If you liked
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
...then you might like
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
These two anime are about an academy with a festival/event to determine who the strongest is. The main heroine is a fire wielder and is also of royalty.
Same beginning same tsundere princesses same story.
That say everything. ^^
Recommended by Tsukeru-kun
Both anime starts off on the same note-male lead walks in on female lead changing, ending up in a dual, which proved the male lead's strength causing two to meet and start a friendship. Both anime also includes magical powers and competitions to ranking systems in schools.
Both shows are set in an academy for fighters with special powers. They both start off with the MC, who aspires to be the champion of the big fighting tournament, encountering the lead female as an accidental pervert. Both lead females are hot-headed fire users who are princesses of a kingdom. The big difference is that Asterisk War is more action-oriented, while Chivalry is more comedy-oriented.
Recommended by GridironOtaku
Just gonna go ahead and post this from another post I made
1. Both MC's are uber elite swordsmen
2. Both MC's lack the ability to use uber awesome magic and must rely on their combat sense and sword skills
3. Both MC's have an ultimate mode where they unleash super quick and awesome power but only for a short time, and with a cooldown.
4. Both MC's love interest is a red-haired foreign princess from a small country.
5. Both princesses are fire users with a hot temper trying to do the best for their country.
6. Both princesses develop a respect for the MC.
7. Both MC's respect the princess.
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Recommended by BlackNinjaMan
I pretty much had de ja vu with this anime and Rakudai. The starting plot was the same with similar main characters. Both shows are being showed on the same season so I do not know which one will be viewed more. Gakusen seems like the more serious version while Rakudai keeps it more on the romance light hearted stuff.
Recommended by OokiiButa96
If you liked Kinshi no Cavalry, then Gakusen Toshi no Asterisk is a must. It has a similar feel, high-shchool, OP MC which is being underestimated at first and the love story behind.
- The main male and female protagonist engages in a fight and becomes close
- Both heroes are kind-hearted and likes to help train other girls
- Both are somewhat harem; in Cavalry, there is a little sister to interfere, while in Asterisk there is a childhood friend
These two anime are basically a clone of one another. They're both so similar that I sometimes get their stories mixed up. Both anime are set in a futuristic magic school where we have a main protagonist who's underestimated in the beginning but is actually really strong. They had a chance encounter with the pink-haired fire-wielding tsundere-ish main heroine and somehow evoke their anger resulting into a duel where the main protagonist eventually win. Both anime also has a tournament of some sort in school where our main characters will participate. The main difference between the two, of course, is the main plot and also
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Recommended by AsianKungFu
Both Male MC are "unique" meaning they are OP
Both Female MC uses fire
Both are set in schools
Both are mostly swordplay
Both have tournaments as their main storyline
Basically they are the same. Only difference is that the art in Asterisk is better than Cavalry. While Cavalry has a more ecchi feel than Asterisk and it has better action scene too.
It was almost like they were the same anime and then they added one or two different criteria to one, and so two were made. The two main female leads, who both happen to be princesses and control fire-based magic, and have red/pink hair, both tsundere. And the main male lead who happen to be the underdog school member who just so happens to become the #1 strongest in their school by beating the former #1 (yet they were that strong from the start of when they were shown). But honestly, they are both pretty good, comedy is great, and anime can't be what it
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In both "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk" and "Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry", there is a female princess who uses "fire magic". Both main characters (male) are looked down upon by everyone for being 'weak'. Both series use similar settings, such as attending an academy where they're trying to enter the phoenix festival/seven-star battle festival.
The difference between the two series is that "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk" focuses more on fighting in pairs while "Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry" focuses more on one versus one.
From what has come out thus far these two anime are extremely similar. They include a protagonist who seem weak but when they have their skills tested, they turn out to be very strong. The female leads in both anime are from a noble family and use fire in their attacks. Both anime incorporate a contest/tournament to determine the strongest warrior.
Recommended by flylittlebirdie
There are alot of similarity between these two series and I'm going to list a few!
-Both series are air in the same season and the same day
-Have ecchi moments
-Take place in a school
-Both main protagonist are males and uses sword as their main weapon
-Both MC have a sister
-Main female protagonist are Princess from another country
-Many girls like the MC
-Similar first episode in which the main protagonist seen the female protagonist naked/changing clothes and challenge to a duel afterward
The first episode has the exact same plot.
OP main character who is at first seen as weak by the other characters of the same school. Goes up against one of the top characters in his school and befriends them after a duel.
Setting is a somewhat magical sword fighting academy
MC is seen as someone weak but manages to defeat everyone in his way
Heroine is a red haired tsundere who has an affinity to fire
Both take place in a school.
Both have a heroine whose a princess.
Both have duels.
Both male MC is a sword user and the heroine is a sword user too.
Both heroine's tsunderes and have pink hair who are fire wielders.
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry is practically a carbon copy of Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (although there is more fan service in Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry.) If you enjoyed one, you'll enjoy the other, so I highly recommend watching Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (if you enjoyed this.)
School setting. The "MC sees the underwear of a girl" moment. Same beginning of the first episode, SAME. People have magic and there's a tournament in both anime. Both give a similar atmosphere.
-Both animes have princess with red hair.
-Both princess are fire magic users.
-In both animes boy meets girl when she changes clothes.
-Both animes have a tournament to determine who is the strongest.
-Both male MC's wield a sword.
-Both animes take place in a school.
-The only difference is that "Rakudai" is a romance anime and "Gakusen" is a harem anime
Recommended by iwsifakismag
To pair up with the main female protagonist and then fight other students in other to make it to the finals and win a battle competition. The anime Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry and Gakusen Toshi Asterisk are very similar in plot, genres/themes. Both anime have themes of progressive relationships and has a very obvious Harem cast.
Basically the same anime.
Both have the MC that are deemed sub-par (more so in Rakudai).
Both have the tsundere pink-haired princess main female character.
Both have school participating in magical sword fights.
To be honest, after watching just the first 3 episodes of each, the two seemed extremely alike.
Small difference in romance:
Rakudai seems more of a romance between just the 2 mains.
Gakusen seems harem-ish.
Well they start off with almost the exact same opening scene. Both take place at a battle training type school. They both have a girl that is really strong with fire powers (even similar hair colors) and a guy that is really overpowered. In both they have a battle where the loser has to do anything the winner tells them to do. At one point I forgot which one I was watching. So if you really liked this show, it's so similar it's kinda like a second season.
Both shows feature a princess with supernatural/magical (more like sword) abilities with the male protagonist who is a super strong swordsman. Both stories occur in a school and both are supposedly supposed to face off in a tournament.
Recommended by mysterymilk
Same setting - shonen high school with magic combat. However, Asterisk has a more nuanced cast of characters, and doesn't go full harem by the second episode. Asterisk's action scenes are somehow even better than Calvalry's. Finally, Asterisk's OP (and the rest of it's sundtrack and BGM) kicks all of the ass. Seriously, if you're watching Rakudai, I guarantee you'll enjoy Asterisk.
With similar story lines, this Anime both have to deal with a princess and a mystery warrior who beats the princess and have to follow on the adventures they have. With 12 episodes each these 2015 fall Animes has to deal with romance, comedy, action, harem, and ecchi. Watching these Animes are very similar. Highly recommend if you like an action pack comedy that deals with a romantic situations between the man protagonists.
Recommended by KayotikGaming
same the main character (about their physical) #almost
same the begining of the story (let's start with ecchi situtation)
same power .... same genre .... same LOLI (CAPS LOCK IF WE LOVE IT) LOL
the girl main charater is also tsundere .....
Recommended by homard1995
-Both stories are about magic academy;
-Both have strongs males leads;
-Both male leads can only use their power by a short period of time;
-Both have a tsundere character as the female lead;
-Both are ecchi anime.
both airing in the same season (actually, this season)
both take place in academic magic high school
both of main heroine was called "princess"
both of main heroine was a red-haired
both of main heroine having flame power
both of main heroine was a tsundere (maybe?)
both of mc weaker than main heroine on status but actually, the strongest
both of them all start with an ecchi accident
The same situation where the guy and girl met in very unusual situation, both girls have fire as their source of fire and both guys are skilled swordsman, also in terms of attitude both girls are tsundere and the guys are the usual nice guys.
Recommended by La_Matona301
Both action school anime with similiar plot and main characters, most of the genre's are the same as well
The beginning of the story is EXACTLY the same, guy protagonist walks in girl protagonist while she is stripping, gets mad, duels guy mc, girl mc loses, form a bond, etc... Not to mention, the girl mc also looks like the heroine in Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry. Both are very similar, but Gakusen Toshi Asterisk has a more developed story. Each of these series both have their strong and weak points, but you'll find the other likable if you liked either of them.
Extremely similar first episodes with the MC looking like a perv accidently.
The female leads look similar.
Both leads end up as partners in a way.
Asterisk is more action oriented where as Cavalry is more comedy/ecchi
Recommended by Pallathion
Just To add more to what people are saying for similarities. Theres even some more in the Side Characters so to add them in:
Both have a super skilled Female swordsman who is ranked Number 1 in the school. Both have lighting fast swordsmanship and there both are even named "Todo"
Both Have a really flamboyant side friend who is a bit mysterious and Has unique stealth abilities.
Both follow same:
plot, setting, amount of girls, story. Basically the same story that's somewhat different.
They both have swordfight at school and tournaments.
Heroine that's a princess with a fire abilty and pink hair.
Recommended by derpinat0rz
First: The protagonist is also a princess.
Second: The first encounter is a bad impression and ends in a duel.
Third, they are basically twins anime, at least in the first episode.
(I speak Castilian, but use translator xP)
Recommended by Aaron_Aliaga
The world setting of these 2 animes are soooo similar I almost mixed up these 2 anime while watching them.
Recommended by XyriaLight
I think these animes contain good plot and really good to watch even they are still airing because i like these kind of anime.Both of these contain similiar story,Characters,powers,art work and life points.The difference just the theme so these animes are worth to watch.
Recommended by FreedRyousuuke
Both are similar in the way that the MC goes to a school where they fight with swords and weapons, as wel as magic. There is a ranking sistem in the school and a competition between schools to see who is better.
The MCs in both animes have to duel a pink-haired, fire mage princess after they walk on them changing clothes, but end up forming a friendship.
Both main characters are really inteligent, and have some special ability that works only dor limited time.
Both schools only have some kind of superpowerful humans in them.
The female lead is one of the better ranked at their
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Recommended by mejiabotero
-Both feature a main character with pink hair who uses a fire element sword
-Both Ikki Kurogane and Ayato Amagiri are thought to be weak in the beginning but are actually incredibly strong
-Both animes feature characters who use weapons (mostly swords) and compete in a school festival
-Both Ikki Kurogane and Ayato Amagiri are able to unlock their special power once a day and become unable to fight after using it
Both these shows are incrediably similar and while watching Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, I found myself thinking of Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry a lot. I love the way both stories pull you in and make you wanting to
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Recommended by Osakabehime
the first of these two animes and good looking if you look good, because both players enter the room and find a half-naked girl and she was angry with him, and after that he discovers that she is a princess of a kingdom far, he it saves some dangers and she falls in love, not to mention that he has to have a single type of ability but otherwise it is very good!
Recommended by EdinnoGear
Both involve a school setting where students beat the crap out of each other for various reasons, with magic and weapons included. Practically the same premise, just different execution.
Recommended by Andrewapps
This is going to be my first Recommendation. Lets see how this goes!
Female Protagonist is Flame Wielders and Royalty.
They both a Tournament where they have to make it to the top.
Both Romance, Action with Swords.
Starts with the Male Protagonist seeing the Female Protagonist Changing
Both Male Protagonists are powerful with their Swords.
Male Protagonist in one starts from the bottom, whilst the other starts near the top.
One Male Protagonist relies mostly on his own skill while the other has a powerful Sword plus his own power.
Basically same anime. Similar scenes. Similar storylines. Similar main characters. Similar female protagonist. In my opinion Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry has a better story, at least the backstory is more interesting. If you've watched one, watch the other (at least so you can see how they're basically the same)
Recommended by Silver-King
Both Rakudai Kishi no Cavary and Gakusen Toshi Asterisk are anime talking about magic, and how they are fighting in a tournament. Both have a bit of harem, even though we can see that the main character has a preference for one of the girls. Also, they both get known in their schools for having done something special, and enter the tournament for a personal reason.
They both follow a male lead.
Meets a girl while they were changing.
The girl is a princess of some other kingdom.
Both female leads have fire power.
Have other females that likes the male lead.
Both anime have a tournament that either they team up of need to fight each other.
Male lead is either looked down or new to the school and over time make a cool reputation.
Anime ends with the male lead or the male lead/female lead defeating a strong person. Either in a epic way or short epic way.
Recommended by Miyuki_Saruhiko
They have :
Similar plot
Nice swordplay
Amazing battles and supernatural abilities
Both are similar in plot, characteres and on the premise. If you liked GTA, you will like RKC too.
They have nearly identical settings, and most of the cast is also the same right down to their costumes and hair. They both enjoy the same sorts of action in the same sorts of places, and it's about the same level of quality. They have literally the same opening scene for the main characters, and the main characters enjoy a romance that is far more similar than it is different. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk takes itself much more seriously, however, where Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry is more of a parody.
Recommended by Allarielle
These shows are very similar:
They both involve schools and students competing against each other one a year, with swords and magic ect.
Both Protagonists have a bad past (one of them not as bad), and they both hold a massive power that they can only use for a certain amount of time before passing out with no energy.
They both meet with a Princess, and she starts to like them as they work together everyday to win the tournaments.
-Both anime are about magi academy with battles between special youngsters with gifted super powers
-The main characters are both very badass, very good at kendo and have a hidden power
-The main female characters bear great resemblances
Recommended by WowBreaker
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry or Chivalry of a Failed Knight in English is a show that in some ways, is fundamentally the same as Gakusen Toshi Asterisk or The Asterisk War in English.
I've watched these shows a few times each and really, when I was re-watching The Asterisk War I kept combining the points of Chivalry of a Failed Knight and the Asterisk War quite a lot, specific parts would intensely interlope, I went through basically the whole show thinking there were three seasons because I'd kept remembering points from Chivalry of a Failed Knight and believing they were in the Asterisk War.
They both follow
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Recommended by Anthony_Stevens
Both series revolve around the same premise: a grand competition of strength via, in essence, qualification brackets. Very similar characters across both stories from the supporting cast to the main heroine as well as a "hidden strength" yet still mortal protagonist.
Rakudai has a more compelling story and main character whilst Gakusen Toshi Asterisk strays towards a more generic anime style. However, there's no denying that the two are remarkably similar.
If you like Gakusen Toshi Asterisk which I know sucks. Theres a better anime similar to Ass war
Not only is it set in an academy it also has a battle in which students fight each other. But Rakudai is MUCH more better than Ass war its much more realistic. Why you say? Who the fuck comes with the idea that a student govern a whole school in which in rakudai the school is governed by an adult. So stop watching ass war
Both have really great similarities such as the plot, characters and events.
It is especially similar at the start specifically the first episodes wherein the two mcs meet.
Both have really similar mc especially with their powers that are restrained due to being OP and due to being told that their powers might hurt people. Although these two mc's are the same, their leading ladies also have the same personality being a tsundere. They also have a similar hair color that makes you think a possibility of a certain reference of the two.
Overall, I recommend Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry better than Gakusen Toshi Asterisk.
because the mc's share family problem's not only that the character's resemble each other the story is just as good both mc fight with the one that they love to find out about themselves
Both came at the same time, both have a tournament going on. Both are romance tho in Rakudai Kishi no cavalry it actually goes somewhere.
Exactly the same thing :
- The main character has a big power who has a time limit,
- A team is made between a princess who uses fire and our main character
and there is a lot of similarities that I can say but it could be some spoilers so :p
They both almost have the same female character and how the male is the lead of the story and has to defeat the female protagonist in the beginning after being touched or seen naked.
These two animes are about a gym with where one festival happens and the other is an event to determine who is the strongest.
The main character in "Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry" is a carrier of fire magic and is a princess just like the female character of "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk".
The main character in "Rakudai ..." derived from his lack of skill in using magic increased his skill to the extreme in combat using the sword and senses and thus being able to unleash a great power for a short period such as the main character of the " Gakusen ... "
Basically the initial plot
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Recommended by godzilla2011
the plot is somewhat similar, though the romance in ''Gakusen Toshi Asterisk'' is lacking.
They are both very similar academy tournament anime,and both are extremly fun and exciting to watch
The main characters are very similar. They fight with swords, and have advanced sword skills and are OP. They also have lots of girls around them and have a special interest in those with pink hair.
The hole story is also very similar and have the same kinda feel. When I put on the first episode it immediately reminded me of the other series.
Recommended by ghostsickness9
Rakudai is litteraly the just the better version of gakusen toshi asterisk
Recommended by Soratan0baka
this anime is simlair because they both use swords magic and the main charecter op
Recommended by sloooo0wbro
Both of these anime have almost the same settings,a future society where a portion of people have supernatural powers.Even the main female protagonist are almost similar.If you loved either of these you will surely love the other one.
Recommended by Primordial_sage
These two shows share many things, similar plot points, similar characters and they both have a tournament that the MCs are fighting to win. If you like the Asterisk war then watch Chivalry, they do a lot of things similarly, but most times Chivalry does them better and just has more personality as a series.
Recommended by jarbenmate
Both anime protagonists have an op ability that makes them unbeatable. For example Ikki has an ability called "irregular guarding" which I think is basically the anime term for "flukes." He also posses an ability called "Itou Shura" which allows him to rid himself of physical limitations for a limited period of time. He can only use this ability once a day and once used it consumes most of his energy.
Everything fits the meme "sure you can copy it, just change it a little so the teachers won't notice".
Although I do believe that Chivalry of a Failed Knight executed it all much better, which might be down to the source material coming out a bit later.. which means that the author might've read The Asterisk War and improved upon it.
They even aired in the exact same season, which I find a funny coincidence.
-Both series take place in a school/academy.
-Both series have a male MC who wields a sword.
-Both MC have a sister.
-Both series have a princess with red hair who happens to be fire magic user.
-Both series have a tournament.
They LITERALLY are the same show, same author, reused script, same everything, I would say rakudai kishi no cavalry is better though
Same Story, Same Character, yeah this is duplicate of Rakishi but of course Rakishi better than this one
Recommended by Artma_Desu
Both are about a School Tournament where the Main Characters destroy their conceited Opponents.Both have great Openings and High Quality Animation.
Both are about a guy who goes to a school where people fight each other in matches where they meet a powerful red head who is a tsundere.
Aired the same time
Main character is OP but not well known
MC falls in love with a red haired character
Both have a princess
Heroin goal was to make it into/win into a certain tournament
Heroin hated the MC and the very first episode and was matched thru a duel
Has a long time no see relative/friend which loves and cares about the MC
- same release date
- both series follow a similar theme
- similar looking protagonists
- school that trains people with special weapons
---> "The Asterisk War" is a bad copy of "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" :P
Recommended by biribiri-sama
As both are slightly fan-service anime, they both feature a seemingly ordinary male MC (surrounded by females with varying qualities) who turns out to be rather special. Both of these anime do feature action scenes, mainly with sword-fighting and other fictional elements such as magic.
Both are set in modern times; however, Gakuen Toshi Asterisk features a much more futuristic setting. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry has a more realistic view on the world, minus the special effects and such. The MC of Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry is also more "monogamous", though it does feature some questionable relationships. It also has more shonen elements, such as the
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Rakudai Kishi is like a much better version of Gakusen Toshi. The concepts of those anime are almost the same - fighting in a tournament using different weapons and different skills. MCs are also very similar to each other - they are underdogs that are very OP. Even the most powerful female characters from both anime have the same surname, soooo yeah... Try it out!
Litteraly the same anime, with characters totaly alike and a smilar story but everything is better in Rakudai Kishi : Love story better developped, Figth a 100 times better, animation of higher quality, and last but not least way darker story.
Definitly the Seinen version, better in all points.
Recommended by ChunkerChunk
Same plot and same type of characters
Rakudai is couple focused and Gakusen is more of an Harem
Recommended by HellBorn99
An almost identical setting, fanservice, the main character is secretly strong. Though the characters in Rakudai are better, the animation is better, the fights are better and the abilities are cooler. The story is also better and the conclusion is really good. Basically a much better version of Asterisk War.
Recommended by HyperWhirl
They both have similar concepts of an underdog rising from the bottom.
They are both kinda harem
Both of them follow a Protagonist 'couple'
Just watch them both. The execution of everything overall is better in chivalry of a failed knight.
their beginnings are practically the same, the characters are pretty close to being the same but while watching it, it feels similar but different enough that you can enjoy it.
Recommended by DavidLeHaremBoss
These two… I can not tell them apart, that's how familiar they feel to me. Both have a pink-haired heroine, who are royalty, and heroes, who have at first hidden powers. And both are about sword wielding in a school setting.
I did enjoy both on a similar level (even if I did not like them much), which is why you should watch "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk" if you liked "Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry".
Recommendation goes in both ways!
The first scene is hilariously similar to each other. Also, both of them have harem (Rakudai is some sort not), both have fighting scene, using swords. Both the main have their companion is a fire element user.
Recommended by KuroganeAkira1
both heroines are fire powered, MC is a very strong guy who is underrated
both of them use weapons that can issue elements and the two main characters duel when they meet heroine for the first time.
Recommended by Moreno_Sidauruk
same sort of anime. i liked Gakusen more then this one but i think its still a nice anime to watch.
Recommended by Archer2312
Similar plot
Recommended by AimPerfectly
These both animes are head-to-toe the same in every single thing. First, the main characters are highly underestimated by their schools but have some hidden potential. Their powers are also the same which give them a power boost for limited time and their body takes the toll. They both fight the main girl on their first episode who are both a princess of a nation and fire-user. At first, they hate the mcs but they both are tsunderes. The animation and fights scenes were well animated in both animes. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry has only 1 season while Asterisk has 2 seasons. My
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Both stories are very similar, the mc gets involved with the fmc (who is a princess/royalty).
Their relationship gets progressively more intimate and comfortable, until they finally officially become a thing.
The MCs only know how to use a sword and hand-to-hand combat, however they far excel in those areas compared to everyone else.
If you like romance/action/high school stories with main characters that get stronger the closer they get to each other, then you'll surely love this anime.
they drink from the same fountain.
it's the exact same format, episode by episode. Cavalry is just superior in quality.
Recommended by DokiDokiSame
-Both Anime Have a Similar Story...
-Both Mc In The Anime Are Overpower...
-Both Anime Involve Sword Skills...
-Both Anime Have A Tournament...
Everyone knows The Asterisk War is the exact same vibes as Chivalry of a Failed Knight XD it was just PURE coincidence that I watched them back to back, but literally everyone else I've seen who has watched both would agree that they're more or less the same. Easy to get them mixed up too.
Recommended by kennynakawaki
Takes place at an academy, Battle festival to determine who's the strongest, contain tsunderes that are fire users.
Recommended by sacred-arts