If you liked
B: The Beginning
...then you might like
Hero Mask
Pretty similar shows, both of them are about the police trying to track down criminals/bad guys that use or know of some supernatural power and the said criminals/bad guys are trying to do something that may upset the balance of the world. They, also take place in the modern age
Recommended by iwsifakismag
Both shows are about criminals, investigations and police . Both are take place in a modern and high-tech European country. Both have a some sort of supernatural things.
Both shows are adult mystery thrillers with a touch of sci-fi/fantasy. B: the Beginning does feel a bit more shonen-y than Hero Mask though (it does have more humor and super powered teenagers, after all), but I'm sure if you enjoyed the most serious/seinen bits of B you should love Hero Mask
Recommended by donhumberto