report Recommended by JillyMae
Bunny Girl is a rip off except Generic art style Forgettable soundtrack less cynical less of Shaft's spice less headtilt™ less verbose easier to consume slightly more cliche BUT STILL GOOD! Self aware deadpan boy highschooler meets long hair self aware girl during a supernatural moment. Girl tells boy to not tell anyone he saw her. He helps girls with their personal mental problems that manifest into something supernatural. He helps girls only for his harem. There is a glasses clad girl who knows everything that can help the mc on any supernatural problem. There is a girl who really has a crush on the mc. There is a girl who is somehow the   read more
report Recommended by KissshotAreola
Both shows have one main male protagonist with many female characters surrounding him, but what makes both of these shows great is how they both are not harems. The females in both shows actually have characteristics and are not boring. Also not all of them are falling over romantic for the male protagonist. Both shows character develop their main male protagonist as well as the females very well.
report Recommended by mimimilk
- Set in modern day with some supernatural elements - Cast of mostly female characters around the highschool age - Protagonist that seems like a normal guy, but has some secrets of his own and helps the girls deal with their supernatural problems - Story split into mini-arcs about each character - Main girl with a sharp tongue and terrible mother - Lots of banter - Straightforward relationship with no misunderstandings or other cliches
report Recommended by Aramey
Supernatural mystery Male lead cool Kuudere male lead
report Recommended by Syureria
Bakemonogatari has everything you love about Bunny Girl Senpai. Love the interactions between Sakuta and Mai? Senjougahara and Araragi have the same teasing relationship (though a bit more intense) Love the episodic occurrences? They have it too! Love the vibe? Bakemonogatari has tons of it. Plus, this is an absolute staple of the community. The visuals will blow you away, the soundtrack is awesome, and the characters are refreshing +interesting. Bakemonogatari is the type of series that makes me want to dive head first into every character and understand them too. This show is essential.
report Recommended by sweettapioca
Both have a loner male protagonist who attempts to solve various supernatural issues involving his numerous female friends, family and acquaintances.
report Recommended by suffecool
Both shows have a similar premise - the main character helps out different girls around him with their supernatural problems - develops a relationship with one of the said girls Bunny girl is definitely a easy watch tho as Bakemonogatari has a lot of conversation heavy episodes
report Recommended by Motherofrodents
Bunny Girl is basically a version of Bakemonogatari. Both stories follow the main guy who trying to help some girls to their supernatural/spiritual phenomena that have afflicted them. Personally I liked Bakemonogatari more !!
report Recommended by Hachii13
These two animes are really very similar. The way the characters are presented, the divisions by arcs of two to three episodes. One difference is that Monogatari is formed by a great harem, while Bunny Girl there is not much of that aspect.
report Recommended by Lu4n4264
Both animes have a similar concept of helping girls who are having problems with supernatural stuff. Also the main male leads are very similar to each other. Both animes also have a bit of mystery that makes you very curious and makes you want to follow it. So, If you like one of them, theres a high chance that you would love the other.
report Recommended by notarceus225
If you loved Bunny girl senpai, then you'll be interested in Bakemonogatari, vice-versa. I would say that Bakemonogatari is a more wild version of Bunny girl senpai where the art style, the story-telling, and the vibe it radiates are worlds apart, in a good way. Plot-wise, both anime are about a group of individuals facing supernatural phenomenons that have a deep meaning and are eventually saved by the MC, and as you would expect for the romance part, the MC falls for the individual he saves.
report Recommended by scuzny
Bunny Girl Senpai is Bakemonogatari without supernatural overload and less harem situations. Bakemonogatari graphic is better, but in Bunny Girl Senpai characyer are more believable (and nicer IMO).
report Recommended by raffaele2406
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai ("Bunny Girl Senpai" for short) is an anime in which a high school boy named Sakuta Azusagawa solves the problems within his town relating to a phenomenon knows as "Puberty Syndrome". Bakemonogatari has a similar premise in which a high school boy named Koyomi Araragi solves the problems in his area relating to the supernatural (including demons, Kamis, and curses). Each incident spans a few episodes (similar to Bunny Girl Senpai), but each incident has its own opening, adding more character and setting the mood for what is to come. Bunny Girl Senpai's problems   read more
report Recommended by IreneKujo
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai is basically Bakemonogatari but worse. I find the characters, their interactions, the humour, the visuals, the drama, the plot (from what I remember from the manga), the art, sound and basically anything else to be better in Monogatari. If you enjoyed this, Bakemonogatari should blow your mind. On the other hand, Bunny Girl does have a more down to earth feel and is better for people who don't get Bake's humour.
report Recommended by DumpsterKing
Both have good elements of paranormal mystery, as well as great character and dialogue writing. They also both have quite good romantic elements, though Monogatari is much longer than Bunny Girl Senpai.
report Recommended by Azraal101
Both Bunny Girl Senpai and Bakemonogatari share a similar concept where the mc helps out several girls who are experiencing a supernatural phenomenon. The dynamic between the mc and their main love interest in both anime are extremely similar, so if you like the banter then you should definitely check out Bakemonogatari, and all the other seasons in the series.
report Recommended by MScientist0
Monogatari and Seishun Buta Yarou are quite similar but also quite different. If you're a fan of the romance and supernatural genre, you'll love these two. The first difference I can notice is that the former is dialogue-heavy compared to the latter. The second difference is the latter is more accessible compared to the former.
report Recommended by Dxcxphxr
Both share similar traits: episodic format, harem, dry humor couple, the supernatural. If you liked Bakemonogatari, Bunny Girl Senpai is right up your alley.
report Recommended by BokuNoGyro
Both are about a guy just trying to help out girls who's lives have been affected in some supernatural way. Each girl has their own 2-3 episode long arcs and their own op or ed.
report Recommended by robber_duckie
In both shows the MC tries to solve other girls problems in supernatural situations. Bunny girl is a lighter and easier to digest version of Bakemonogatari.
report Recommended by Elzombi47
Just like Sakuta from Bunny Girl Senpai, our Main Protagonist Araragi is also someone who helps others that have supernatural phenomenons occurring to them. While Bunny Girl Senpai was airing, I have seen many threads talking about how they are similar to each other, and yes I can confirm that, but only similar, not exact copies. If you enjoyed bunny girl then the monogatari series is for you! This is the first installment so just look up for the watch order (*cough* release order)
report Recommended by ahLq
Bunny Girl Senpai is pretty much family friendly Monogatari. If you want another series with a wonderful female cast affected by the supernatural, I’d definitely recommend it.
report Recommended by Blue_86
Bakemonogatari and Bunny Girl Senpai are incredibly similar to eachother, both being about a High School boy solving everyone's supernatural problems and building up a harem of likable girls in the process. Fans of one are very likely to enjoy the other.
report Recommended by LegendarySiscon
Both main stories are about solving oddities about girls with no real explanation as of why. Both pervy protags
report Recommended by cytoplasm
Both shows are driven by the riveting dialogue between the characters. They each offer lifelong wisdom to the attentive viewer, so I would highly recommend both to an watcher looking for a series that inspires contemplation. I would personally start with Bunny Girl Senpai, as it is a bit more approachable. If you find yourself liking this series, then you will undoubtedly enjoy Bakemonogatari as well.
report Recommended by UnliExp
Similar arcs, with not a visual masterpiece such as Monogatari but with fantastic emotional feelings and with a lot of psychology involved too when you get deeper into the series.
report Recommended by brotherelric
A romance anime with addition such as supernatural and little bit of mystery things. Both have very similar concept and how story is developed. As the bonus, they have an attractive main heroine. I can say both of them are harem anime because they have many waifu material. Recommended.
report Recommended by Chan_Chun
In both there are a number of strange problems, the protagonist who has already gone through one of these problems has a personality that makes him help others who have these "problems" Besides that in both anime there are characters that look very similar
report Recommended by Giann33
- both shows have MC that is kinda perv - there is supernatural phenomena in both shows and MC is helping girls who are affected by it - main girls in both shows (Sakurajima and Senjougahara) have a sharp tongue and an amazing personality
report Recommended by Nikiforova
Very similar themes. The author is actually inspired by Monogatari and Teen Romatic Comdey SNFAU.
report Recommended by cringeylazy
-Both of them are anime that there are some supernatural happenings/powers -There is a ONIICHAN on both series who cares about others and has sister(s)
report Recommended by Naopelican
I find it incredible how similar these two are to each other. They both share the same plot of a high school guy helping out a bunch of girls with a supernatural situation that they dealt with before. The characters are also very alike in their personalities and backstories.
report Recommended by Reapercodbo3
You know that big brain meme? Bakemonogatari is like Bunny Girl Senpai but it's for galaxy brains.
report Recommended by Takaradachi
Less mindfuck and abstract dialogue compared to Bakemonogatari. Main cast are witty and their interactions make the show really enjoyable to watch. Both series have a supernatural element, but bakemonogatari leans into it more and explains more of its lore that relates to myths, gods and spirits while in bunny girl senpai its a syndrome, a supernatural disease of sorts. Both OPs and EDs as well OST are amazing in both shows. Bakemonogatari is more unique but often takes time to adjust to its unique way of storytelling. Bunny girl senpai however, does its normally and easy to follow.
report Recommended by senjou_hitagi
Main character an awesome cool guy helping female characters. Main heroine is similar which they are a tsundere and love the main character. The romance between the main character and the main heroine is similar. They often gives straightforward answer and straightforward lies that makes it funny.
report Recommended by Zestiria
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sempai is pretty much a less weird, less mysterious and less ecchi Bakemongatari. They have a really similar format, in the supernatural "case of the week" style, kinda like a erotic anime scooby doo.
report Recommended by drunklee
Both mcs solve problems of different girls they meet in kinda supernatural way They are good romance, slice of Life, supernatural series and Bunny girl seems a simplified Monogatari series
report Recommended by Casual_Elite
A less lewd, gory version of bakemonogatari. Both have supernatural occurences, but bakemonogatari is more on the yokai side and bunny girl is more on the psychological, theory side. Mc are quite similar. Both have harems and they are helping the girls in the harem. They also both date the first girl introduced and they also have a girl in the past that helped them.
report Recommended by potatosaregreat
Both has- -Supernatural setting -Female characters that are affected by these supernatural phenomena -Main character tries to save the characters from their problems Although Bunny girl tones it down, with less monologues.
report Recommended by H_kun
Both anime focus on a main character trying to help girls with supernatural problems. Nonetheless I like both of them, Bakemonotari is a more artistic anime and their characters are deeper than Bunny girl senpai´s because of the number of episodes dedicated to each girl in Monogatari. Both of them are funny and enjoyable. So since they are very alike but yet very unique if you liked one of them you would probably like the other
report Recommended by Guli-senpai
Teens with supernatural issues that manifest as they struggle with their lives. General vibes are similar.
report Recommended by KingKurto
Both involved guys accidentally encountering a "distressed" gal. Both involved developing a romance between the 2 MC's; albeit the progression of both occur differently in several aspects. Both involved multiple unusual / supernatural situations, that require solution primarily by the male MC. I totally enormously enjoyed these 2 anime a lot.
report Recommended by ichigago
I don't want to repeat countless other comments, so in short: Both shows have pretty similar core, BUT Bakemonogatary was executed much better. I suggest watching it and skip Bunny Girl unless you REALLY liked this theme
report Recommended by Leenbow
Do you like characters in a series with underlying issues? Talks about personal issues to relationship issues and beyond, that sticks with you? These two can be your cup of tea. Do keep in mind though that Bakemonogatari (and entirety of thr Monogatari series) is very dialogue heavy, and has a specific approach to transitions and paced that's possibly too fast unless you're fluent Nihonggo / Japanese. But if you are able to catch up through the subjects in each episode even the characters' overarching narratives, you should be fine.
report Recommended by KiroTheAssassin
Main similarities: type of relationship between two main characters of the show (Senjougahara and Araragi; Sakurajima and Azusagawa) and male MC helping out to a range of female characters
report Recommended by Ashiru_Zarin
Supernatural, Romance, Sweet couple, and best waifus.
report Recommended by kaneki_utk
Both the main protagonist will be in charge of helping different girls with paranormal problems. In addition to those starting in anime, Seishun Buta Yarou is more accessible and lighter than Bakemonogatari.
report Recommended by JULES_WK
Characters wise, Bunny girl senpai is VERY similar to bakemonogatari if bunny girl senpais characters were your type, you'll enjoy the monogatari series
report Recommended by josh_exe
Both shows involve girls who encounter weird phenomenons and can only be fixed with the help of the main characters. Both shows are funny with perverted main characters with female side characters made to capture your attention comically and attractively (not all tho 0_0)
report Recommended by Neko-con
I know a lot of people have already compared these two and I will probably hit a lot of the same points, but I don't care. For one, both these shows focus on supernatural issues, happening to highschoolers (mainly girls), and having the main character and the first girl healed, help to resolve the issues. Both these shows also have a character that the mc talks to figure out what is happening and what to do. Basically both shows are about supernatural events happening to highschool students, the difference is that Bakemonogatari has a higher bar for entry and enjoyment of the show. So if   read more
report Recommended by Qiddy_
Both have an MC that wants to help every single girl he meets that has supernatural occurrences Both story are separated into arcs. Bunny girl is a lighter version of Bakemonogatari
report Recommended by Trash_Taste_
Both main characters are trying to help girls with their supernatural problems. Has romance in both shows and interesting plots. Bunny Girl Senpai is a more normal type of slice of life while the Monogatari Series is more wierd and trippy and that's cool tbh
report Recommended by tartaruga_
Both are romance shows loosely centered around school, although Bunny Girl has a lot more romance than Bakemonogatari does. They both have heavy supernatural focuses, Bakemonogatari with it's oddities and Bunny Girl Senpai with it's puberty syndrome. The protaginists, Araragi and Sakuta both help a bunch of girls solve their problems with their oddities/puberty syndrome. The main girls, Senjougahara and Mai are also similar in a way. They both like to talk a lot and frequently insult the protaginist.
report Recommended by yuriliaaa
Both of the main characters go around helping people with their problems. Senjougahara is also very similar to Mai.
report Recommended by ashhshh
The story telling of complex and emotional issues faced by adolescents is depicted greatly through the form of the supernatural in these two fantastic shows. These two anime shows have multiple character arcs showcasing their issues with family, self-image, greed and love represented in the supernatural tendancies or apparitions in Bakemonogatari's case. With romance, comedy and drama, these shows are both great to watch and enjoy. Coincidently they both have a slighty perverted, outcasted male protagonist with a half-harem (not really a harem, more like a group of girls who like the progtagonist not necessarily in a romantic way) of girls they gain through helping solve thier   read more
report Recommended by tNostalgia
both stories are about a guy helping out different girls experiencing supernatural things, both are also kind of a harem (not really tho)
report Recommended by Circzzz
early relationship, same type of convos between the mc and main girl
report Recommended by wulu
They both have many harems, They both have similar problems, Syndrome. They both great on most aspects.
report Recommended by KomodoKid
·Both animes have a perverted protagonist but is still interesting, deep and enjoyable. ·Both protagonists have dealt with a supernatural event and they try to help others dealing with the supernatural. · Bunny girl senpai focuses more on Sakuta and Mai's wholesome relationship The monogatari series has a less of a focus between Araragi and Senjougahara's relationship. Bunny girl senpai is easier to watch if you are a native English speaker . Bunny girl senpai has more action and less dialogue The monogatari series has more dialogue and less action.
report Recommended by Cinnamonbuns420
Bunny girl senpai is like the offbrand monogatari in a sense, If you dont mind a couple of ecchi scenes bakemonogatari is one of the most well written storys I have ever watched. The source material is really fuckin good too.
report Recommended by animegirl2533
Both are dialogue-based anime that show a guy and a girl trying to fix the problems of other girls. Watch Bunny Girl Senpai if you like the plot except without the unique animation or the flavor.
report Recommended by maidreamin
Basically Aobuta is kinda inspired from Bakemonogatari or even the Monogatari Series itself. These two shows has an unrealistic phenomenons as the conflicts. Characters in both are dealing with the manifestation of supernatural things caused by their problems and the Main Character helps the girls to resolve the issue. There's a lot of similarities between the two shows. Some of which are: • Both Male Characters are Non-Sociable High School Student • Both of them also has a perverted personality • There's an obvious romance from the main couples on both shows • Main Character eventually ended up with the Girl they've helped • Characters are experiencing supernatural problems of which   read more
report Recommended by Reiikaza
Both have a lot of dialogue, both have phenomenon things happening. and have romance
report Recommended by _korone_
Both male MCs are helpful, female MCS are tsunderes, male MCs helping a lot of girls with supernatural issues encountered by them.
report Recommended by justdoingmyJOB
Everyone has talked about how similar these two are, so I'm going to talk about what makes them different. People are under the impression that Bunny Girl Senpai is a downgrade to Bakemonogatari, but I think that it has its own uniqueness. The stories of Bunny Girl Senpai is on a lot smaller of a scale compared to the Monogatari series, but I think that is good in its own way. The simpler storyline makes the idea of "trapped in your own individual world" a lot more significant. Perfect transition, btw, to the next subject of the "self". Bunny Girl Senpai deals with the individual's egoistic individual   read more
report Recommended by harrysayshey
A high school were a boy helps his female classmates with problems of the supernatural kind. One main love interest with other smaller ones on the side. Some lewd scenes but not really ecchi anime.
report Recommended by Eziprez
Both shares how main character helps other heroines complex which turns to be main conflict of the show.
report Recommended by DoubleBox
If you read astralbread review about compare this to monogatari series you will find them very similar,BGS is the shark version of Bake
report Recommended by butterflyeffectt
Similar shows overall but both are unique in their own way that you probably won't feel like you're watching a ripoff when you watch the other Similarities; - People affected by supernatural events - Antisocial main protagonists, both are pervy - Mostly female characters - Awesome main girls (hitagi and mai) Differences; - Bakemonogatari's story is more episodic, or even too disjointed compared to Seishun Buta Yarou. Bakemonogatari is also a lot funnier and confusing- if verbally descriptive- while Seishun Buta Yarou is more focused and serious, though not in a good or bad way. Kind of depends on your taste. oh and monogatari series is much longer, like 90 episodes and   read more
report Recommended by peepeemartial
A hero who often says funny words. A heroine who is mature and beautiful. Several girls who are in trouble. Some supernatural phenomena.
report Recommended by vedwienal
Both protagonists are perverts Bunny girl senpai is exactly like bakmonogatari with a few changes so its not obvious
report Recommended by MIME_07
The plot and character dynamics interact with each other in a similarly abstract and interesting way. If you're looking for another anime with cute girls that need help from a slightly emo boy who equally needs help, I suggest Bakemonogatari.
report Recommended by bahd_helts
It's just the supernatural version of the Bunny Girl Senpai series, with arcs separated according to its heroines. The personality of one of the main heroines, Senjougahara Hitagi matches Sakurajima Mai quite profoundly.
report Recommended by Sei_Shinohara484
Similarities: Both MCs face supernatural situations Has to save a girl from the disaster Similar art style
report Recommended by Yuukinaa
They give off similar vibes. They both involve a male mc helping girls with supernatural problems. Both shows mix supernatural with psychological. If you enjoy Bakemonogatari, then you'll enjoy Bunny girl senpai.
report Recommended by Littlecupcake974
If you like anime where high school boy trying to solve supernatural problems, while developing a harem along the way, this anime is right up ur alley.
report Recommended by dtofuu
Same show but a lot more tame and focuses more on the relationship aspect whereas Monogatari focuses more on the apparitions aspect.
report Recommended by morfeene
Bunny girl senpai is essentially a inferior version of monogatari.
report Recommended by Fischer77
Personally, I hate Bunny Girl Senpai but that's besides the point. The parallel I'm drawing here is that both of these anime rely on short arcs wherein a new character is introduced, fleshed-out, and ultimately tied into the main "plot" of the show. If you dislike fan service, I don't recommend the monogatari series. Personally, I don't like fan service, however, for some reason, it works perfectly in this series (besides the movies), creating a comical atmosphere founded upon dialogue. Give it a shot!
report Recommended by Kool-Kaa9
Very similar, mc helps a group of girls. Nothing more to mention.
report Recommended by marieroseenjoyer
Bunny Girl Senpai ripped off Bakemonogatari so hard. Many of the characters have a equivalent in Bakemonogatari and a large portion of the plot elements feel identical with the biggest difference being that Bunny Girl Senpai is less "out there" with some of the camera angles and character interactions. If you like one of them I can almost guarantee that you'll like the other.
report Recommended by KSores
- Submissive "kind" idiot as main male lead; - Kinda tsundere as main female lead; - Both are magic realism; - Both are romance with some level of harem (BG less, monogatari more); BG is more on romantic/drama side with more refined pacing and story, monogatari is more on a heavy ecchi side with postmodern stuff on top.
report Recommended by rando_passing_by
in both case a guy helping girls
report Recommended by il_beltra
- Girls afflicted by supernatural / spiritual phenomena, - Main guy helps the girls, - Predominantly female characters, - Main guys both a little bit pervy / cheeky, - Main girls in each are very tsundere,
report Recommended by Makima_D_SIMP
Basically the same storyline except the monogatari series is deeper in the "supernatural" hole. Has a lot of similar characters, including the nice-guy protagonist, the tsundere love interest, etc.
report Recommended by zxntle
Bakemonogatari and Bunny Girl Senpai are two almost identical shows, but Bunny Girl Senpai is easier to understand and appreciate. The Monogatari Series is longer and with much more content, and you just have to stray for a moment to no longer understand what is happening on the screen.
report Recommended by Jakuzure_
~A male protagonist helping girls with supernatural problems ~supernatural and psychological. ~one focuses on relationship and other on a apparitions aspect .
report Recommended by KioSensei
A virgin helps girls to deal with mystic activites. In order to save them ge needs to help them look into yourself and solve their psychological problems. Also both have strong waifu cast with main being tsundere.
report Recommended by Patiss0n
Both anime are pretty similar in format. Main character is an apathetic guy (seemingly) who helps people going through weird phenomena by getting them to be truthful to themselves. Bonus: the main characters also have younger sisters/sister. [Mild Spoilers] The BIGGEST differences are really just Bakemonogatari is about folk lore and ghost stories, and Bunny Senpai is about scientific theories. Bakemonogatari is a bit also a lot longer of a series as it have many side stories and movies and a second full season. Another big difference is that Bakemonogatari also has violence in it and a much more in depth story as it talks about the   read more
report Recommended by Autumn_Fireheart
These two series are so similar that a whole group of Monogatari fans came out of the woodworks to shit on Rascal for being a shameless rip-off. That's how similar they are. Can't say I have any opinion on the matter since I love both, but I will say it's an understandable frustration, and they're not entirely incorrect about it being blatant. Doesn't mean Rascal's bad though, they're both still fire. Basically, cool guy assists high school girls who are afflicted by supernatural occurrences. -harem of chicks who are attracted to the MC -tsundere-ish main chick -philosophical and profound subject matter If you enjoyed the Monogatari series and desperately want   read more
report Recommended by realSolBadguy
Guy helps a girl (mysterious, beautiful and tsundere) solve her problems and became her boyfriend. The same guy find more girls who need help and he does whatever he can in order to help them. Regarding aesthetic and male MC they don't look alike at all.
report Recommended by Hombre7Electrico
Bunny Girl Sempai is basically Monogatari, minus the ecchi, minus the subliminal text flashes, minus the avant garde artistic choices, minus the violent fight scenes, with a somewhat less perverted and more faithful MC and a much nicer, less psycho girlfriend.
report Recommended by Khashishi
Both are harem anime with supernatural girls with romance. Monogatari focuses more on character interactions and is more supernatural, while Bunny Girl Senpai focuses a bit more on romance and tragedy.
report Recommended by ARspeedy
These two are quite similar in concept. Both are about high school students dealing with supernatural occurrences. If you like one of these shows, you might like the other.
report Recommended by CoolIcedTea
UHMMM both main character from Bakemonogatari and Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is pretty similar, Each Girl has their own arc where they deal and fix their supernatural stuff. Both anime are full of heavy dialogues.
report Recommended by eivann
Both involve supernatural phenomena.
report Recommended by SRJ_Gemo
If you liked Bunny Girl Senpai you'll probably like Bakemonogatari since both of the mc in the shows need to deal with supernatural things and they both need to deal with few cases of supernatural case with multiple people
report Recommended by Dood93
both animes have the mc helping people with supernatural defects, witty conversations and heaps of dialogue. pretty enjoyable for each
report Recommended by chaams
Similar plots, male character helps girls who are afflicted with supernatural phenomena
report Recommended by Ethankim04
Both feature a male protagonist that solves unnatural phenomenons of other members of the cast(most being girls).
report Recommended by dicloflom
these have similar plot structures and are equally as entertaining as each other.
report Recommended by etanmess
Both got tsundere female mc, Mc helps other girls with their problems, a deconstruction of harem, Chad mc, heavily dialogue based Only difference is that the character designs in bakemonogatari are more memorable than the character designs in bunny girl senpai, bakemonogatari is a bit more graphic and bakemonogatari has more abstract scenery.
report Recommended by TwigzLIVE
Ah its 2025 and so many people have not watch the monogatari series How do I put it, if you enjoyed the concept of the rascal does not dream series than you'd definitely adore bakemogatari, its really hard to explain why it is so popular and yeah memes, I know many people will not enjoy as I did but still I want people to watch this at least once in their lifetime Its is not ashamed of the amount of degeneracy that it had portrayed. Bunny girl was light hearted in compared to monogatari, it is more gore, the visuals are insane despite being made   read more
report Recommended by ZenoxAlive
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