If you liked
Dragon Ball Super
...then you might like
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
These are both the latest anime adaptations of iconic shonen series. They have both dealt with harsh criticism from fans yet done well enough that it's obvious that majority of fans have at least found some enjoyment in the series'. They both started slow but got more interesting and improved further into the series.
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Boruto is like Dragon Ball Super, it ruins the previous series that made the franchise popular and both are the weakest stories of the respective franchise.
Both lack tension and stakes because everyone knows how things will end up. Tho Boruto has a lot more tension because it's only restricted by the flash forward and the fights are engaging. Super sadly doesn't have that. It's just "RATATATATA" and a punch in the gut.
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Their prequels' story is better than this. Crazy and unexplained power ups. Too kid-friendly than their prequels.
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