Kimi no Na wa., Tenki no Ko Recommendations

Kimi no Na wa.
If you liked
Kimi no Na wa.
Tenki no Ko
...then you might like
Tenki no Ko
It's made by the same director, who pays attention to great details in movies. Plus, that other movie's characters make cameos here. Both movies have supernatural themes, and romantic relationships developing between their poster couples.
report Recommended by keithmaxx
Love stories with a touch of supernatural. Both done by the same director and are awesome movies everyone should watch. They share the same universe(Tenki no Ko has cameos from Kimi no Na Wa's characters) which is irrelevant for the plot but fun fact to know.
report Recommended by tass46
Overall, Makoto Shinkai's films tend to complete themselves, since all the films are set in the same universe. Also, in the search of a visual experience at same level (spoiler: its very hard to find) or if you just want to watch a more deeper story, Kimi no Na Wa probably its the right choice to you
report Recommended by Darumyro
If you enjoy romance anime with exceptionally beautiful animation and a touch of mysticism, Kimi no Na wa and Tenki no Ko are excellent choices. Both films are created by the same author and share a universe, presenting stories that delve into a magical and superstitious atmosphere.
report Recommended by Joceclayson
Same director, same art design and the story structure itself is quite similar
report Recommended by anaklarangan
-Amazing soundtrack -Amazing Artwork -Good plot -Super good climax scene -RADWIMPS/Makoto Shinkai -Both anime focus on the relationship between the two character -Both anime create a supernatural situation
report Recommended by godman32770
Both: from the same universe same director and amazing animation Radwimps musics Romance, drama and adventure Very epic climax
report Recommended by Boli_UwU
-Two absolutely stunning movies by the man himself - Makoto Shinkai -A love-story infused with the supernatural and more -High production soundscape and OSTs -Definite must-watch titles if you've watched just one :)
report Recommended by Joeywatches
This is an obvious comparison as both share the same visual style and director, but Your Name and Weathering With You are well-animated anime films with themes of romance and the supernatural (the latter is even set in the same universe as the former, though it's not necessary to watch the former to enjoy the latter). Several other similarities are well-done musical montages (as well as RADWIMPS), family problems, an emotionally charged climax, and a touch of Japanese culture.
report Recommended by Fario-P
Other than the fact that these two were crafted by Makoto Shinkai and his team thus having the same art style and animation, they also contain the same formula and elements. Both revolve contain Shinto religion, both are love stories with supernatural aspects revolving around them, both contain extremely similar story/plot and pacing structure (especially during the climax), and both have RADWIMPS for the music.
report Recommended by jtmOnii-Chan
Tenki no Ko takes a more cynical approach to the supernatural, showing what happens when the will of the gods/supernatural interferes in the lives of the modern age. Instead of going on a desperate love quest to look for his destined one, he finds her at the beginning, easy right? Wrong. Life is simply unfair, and much more punishing than that. Overall, I feel like the flow of the story was much more fluid than Kimi no Na Wa. However, I would say the emotional parts aren't as powerful. Granted, this movie works wonders as a sequel, occurring 1 year after Taki and Mitsuha get together. The movie   read more
report Recommended by skywlk
It's made by the same director, who pays attention to great details in movies. Plus both movies have stunning visuals
report Recommended by Anime_lover_2004
made by shinkai makoto animated by same studio similar animation heartwarming story
report Recommended by Sreedrive
A transcendental love story. Your Name and Weathering With You are both great boy meets girl stories around two teenagers who are caught up in supernatural affairs. Your Name follows Taki and Mitsuha as they continuously body swap with one another leading to a journey to find one another. Weathering With You follows runaway Hodaka and 'sunshine girl' Hina on their journey of helping others via weather changing powers and finding a place to be. Both simple supernatural romance but are visual eye candy with amazing OST, made by the same director Makoto Shinkai.
report Recommended by NextUniverse
In both: - there are two teenagers, which are main characters - director is Shinkai Makoto - tags are Drama, Romace, Supernatural, Slice of Life - amazing music by RADWIMPS - beautiful art
report Recommended by Dakil
Both films have similar themes and pull at your heart strings. Both have beautiful visuals and musical scores.
report Recommended by TomoeToss
To start, both movies are made by the same director and have a very similar art style. They're both absolutely stunning. Also, both of them follow a male+female duo who fall in love over the course of the movie. They also both revolve around the boy saving the girl from some supernatural happenings so she won't die.
report Recommended by Mitsumi_
Made by the same person, very similar character personalities. Art style is amazing in both.
report Recommended by jakouu1
They are both from the same director. Both of them start using the logic of the real world (meaning that everyone know that time traveling or super powers are not real for example) and then they start being illogical like allowing time traveling for example. In both of these anime the same band sings. Both will make you cry. How the story flows and everything else are really similar in both of these animes.
report Recommended by hacker09
Both of the movies are directed by same person. And they both have stunning visual's with a very good story.
report Recommended by SweetPotat0
Also directed by Shinkai, has both supernatural and romance elements with gorgeous visuals and storytelling.
report Recommended by Salty_Boi
They are both Directed by Makoto Shinkai and both are a romance story involving two teenagers. Animated by the same studio and both just have. very beautiful animation.
report Recommended by Eyad_Alshabibi
They are both linked and the visuals are absolutely stunning with great stories! Both directed & written by Makoto Shinkai Production Company: CoMix Wave Films
report Recommended by Hypnotictrooper
God tier animations and probably the best art styles you will see in animated movies. Both movies include superpowers as well as romance and some depression ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀
report Recommended by Neko-con
Very similiar theme and feeling. The characters from Kimi no Na wa also follow here a little.
report Recommended by Eun_Hana
Both of the movies are directed by Makoto Shinkai, and they exist in the same universe. Bunch of references to the previous movie, similarly beautiful scenery and animation. Both movies are awe-inspiring in similar ways, you will be immersed so greatly that the fictional world will become real and you will wish to share the experiences with the characters yourself. Both movies TRULY AMAZING.
report Recommended by Ernis-
Romantic tales are established through supernatural concepts, sharing a similar premise within an identical universe. In general, I would suggest simply pausing for a minute or two and allowing the film to take you in. The story in these movies is well done while being accompanied by a splendid soundtrack as the drift of its art style is presented. Almost all the people I know love these movies, and I'm sure you'll like them too! Give it a try and see for yourself!
report Recommended by Solaris-----
They are both from the same studio and both have beautiful art, a beautiful story and scenery. The vibe of these two animes are similar and Mitsuha and Taki even makes a guest apearance in Weathering with you!
report Recommended by Weinestadlinn
The awaited sequel to Makoto Shinkai's highly praised and extremely well-received Kimi No Na Wa, or Your Name, Weathering With You has become another prominent movie in the early 2020 movie roster. I personally enjoyed Weathering With You more-so than Your Name, but that might just be my craziness. While both films' plots are debated frequently, the soundtrack of Weathering With You is objectively better, as RADWIMPS have simply outdone themselves in this new story. It might not matter much to you, but the soundtrack of a movie is very determinant in my overall enjoyment of it, and in some cases, can carry a movie   read more
report Recommended by thactis05
Both are about a mysterious event happening, also a developing relationship between a girl and a boy
report Recommended by Cubalibre012
Its another Makoto-goddamn-Shinkai movie, need more convincing? He manages to somehow perfect Your Name's visual fidelity, by some voodoo black magic make it even more detailed than before, with even the skidding of a shoe launching into a sprint off a floor slick from heavy rain looking perfect. RADWIMPS makes a return, orchastrating only another perfect fitting OST for Weathering With You. The only concern you should have is to not ride the tsunami of hype that Your Name brought over into your watching of Tenki No Ko. Its not a sequel, it wasn't written to be one, and should be respected as its own film. You'll want this   read more
report Recommended by GunAxsassin
Both masterpieces by the same director Makoto shinkai.
report Recommended by Yaksha_R-Y3N
Both are great romance movies with a side of supernatural on them, they're great starters for people who just got into romance anime/movies, if you have watched the one, you should watch the other certantly.
report Recommended by GuilhermeAlb
Both are really touching and romantic movies directed by Makoto Shinkai that will entertain you through all the watch.
report Recommended by Nagatotoro
With the same studio and director, both movies give great detail to the scene and surroundings, making it really enjoyable to watch. The two stories are based on a supernatural idea witch carries the story of two students and the adversities they have to go through. If you've watched either and enjoyed it, the other is a sure must.
report Recommended by Kaigan-zoi
Same atmosphere, same director. Happen to be on the same page, but different timeline. Both about romance, both have some supernatural stuff.
report Recommended by Kohidesu_
This is probably the closest you are going to get if want something similar to Your Name. Its got the same artstyle, director, band doing the OST, and type of plot (romance/supernatural). A definite recommendation!
report Recommended by ShaggyDodo
Both explore relationships in a fantasy manner and the main protagonists fall for people who seem close but are also quite far away. The animation for both are also really pretty
report Recommended by Shotos_waifu
They are both made by Mokoto Shinkai and are similar in plot beats such as that they are both about a romance with some supernatural elements.
report Recommended by Sonnyman45
Similar in animation, genre and overall feeling.
report Recommended by ColCasey
Both sad, both very aesthetically pleasing :)
report Recommended by Mikasascumsock
SImilar romance movies that deal with natural events. Two people who feel out of place find their place due to each other. Also, the animation quality is similar
report Recommended by ouzz
The art styles of both movies are breathtaking, and they are directed by the same legend Makoto Shinkai.
report Recommended by frogweezer
Very similar art styles and genres, both beautiful movies.
report Recommended by vCroix
both made by same director have same themes and animation.
report Recommended by mechastro
Tenki no ko is similar to Kimi no na wa, as both have an amazing and complex plot, moments of tension and exciting scenes. Both were made by the same author, and that is why they take place in the same universe.
report Recommended by Aizekis
Another movie filled with emotions created by Shinkai sensei. If Your Name made you cry you will tear up watching this movie too.
report Recommended by AnirbanDRoy
Yes, this is quite obvious since both were written by our beloved Makoto Shinkai. In my opinion, "Your Name" outclasses "Weathering with You" since the latter has several plot holes, somewhat of a disturbing message (sacrifice), and an immature and irresponsible main character. HOWEVER, regardless it is still an amazing watch as the animation is breathtaking! Anyways, if you haven't watched either I strongly recommend. (Also, as a side note, watch "I want to eat your pancreas" if you haven't already:) )
report Recommended by Kool-Kaa9
The same developers. share a great graphic section for their time, both have a great soundtrack and have a decent story.
report Recommended by TotoSolamente
Both by Makoto Shinkai. Beautiful visuals and story pacing overall. Very similar vibes and subtle references.
report Recommended by BeniPls
Same director, same art design and the story is quite similar
report Recommended by BeelzebubJi
Romance, wholesome, both about how protagonists went through troubles to find each other again
report Recommended by Mythicalx
I recommend this anime and Tenki no Ko because they are pretty similar exactly since the director is the same person. At the end of the anime of Kimi no Na wa it really gives you excited vibes and makes you want the director to make movie 2, following on from that. It’s the same with Tenki no Ko. They are so enjoyable and entertaining. That’s why I recommend these anime’s and the similarities. Please don’t criticise or start a argument over things I’ve said or spelling because it’s not necessary. Thank you!
report Recommended by delbri
when it comes to animation both movies have exactly the same awe-inspiring visual style amd even the characters feeels the same .
report Recommended by KioSensei
Tenki no Ko and Kimi no Na wa both have the same director. This results in almost exactly the same style and feel in both movies. The plots are also very similar. They both depict a teenage romance with some supernatural elements thrown in to spice it up. They are both near the same length, have some of the most gorgeous scenery in anime, and, of course, the animation slaps in each one.
report Recommended by Kaylof
Same director, same studio, magical songs by Radwimps.
report Recommended by yusakukudou
if you like Tenki no ko, then you'll 100% like kimi no na wa. Personally i think its the best Anime Movie of all time. And its my personal favorite anime of all time
report Recommended by Itstherealkingz
Compared to previous Shinkai works, Your Name resulted to me more fast paced and intriguing, so of all his works, I found Weathering with You to be the most similar one.
report Recommended by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo
From a tragic love tale to the soundtracks Tenki no Ko definitely gave me Kimi no Na wa vibes. if you have the time and if your one of those people who ranked Kimi no Na wa a "10" you wont be disappointed
report Recommended by thathighanimeguy
Both of the animes were directed by the same person, which explains the similarities between them. They have the same stylistics with great soundtracks. The stories are both simple but intriguing and the character’s progress at the same speed. Plus the main characters from Kimi no Na wa make cameos in Tenki no Ko.
report Recommended by Dzhani
Same director, same animation studio, Radwimps composed the OST of the two films and there is a good romance in both works!
report Recommended by Diacotore
They both have similar animation (Makoto Shinkai's). You will like it for sure.
report Recommended by DemonVK220
Not only do the movies share the same director but also the soundtrack is written by the same band (RADWIMPS) and the characters Mitsuha and Taki appear in Tenki no Ko as a short cameo. Both movies are great romances and have led me to tears.
report Recommended by RealStell
They’re both made by lord shinkai and have very similar plots.
report Recommended by CaptDeaDpooL
emotional, supernatural, romance
report Recommended by Aklima
- same director: Makoto Shinkai - aesthetically pleasing artwork with gorgeous landscapes - fantastical elements that have some tie to nature that are rooted in mythology - romance - the main characters being separated to some extent by the fantastical element
report Recommended by little_shiz17
*Tenki no ko* also known as *Weathering with you* is an movie like *Your Name* (Kimi no na wa) It has the same like theme, and it has an interesting story, it also revolves around the story of *Your Name* you will find it yourself in the movie.
report Recommended by Azen18rip
If you enjoyed Your Name, you’re likely to love Weathering with You as well, as both movies are masterpieces by Makoto Shinkai that share thematic and stylistic similarities. Both stories revolve around young protagonists whose lives intertwine in extraordinary, almost magical ways, blending heartfelt romance with a touch of the supernatural. The films explore deep emotional connections and how they defy societal norms and physical boundaries. They are visually stunning, featuring breathtaking depictions of urban and rural Japan, accompanied by evocative soundtracks that heighten the emotional resonance. In Your Name, the focus is on body-swapping and its impact on the characters' fates, while Weathering with You highlights   read more
report Recommended by alphac0der
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