If you liked
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
...then you might like
Sentouin, Haken shimasu!
A self-centered, self-interested lead, with female character with various faulty traits, making up for disfuctional (but in a way combat effective) group with entertaining character interractions. Being written by the same author, the comedy is of similar vein.
Same feel, all the girls in his harem have some kind of default just like in Konosuba.
Lots of humor, if you like Konosuba you will probably also like Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!
Both male MCs are kind of idiotic and perveted.All of the Female MCs are kind of idiotic too. Male MCs are send to another world together with a female against their will, to do what they need to do. Both stories are written by the same author so there are a lot of other similarities in world building, artifact's name etc.
Recommended by iwsifakismag
The same theme where guy goes to another world with female sidekick and things just don't go the way they expect it.
Recommended by JiangHaoyi1979
both anime have similar vibes and have a lot of konosuba reference or predecessor jokes since the light novel comes out first before konosuba
Recommended by MemersDankers
Ok here 's the deal if you watch one and looking for a another similar try the other one
i recommend them personally
they bot like match made in heaven
alright there are some differences like swapped personalities ,hair colours ,fire style magic spell,yari yara bla bla
until watching Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! ep 2 after watching konosuba i only found one difference that is ther is no eye patch in Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!
i'm not going to say anything
y don't you guys decide
Recommended by JohnASherlock
It has the exact same feel as konosuba, down to the interactions between the characters and their design. The show also directly references konosuba in the first episode. Great stuff.
Recommended by Quattuordecil
Having a similar premise with the same context and vibes but on two separate animes. The humor comes into play too; watching an anime with a standard fantasy setting is fun and all but imagine if it had a comedic action mixed with it too; it's great to think about, wouldn't you agree? Therefore, if you like the humor in "KonoSuba," then chances are you'll like "SenHake" too! (and vice versa)
Recommended by Solaris-----
Both light novels were wrote by the same person, so the concept, humour and gags are extremely similar. Many characters share the same tropes with a few twists and the humour is top notch. Both protaonists are not like your typical shonen protagonist: they fight dirty and don't play the book in addition of being massive confident perverts who aren't afraid to hide their lust, despite having a hidden soft side. If you love KonoSuba, you will love Combatants Will Be Dispatched, even if it is not as good.
Recommended by blondedzero
The show is self aware of how similar they are in Sentouin, in episode 6 or 7 they literally have a "KonoSawa" Manga lmao. I would say this show gives me very similar vibes to KonoSuba more than anything else I have watched, so if you like Konosuba for sure give this a watch.
They're both isekais that follow a male lead who's a perverted idiot and who's companions are girls that all have stupid and funny flaws. Both are from the same author so the premises are similar and the vibes and comedy are pretty much the same. If you're looking for a similar anime, I definitely recommend the other.
They are both based on light novels from the same author and therefore share many similarities. They are both about degenerate male characters going to a new world, they are both comedy series with a harem of girls that have similar personalities to Konosuba characters such as a young chunibyo girl and more. Combatants will be dispatched is also animated by the same people who animated the Konosuba movie, essentially Combatants will be dispatched is Konosuba with fantasy still but also sci-fi and this time has somewhat capable characters instead of them all being useless.
Recommended by Sonnyman45
Comedy, Fantasy that are created by the same author. Different approaches to humor but thoroughly entertaining throughout.
Recommended by hikingwizard74
Made by the same creator and have similiar humor and mc.
Recommended by Anime_Kyrie
This anime is similar to konosuba. On the first episode you can see that one of main characters use a konosuba reference which makes it cool. One of characters from this anime "Snow" looks like Aqua from Konosuba. Anime in general is similar to Kobosuba,Both are comedy and enjoyable.
Main character is similar they greedy and perverted
Both are comedy and parody.
And also both em have kida harem too
Being written by the same author so they same aet style and sence of humour
Same Author!
Similar MC!
The story is different but has a similar vibe!
Both shows are firmly focused on the comedy aspect!
Fun fact- Natsume Sensei wrote Sentouin-Hakenshimasu before writing Konosuba.
Recommended by N1ghtWalker
Both made by the same person and have a similar style of comedy they they pull off well.
Same author, similar humour and both have great charactars and an entertaining story, although I would argue Konosuba has the more iconic and memorable cast of characters.
Recommended by Crusader_Soarin
Both anime have exactly the same style of comedy. Both series were written by the same person, and they're similar in nearly every way. Konosuba has better animation, but I would argue that Combatants Will Be Dispatched has better theme songs.
If you liked one, you're probably going to like the other, though SH is much inferior in my opinion.
A scummy, self centred MC with redeemable qualities, surrounded by a bunch of wacky women, making up for a completely disfunctional yet strangely competent group.
Similiar tone and way of comedy, though SH tends to be a lot more crude and less reliant on deadpan.
Despite the tone, genuinely hearty moments show up quite often.
SH has much better worldbuilding and plot, at the cost of a much weaker character cast, which IMO is not worth it for a comedy show
SH is fantasy with sci-fi elements brought by the MC,
read more
Recommended by TrhlaSlecna
Mc is the same
Recommended by GameSilisk
bukan hanya ceritanya yang sama sama menarik melainkan hampir semua sama sama menarik dari karakter utama yang mempunyai sifat yang sama dan original creatornya juga sama di jamin akan menghibur seperti konosuba
not only are the stories equally interesting but almost all of them are equally interesting from the main character who has the same nature and the original creator is also the same guaranteed to be entertaining like Konosuba
Both are from the same author and are funny as hell. If your into laughing, then prepare to have some of the best laughs you ever had. If you haven’t watched these, then do it immediatly!
- Sentouin has pretty good comedy timing (if you liked the comedy in konosuba, you'll probably like it in Sentouin too)
- The MCs from both shows have incredibly similar personalities, the difference being that agent six (from Sentouin) is a little bit more "aggressive"
- Both MCs were thrown into a new world carrying a woman with them
- There is a blue-haired, airhead, and money-focused FMC in both shows
- Even if the plot does not hook you, you'll probably laugh through every episode, just like in konosuba.
Recommended by pabloide2020