Kurokami The Animation, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu Recommendations
Just to get it out of the way: this 'recommendation' would get a tad technical if it focused on arm loss. In the manga, Kurokami's lead, Keita, loses his arm at the start and has it replaced with someone else's as part of a life-saving contract. In both Parasyte's manga and anime, its lead, Shinichi, also has his arm replaced by another lifeform. So, a superficial similarity exists. HOWEVER, this becomes confusing due to Kurokami's anime being a bastardised version where, instead of arm swapping, HEARTS are exchanged. And in Parasyte... /spoiler
...but I'm not here to compare the two based on arms/hearts. That would be
daft. You see, the true similarity is how main characters from seinen manga were altered in more shounenish adaptations. An ignored detail of Parasyte's anime (due to its popularity / ignorance) is how, early on, it was 'modernised' to appeal more to otaku. In the manga, Shinichi didn't wear glasses, nor did he ANGST over Migi's existence. Girls did not gather to blush discussing him. In fact, manga Shinichi acted similar to Kurono Gantz: an average guy dealing with an almost black comedy situation. EVENTUALLY the anime had Shinichi act like his badarse manga counterpart as the two versions sync'd up, but even now it's irksome how the female characters' design / PINK EARPHONES and personalities were altered in order to appeal to... a wider audience.
Kurokami's anime is more of a complete butchering. Firstly, Keita: he's lowered in age so he can attend high school (he's an adult moocher that programs games, in the manga) and changed from a very human arsehole (violent and abusive; usually comically so) to some kind of internal monologuing emo whose only comfort is riding a bicycle alone in the dead of night. ALL of the appeal and comedy is drained by Mr. Average Nobody replacing someone with a naturally dickish yet strangely likable personality. It becomes a different, far inferior series because of this alone. But, unlike in Parasyte, the entire structure of the story was altered and it went anime original BAD. The early Shinichi edits in Parasyte have nothing on how the entirety of Kurokami was ruined: fights even being shortened to the point fighting styles are removed!
TLTR: Seinen manga get an added shounenish edge when turned into anime as their main characters are changed to appeal more to... a certain type of male viewer. You need only listen to Parasyte's opening song in order to gain an understanding of what demographic it was targeted at.
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