Plunderer, The God of High School Recommendations
The powers portrayed in GOHS has the same vibe/feeling as PLDR's in spite of GOHS being in spirit form that have various level powers while PLDR is based on the Numbers you've. The higher the Number, the level of powers you use/expel are higher.
Unfortunately, both shows' consistent storytelling has been thrown out of the window mainly due to pacing issues.
GOHS' second half is obviously all over the place in terms of viewers having a hard time to grasp the events unfolding in front of them. e.g. one iportant side characters suddenly shows up, then be in coma, then became a literal monster, and finally death
fell upon him. I knew there were a lot of important scenes cut off from its original source (webtoon).
PLDR is a weird and irritating case for 1st half is as slow as a sloth though it's the uncomfortable & offensive fanservice at random timing being the main culprit of 1st half's pacing issue; not to mention, characters turn on a dime for plot twist convenience that leads to cheap/lazy shock value in ep8/9.
2nd half is weirdly at normal-speed pacing, but unfortunately, important scenes that contain vital info about the mystery of the main hero's powers & side effects are cut off completely thanks to the uninspiring & lazy-written 1st half. Original anime-exclusive episodes are the few main reasons why the plot progression's pacing is split unevenly that the anime version has its plot butchered the ability to promote the original source (manga) in a good light.
Oddly enough, I don't find GOHS annoying for their main characters' personalities are consistent and don't turn on a dime randomly for no reason.
PLDR unfortunately suffers from this, especially its female characters being written as "women without intelligence" especially when they've no discernment (hunch/gut feeling) of predicting/guessing the enemy showing up someday.
I would've been cautious and predict an enemy's movements after experiencing a gun to my head twice. Now that I shouldn't forget the trauma, but Hina unfortunately did... 😕
The only difference is that GOHS is worthy of your eyes for the fight scenes have consistent quality that make up for the jumbled-up plot progression. Though it's only one-cour, I assure you GOHS won't make you feel irritated like PLDR.
Again, this is another sarcastic recommendation for there are many people who assume GOHS is the worst anime they've ever seen. I recommend them watch PLDR for comparison.
As for those who are disappointed with PLDR's fight scenes, I recommend you watching GOHS for good and consistent quality fight scenes.
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