If you liked
Mahou Shoujo Site
...then you might like
Happy Sugar Life
Unstable girls doing the most horrific things, sometimes with a smile. Psychological, gory, thrilling. Also, gay undertones.
Both are VERY psychological anime, dealing with lots of touchy subjects most anime, and even tv shows, refuse to go after. Scary. scary scary scary. These anime will leave you shivering in your boots wondering, whats next? If you enjoyed Magical girl Site, you will like Happy Sugar Life. and trust me, that anime is anything but its title suggests.
Recommended by Thekingmcking
If you want to watch this anime, you could have strong mental and good psychology. both anime has surprising line story and insane plot twist.
Both shows are incredibly messed up with characters that go through a lot of trauma and things just go deeper down the hole the more you watch. They both have mature themes and deal with tough topics not covered in anime often. Watch at your own peril.
Recommended by Sonnyman45
Both are extremely twisted and dark with a very light, fluffy overlay. If you're looking for something cute and disturbing to satisfy you after finishing Happy Sugar Life, I think this is a perfect follow up.
Recommended by sweetspectre