If you liked
Shinseiki Evangelion
...then you might like
Darling in the FranXX
Apart from the downright similarities between the characters of these two series, the world buildup has striking resemblance. Humanity is constantly being under attack by an eldritch abomination, and to defeat them, kids are trained to pilot giant mecha structures. The protagonist has some sort of issue that prevents him from piloting once such robot. There is a female lead who wears bright red clothes, and plays a big part with the mental turmoil of our protagonist.
Mental depression plays a big part in the protagonist's case, and while Evangelion has a constantly lingering dark aura to it, Darling in the FranXX is a lot brighter
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Darling in the FranXX borrows the same concept from Neon Genesis, but while Evangelion takes a more psychological with the sense of impending doom in the horizon, Darling in the FranXX takes the more drama and character building approach,.... is as if Neon Genesis had love child with Kill La Kill and then that love child had another kid with Gurren Lagann.
Both are mech shows with a depressed male protagonist, and an inhuman female main character.
I've only seen 1 episode of Darling in the Franxx so far, so I can't say for sure, but it seems have a similar vibe to EVA.
If you like Darling in the Franxx, check out EVA.
Though, can't say for sure it's vice versa.
Recommended by hashigamon
Humanity is constantly getting attacked by abnormal abominations, in defense humanity uses giant robots that're controlled by literal teenagers. Wowzers. Overall, both are really really similar, as if the ideas were ripped out of each other...pst...Darling!
so similar when it comes to the story , some kids had to be pilots of some sort of mecha to save the humanity.
hit of season + anime classic of years 90= similar question mecha.
Recommended by Jotaronirvana467
In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is beset against monstrous, other-worldly creatures who attack their fortified cities. The only hope for mankind's survival against these terrible threats are mecha, which can only be piloted by children. Why? Because its ANIME, that's why!! The pilots are always whiney little children!
Seriously though, Eva and Darling are very similar in more ways than one. Besides setting and premise, even the main male leads of both are sad wet blankets, and the female leads are battle-hardened ace pilots who wear red skin-tight suits.
Recommended by Dewelleric
If you've watched FranXX but not NGE, go watch NGE. If you've watched NGE but not FranXX, then you should watch FranXX if you'd enjoy a worse version of NGE's story but with the addition of (pretty good) romance amongst the cast. FranXX is clearly not as good as NGE but it kept me entertained and there were some emotional moments when it explored the relationships between characters.
If you like Mecha anime and really enjoyed Evangelion, Darling in the FranXX is a great show to pick up. Darling is basically a modern take on Evangelion with similar plot and twists.
Recommended by SpicyCinnabun
Darling in the FranXX has many concepts, themes, and events, and even episode-event pacing that are extremely similar to that of NGE other than the ideas/facts that both contain mechas, both have a government body that has a secret agenda, and both revolve around a male protagonist that is quite inferior to a certain female protagonist in a near-apocalyptic setting.
Also, if you're after an anime similar to DitF but contains more psychological and darker themes and character case studies, then NGE is for you. Although in turn, it sacrifices abit on mecha battles (take note that NGE is not really a mecha anime), faster pacing,
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Recommended by jtmOnii-Chan
Same energy, same message. These two animes capture the depths of the human soul and confront it with the best science fiction ever made. The mecha at its finest. (btw both suck)
Recommended by Toutenkamont
similar world buildup; group of teens are ordered to ride mechas to kill off monsters
franxx is less psychological and much more light-hearted than evangalion however
Recommended by silhouwets
-both are of the mecha genre
-both have similar dystopian worlds
-both have to fight similar monster (in neon genesis them being called angels and in darling them being called klaxosaurs)
If you have watched Darling in the FranXX but haven't watched Neon Genesis Evangelion, I highly recommend it since both shows are mecha.
-Horny teenagers
-Tight spandex suits
-Main character cries about being gundam-like mecha
-The enemy is not as everything seems to be
-The ending will make you question things
Recommended by mayone1ghs
if you watch both you'll understand. eva is much darker and darling is brighter. whether it's up to debate whether or not an eva fan would like darling, or whether a darling fan would like eva, i believe both are well worth the watch - coming from someone who loves both series.
robots fighting
Recommended by HyperProX_Andrew
Very similar plots, to the point where they are almost identical. Both are mecha shows that are really more so about the characters growing up more so than the action, and both escalate massively in the final act.
Recommended by JizzyBizzy
-They both Fight a Kaijuu with a Mecha
-They both came from a special unit
-They both have a group of teen to pilot a Mecha
-They both teach how to be yourself
War!, Monsters! Relationships! Mental health?
both aren't similar story wise, but premise wise, it seems familiar is certain places like the apocalyptic nature of the world, and how the governments are similar to the show itself. not only that, they both have very touching moments and, emotional backlash, btw. a lot of blood/magma? if you're into those things why don't go and give it a try (the holy grail of action scenes in a series)
Both are mecha anime that have about the same amount of episodes. In Evangelion Shinji pilots a robot called an Eva while in Darling in the FranXX Hiro pilots a FranXX. Both main characters have never piloted before but were able to pilot the robots in their first try. Like Evangelion, in Darling in the FranXX the two people that pilot the bot are of opposite gender and have to be able to be compatible with each other. These two anime are really good and I definitely recommend both anime to people that love mecha and romance.
Recommended by shouya_jiniret
The world is based on mecha-similar machines same as in Darling in the FranXX. Main protagonists want to protect the current world from threats.
world is in crisis, people are fighting dangerous monsters. and for that they use giant robots
In short,Franxx is a mouth breather version of evangelion but you remove the religious symbolism with juvenile stuff
Recommended by butterflyeffectt
They both involve humans who have to control “robots” (idk what to call them :p)
And fight to save humanity
Plus they are both good anime’s sooOoOo
Recommended by MagentaKat
Another anime that pays more attention to its characters and the world around them before the battles. Anime is also mecha.
Darling in the FranXX is basically an Evangelion rip-off that, unlike most others, doesn't just superficially copy EVA, instead giving its own take on the same themes as it. So both series feature a post-apocalyptic setting, ancient monsters attacking a human city in search of something hidden inside it, teenagers with psychological conflicts being forced to pilot mecha to fight back, sinister head figures with a relationship to aliens, and a strong focus on the mentality of and the relationships between the pilots.
Recommended by Ionliosite2
the biggest similarity between these shows is that (vaguely) they are both about teenagers fighting monsters in mechs. in addition to thi,s they both explore the mental states/emotions of the characters very deeply, with darling exploring more romance and evangelion exploring more phycological matters. if you're like me who watched darling before the classic evangelion, i cannot recommend enough that you watch it to experience one of if not the deepest pieces of media you'll ever consumed.
Darling is basically retarded brother of Evangelion.
Big robots, teenagers, romance - everything similar, but still made better in evangelion.
Recommended by marieroseenjoyer
Similar plot and characters.
If you watched DITF but not NGE yet, wtf r u doing
Both Mecha animes but in my opinion NGE's storyline is more developed and the ending one of the best I know.
The obvious similarity is that they are both mecha anime.
DiTF seems like a more modern take on Evangelion. Similar concepts and themes. Both take place in post-apocolyptic dystopian setting and have hormonal teenagers that have existential crisises every 5 minutes.
If you've seen DiTF and not NGE, 100% watch it. Not so sure about vice versa.
Both are set in a post-apocalyptic world in which humanity fights an alien threat with giant robots (The EVAs in Evangelion, or the Franxx). Incidentally, the protagonist in both series has a very similar character.
In both anime, these robots can only be piloted by children, with a similar system between the two series and quite "similar" costumes even in color. Also, these mecha are not simply robots, but are based on modified versions of enemies (klaxosaur / angel).
Apart from the downright similarities between the characters of these two series, the world buildup has striking resemblance. Humanity is constantly being under attack by an eldritch abomination, and to defeat them, kids are trained to pilot giant mecha structures. The protagonist has some sort of issue that prevents him from piloting once such robot.
characters use mechas to fight monsters (in evangelion they fight angels, in darling in the franxx they fight dinosaurs)
Recommended by mason_black
Big robots with good plot and fun fight scenes with a sense of reality and loss as well
Recommended by Animedealer_101
bro im not kidding when i say this shit is so similar
i started w darling in the franxx and tbh i like nge so much better. honestly they have similar plots but much different endings. NGE is much longer but worth it. check it out fo realzies
Fourteen-year-old Shinji reluctantly pilots a giant sentient machine in battle to protect Earth.
They're both mecha, the main character's harem is a long haired girl with bright hair and another girl with short blue hair. It can be very sexual at times, both series have broken characters except evangelion portrays it better. They assign 14 year olds to ride giant robots to fight aliens and monsters. And they both are about 24 episodes long.
• both are shounens
• both include sci-fi. post-apocalypse & mecha genre
• both are dramas
• action takes place in future
• main girlies approved waifu material
Recommended by starlighttt_08
both dive into similar themes that the the author were expirenicing , some say darling in the franxx is a knock off of evangaelion which parts of it is true , however both excelle in expressing themes that are unqiue to them , evanagelion uses their charecters such as shinji , asuka and rei to express themes of isolation , adolences , depression , self struggle , loving themselves and some bliblical themes. While darling in the franxx also does go through some similar themes it is more light hearted and easier to understand then evanagelion while also focusing on romance as well. Both are
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