If you liked
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
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Both are intense, beautifully animated, brutally violent, and are seen by many as masterpieces. Definitely recommend if you liked one of these
Recommended by mushroomcloud
Both Akira and Berserk are great classic animes. Both series have interesting storylines, set in strange yet familiar worlds. They're also artisticly sound, with Akira's smooth and fluid animation, and Berserk's beautiful backgrounds.
There're some important differences to be aware of though. Akira is incredibly fast paced with many plotlines that interconnect. Berserk on the other hand is much slower, following a main group of characters along their journey.
Both series are action pack with plenty of that old school 80s and 90s violence. It was actually Berserk that got me interested in watching Akira, which I did the day after finishing
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Recommended by Wicker_Senpai93