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Shinsekai yori
This may seem like an odd recommendation at first glance, but it's not completely without reason - both invite contemplation on moral issues, the characters, and the mystical world they're set in without making any judgment, welcoming the viewer to either make their own or simply accede that there is no clear right or wrong. Shinsekai Yori is much more dramatic and epic, presenting a world that is dystopic; Mushishi is subdued and calming, presenting a world that is filled with muted wonder, if at times melancholic.
Recommended by VirescentZephyr
Something about the eerie, mysterious settings remind me of each other. The Mushishi episodes are not really connected in a linear manner as Shinsekai yori is. Both have protagonists with a special power trying to figure out mysterious phenomena.
Recommended by doomsprout
Both shows are incredibly atmospheric. The sceneries are beautiful and calming. Both are capable of drawing you into the story with visuals alone. While the plots of the shows are completely different, both have a calming feeling to them. Best watched at night.
Monsters and supernatural creatures are also present in Mushishi, besides belonging to the genre seinen both animes are very good stories and should be valued.
Recommended by Nownownownow
Shinsekai yori is like an episode of Mushishi without a Ginko character and expanded to fill a full series. The characters in Shinsekai yori have to deal with a mysterious dangerous world they don't understand. The themes and atmosphere are similar between the two shows. What's different is that Shinsekai Yori has one dramatic story it wants to tell and it lacks the sense of adventure or discovery that Mushishi has.
Recommended by Flapjackal