If you liked
Dream Hunter Rem
...then you might like
Mujigen Hunter Fandora
There's a trio of these types of OVA anime that are all similar to each other (Dream Hunter Rem, Mujigen Hunter Fandora, and Genmu Senki Leda). Lots of 80s action and phenomenal character designs that showcase the strengths of the era. Both feature bikini-armor-clad girls fighting various enemies with that awesome older anime fantasy style. Dream Hunter Rem is more explicit (even including a hentai episode), but if you liked one you should most certainly check out the other.
Recommended by Shimapan-chan
Fighting evil spirits/beings in sexy outfits is what connects these two anime.
In Dream Hunter Rem the fight takes place in the dream-world, while in Mujigen Hunter Fandora it takes place in different dimensions of the space.
Both anime have comedy elements and a lot of ecchi.