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Koukaku Kidoutai
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
Both GitS and Patlabor 2 are Mamoru Oshii films. Both have a slow, thoughtful tone and very cleverly crafted plot, with less action than your average sci-fi, but neither falls at all short once it does kick off the action.
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Both are directed by Mamoru Oshii and produced by Studio IG. They're both slow-burn political thrillers with philosophical undertones, with public servants as the main characters, but Patlabor 2 takes a more realistic approach.
Same sort of philosophical talks and ambience, not to wonder since they're both directed by Mamoru Oshi
Recommended by misterferrari
Same director.
Similar moods and atmospheres.
Existentialism in cybernetic world.
Recommended by Pipebomb_Teller
It's pretty much the same staff that worked on theses two excellent movies.
Cyberpunk, police/gouvernment/politics plot.
Both are slow (with great action scenes) with similar art style, tone, atmosphere and
philosophical thougts/undertones
This is the magnum opus of the Patlabor franchise. It's an anime film that FEELS like an art-house, live action movie. It's incredible animations and production not only hold up, but completely overshadow most modern productions to this day. It is a highly experimental, artistic film that really pushed the boundaries of what anime was possible of, even to this day.
Patlabor 2 is a film that fits in neatly with the other masterpieces of the '90s golden era, and I see it as a cultural, spiritual, and artistic contemporary of Ghost in The Shell and Akira. In fact, if Patlabor 2 reminds you of the
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Mamoru Oshii directed Patlabor 2 shortly before going on to make one of the greatest anime films of all time, Ghost in the Shell. Patlabor 2 explores a lot of similar themes and visual motifs that make Ghost in the Shell great.
Recommended by bradenleague
Do you know that amazing movie Mamoru Oshii directed in the 90s that has a futuristic setting, police forces who use robotic help, a decadent society where the government would rather attack innocents than accept the blame of a mistake, deep political and philosophical themes, tense atmosphere on a slow paced yet cerebral plot, great animation by Production IG and an impactful soundtrack? It's called Patlabor 2, but Ghost in the Shell also fits the bill.
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