If you liked
Yakusoku no Neverland
...then you might like
Shadows House
Both anime feature fleetingly serene environments that hide much darker secrets as the visage falls to the wayside. Both anime involve young characters enclosed in a single building (a massive mansion in Shadows House, and a large orphanage in Neverland). The two anime do differ in a lot of areas, Shadows House being about people made of soot and their personal assistants, as well as a lot of hierarchy and family politics, whereas Neverland follows a group of orphans who uncover forbidden knowledge. Both anime though have very similar tone, presentation, settings, and feel very similar (yet different enough to be unique watching experiences). If
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Recommended by Shimapan-chan
both series main plot revolves around children being kept in some sort of mansion by unknown being and their stories to unveil what's behind this scenarion.
Recommended by sora2eugene
both have children "trapped" in a house barely knowing the dark reality behind their lives.
A group of children in a mansion that hides a secret and strange creatures that surround it. With a big mystery surrounding the house
Recommended by Matesilver
Both are set with children like characters trying to escape or change the status quo of their environment, shadows house has mystery and tension much like promised neverland, it does not reveal its main twist in the first episode but does so slowly making you curious, the twists and turns the series reveals are worth it, if you liked promised neverland, you will like shadows house, just give it a couple episodes as it starts off a bit slow. Also its better than promised neverland in my opinion.
Same Studio, same Genres, kids in problematic situations trying to understand what type of mess they are dealing with, and the protagonists are really similar (Emilico and Emma) but i must say I prefer Neverland over Shadow House, despite the similarities.
Both shows have children protagonists who live in a house full of mysteries and creepy vibes. If you like one of these, give the other show a try!
I'm not sure why I've never heard back from either of my kids after sending them to boarding school. I keep waiting to hear back, but I never get a call or even a letter. Oh well; parenting is a lot of work, anyways...
Recommended by needfoundfamily
Both shows involve children that know little to nothing about their origins, living in an enclosed area where they are taught in a way that they aren't inclined to think about the odd nature of their lives.
Recommended by Uji_Gintoki_Bowl
with some bizarre concepts
and really creepy stuff
delivered through an oddly sinister context
The premise and setting are different, but yeah, as far from what I can tell, that's all I can tell. For it's somewhat impossible to not spoil a thing or two when describing even a single thing. Watch and be invested in it if you're really curious about what I am talking about. As for my opinion, I find the two similar due to both portraying the same ambiance and vibes.
Recommended by Solaris-----
If you enjoyed "Yakusoku no Neverland" you could start watching "Shadows House".
Here are some similarities for starters, I personally enjoyed:
1. they share the fantasy and mystery tag
2. have rememberable young, smart, female protagonists
3. a prosses, which is promoted as good, but actually bears some cruel secret
As soon as I started watching the show Shadows House, it reminded me of Yakusoku no Neverland. Instantly. Although Shadows House has far more cheerful aspects and Yakusoku no Neverland is a little more scary. I enjoyed both of them similarly, still both are very different in their world design.
Recommendation goes in both ways, without speaking
They got the same vibe and I would recomend this if you liked the mystery in The Promised Neverland.
Recommended by Weinestadlinn
The plot resembles one another but they differ in the portrayal of their story. Genres like thriller and mystery have been exploited by both stories in the same manner. The resemblance in the anime is uncanny but even though both stories convey similar emotions to the viewer; the way they do so is distinct.
Both of them is made by the same studio. Both of them have the same dark tone with a secret hidden without any of the main character knowing.
Recommended by Pierrepipi
They both have a really adorable art, light-hearted setting, but it gives off a creepy, mysterious vibe, like thriller. It gets you hooked in, trying to figure out what more is there to it. Although I think Shadow's house won't be quite bloody.
It's also from the same studio, I hope it won't go downhill...
Recommended by goldnailclipper
Children are being contained in a house setting and are forced to do tasks not knowing that they aren’t in a normal setting. The outside world is not what it seems.
They're both really similar since there's a mystery around the house the dolls live in. And Shadow house is an extended version of the Promised Neverland. (Mostly the first season.)
The Promised Neverland and Shadows House are both mystery series, although the horror in it lies within the small details. They both rely on the dark atmosphere rather than jumpscares, which in some point the watcher would get used to. They are also made by the same studio, Cloverworks.
Recommended by imnicolaa_
There are several superficial and close similarities between Shadows House and The Promised Neverland, bolstering why fans of the latter should check out the new series. The most apparent similarities would be the premise of each show, which both feature small children trying to uncover and eventually escape from a dark, conspiratorial fate. In addition, their similarly macabre and almost old-fashioned fairy tale settings make the horror even more unsettling due to their mutual cute and innocent-seeming cast members.
These elements make both at first seem to be entirely different shows, with Shadows House starting out feeling more like a slice-of-life series that eventually dovetails into
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childlike protagonists
Mystery, fantasy
complex world-building
cute characters but a dark plot-line
Both have big houses, smart and tactical kids, older overseers, clues and mysteries that drive the plot, and foreshadowing to future plot points in the backgrounds for you over-analyzers.
Maybe it's because both of these animes were created by the same studio, but Shadow's House gives me extreme Promised Neverland vibes. I don't know if it's because both have to do with children experiencing weird situations or circumstances, but it definitely feels like there's a bigger picture then what you would expect. Shadow's House doesn't have any necessarily scary scenes, but it gives me a very eerie vibe that I can't help but relate to the Promised Neverland. Shadow's House is one that I think is getting slept on this season for no exact reason. I've been thoroughly enjoying the series thus far, but
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Both TPN and Shadows House have children as the main cast and has that 'eerie and creepy' vibe to the anime. But Shadows House is everything that TPN could have been and more!
I highly recommend to watch Shadows House over TPN.
Recommended by StarDustBlits