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Gin no Saji
While both shows are slice-of-life with an agricultural basis, Moyashimon focuses more on bacteria/microscopic organisms and various types of brewed drinks, whereas Silver Spoon looks more at farm animals and dairy.
Those interested in both relaxing and informational shows with fun and quirky characters should check it out.
There is a lighthearted mood present in both series of Moyashimon and Gin no Saji. Then, there's the school life setting along with the characters and themes. (involving agriculture)
In Moyashimon, there is the addition of supernatural themes inserted in. However, both series follows a format of agricultural style in terms of its themes. There is also lighthearted comedy as well.
Slightly educational slice-of-life comedies that take place at an agriculture school. Several characters have the same personality, and the feeling you get while watching them is identical.
Coming of age stories set at an agricultural college. Both emphasize character growth and learning about various trades within agriculture.
Recommended by Dark_Yagami
Both shows are slice-of-life stories that focus on agricultural schools, and the life of the characters who go there. They both have quirky characters, and comedic moments.
Their main differences is that Gin no Saji focuses more on food while Moyashimon focuses more on science.
Recommended by vigorousjammer
Both series deal with agricultural schools, and has this sense of real life. The subtle humor makes series enjoyable. Characters interactions are interesting and very down to earth. Very easy and fun to watch.
Recommended by Wingedsheep
Both shows revolve around students going to an agricultural school, both also have a pretty similar feeling which is quite nice ^^
Recommended by DarknessPoulet
While Moyashimon takes place following an agricultural student, unlike in Silver Spoon, it is, for the most part, not so much about farming. It is more so about the germs and microorganisms that help farmers everyday and occasionally hurt people. However, it is not too terribly serious, maintaining the same sort of comedy as Silver Spoon.
Recommended by Drumbottle