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Heike Monogatari
The performances and historical narratives told in Inu-Ou are mostly about the Heike clan, whose story is portrayed in Heike Monogatari.
Both are also animated by the same studio and share a somewhat similar look.
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Inu-Ou shows a bit of the history of the Heike clan in a performative way, the history of this clan is shown in the anime: Heike Monogatari, that shows the history in its happening as if the events were in the present.
Watching Heike Monogatari is excellent to know more about the narrated events. One work complements the other. Both show certain spiritual/magical elements/special abilities. Also biwa is an instrument of great importance to tell the story of that time in Japan and the anime Heike Monogatari have a very beautiful Aesthetically work, having several beautiful scenes and landscapes, with attention to small details, as well
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both take place in a similar cultural historical context, in both they mention the heike, both animated by science saru, with striking animation styles and images, as well as having details of fantasy and musicality
The script of Inu-Ou developed in parallel with Heike Monogatari (2022) by the same author (Furukawa Hideo), and shares many story elements. The TV anime shows the fall of the house of Heike, the movie takes place 100 years after it and shows how the story had become an important foundation of Japanese literature and poetry. It covers many historical events seen in the TV showin their larger than life artistic version, as developing mythology and supernatural legend. Finally, Biwa music is key in both versions, as both protagonists are musicians playing that instrument. Both were made by two star directors for the same studio.