If you liked
Yuri!!! on Ice
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Anime about ice-skating that might be perhaps too much focused on its bishounen characters - depending on your point of view. YoI goes more into relationship while Skate-Leading Stars contents itself with just presenting the pretty characters.
Both are ice skating anime, and have a similar rivalry (yuri v yuuri and maeshima v shinozaki). Well animated skating sequences. Main difference is that skate leading stars lacks the romance aspect, however if you enjoyed the competitive aspect of yuri on ice you will like skate leading stars.
Recommended by FlamingFalconMan
It's simlar, the two are about ice skating, but here it is as a team, I highly recommend it.
Recommended by kageyama_Xd
Anime you might watch if you are in the mood of watching people dancing on the ice rink.
Recommended by deesintegrashun