If you liked
Strike Witches
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Girls & Panzer
Both involve moe girls in a military setting. Strike Witches contains fanservice and poignant moments. On the other hand, Girls und Panzer has a happier, lighter mood, and slice-of-life feel. Strike Witches is based on real WWII planes and takes place in the air. Girls und Panzer involves WWII tanks on the ground. The fights in Strike Witches are quick and graceful, while the battles in Girls und Panzer are long and strategic. Both have great action and cute, funny moments. Strike Witches tells the story of a war to save the planet from alien ships. Girls und Panzer is a competition between schools. The
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Only one episode in but from what I can tell they are pretty similar as long as you change that Strike Witches is about fighting a war and Girls und Panzer is about a competition.
Both are iconic moe military anime, which in my opinion, are each some of the strongest of the genre. Both feature cute girls battling with heavy weaponry. Though they have very different settings, if you like one you'll likely enjoy the other. Strike Witches features girls from various countries in a WWII-style setting fighting alien spacecraft (with both guns and magic). Girls und Panzer focuses on girls using WWII-era tanks to do elimination matches. Both feature a lot of incredible action, some humor, and excellent characters. Strike Witches though has a tremendous amount of ecchi content, whereas Girls und Panzer does not.
Recommended by Shimapan-chan
well, the same Fumikane settings. Pretty girls and hardcore weapons in one. great if you enjoy the combination of girls with any robots, mecha and weapons.
Recommended by walterinsect
Both Anime consist of military aspects. Girls und Panzer goes on the tank side and Strike Witches goes on the plane side. But the only main difference is there is no magic in Girls und Panzer. Personally I believe that characters have the same characteristics and also play very similar roles, making them both very close in comparison.
Recommended by CoryJephcote
Girls who have high morale and great strategic skills can lead their comrades straight to victory. The series is known to have any World War 2 content in it such as the setting the show, or tanks that are used in combat. It features an all female cast that usually fight with their teammates, which they have a high morale of encouraging each other to win the fight. The male characters are often minor and have little presence in the series.
The difference is that Strike Witches has several fan service scenes, and uses a suit that is aerial assault dogfight style fighting aliens. Girls
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Fire, action and a lot of adrenaline are contained in both series! Strike Witches is not exactly the same of course, but remains the way allude nations without say the name specific of the country in fact, culture differences among the characters and so the military issues remains, funny in their own way but indeed very enjoyable.
Recommended by UtenaSatou
Both involve Moe girls in a military setting. Strike Witches is based on real WWII planes and magical Moe girls that based on ace pilot that flew those planes. Girls und Panzer involves WWII tanks on the ground.
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