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Kenpuu Denki Berserk
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Both have a really dark theme. There is too much blood and a deep psychological story.
Recommended by Dark-Star2975
Ok, so this rec is kind of a stretch but I think still worth making. The main superficial similarity is that both are dark gory stories with lots of blood and brutality. On a deeper level however they are similar in that they both focus on relationships and telling the stories of long time rivals. Both also end on cliffhangers. While these two titles are similar, keep these key differences in mind:
Both shows are hard to watch, but Shigurui is even harder to watch and understand, and it's less accessible to the common viewer than Berserk is. Also Shigurui is more historical, less supernatural, and
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The two main characters of each anime are very similar. Irako from Shigurui and Griffith from Berserk are both men who have come from a very low status and share the goal of ascending to the top. Likewise, Fujiki from Shigurui and Guts from Berserk are both very loyal men who always get the job done. Both anime are also very dark containing lots of violence, blood, gore, and sex and should be intended for more mature audiences.
Both series open on a conflict within the very first episode and then spend the rest of their running time in a flashback that doesn't quite reach the point at which the opening began, much less resolve it.
Both series have a highly ambitious, highly androgynous, highly talented and highly ruthless young man as a prominent character. Both of these characters undergo similar fates and make similar transformations to achieve their ends.
Both series take place in something resembling a grounded, brutal reality, but heighten it where appropriate to make the drama hit the viewer even more viscerally. In Berserk's case, this manifests as dark fantasy, whereas
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Recommended by Robot_Goranson