Shinseiki Evangelion, Poputepipikku Recommendations
There are many things in common between PTE and NGE. One must first understand the correlation between these two anime is not so skewed in the grand scheme of their representation and ideas.
First, going over the dementia aspects. The two anime manage to play wildly unique cards in their presentations and executions of the shards of animation they use to convey the magnitude of different acid trips that take place, be it opaque, transparent, arthouse or just downright silly although, a little too much of its own medicine at times, but more times than not, the two can follow their own themes enough in their
respective manners consistently. Sure, many anime can follow their own premise easily, that is no grand feat. This, however, chooses to ignore PTE and NGE's other common factors, which leads me nicely to my second point.
Second, the underlying candid messages behind the facade of their performances. What we have here are indeed works which utilise art to convey means, but in the genre of avant-garde works, sometimes works such as Eva find themselves in a situation in which they cannot or choose not to give an engrossing philosophy, but instead play a much simple method instead behind all the chaos that the crowds' whispers foretold. NGE's self-respect and PTE's "just have fun" seem to be left in the shadow every now and then when speaking of the two anime. The superficial is the visual production, and the imagery and foreshadowing are the technique, but none of which are the inherent meaning.
They are both good anime depending on who you are asking, of course. But it should be noted that these two share a lot in common with techniques that end up cocooning their ideas simply because of background reasons influenced by the audience. Take what you will from the two anime—there's no need to be myopic. However, they are strange pieces of art, and enough of the right people amassed will bring forward praise like never before.
If absolutely nothing else, at least take in the fact that they both have very unconventional ways to convey their stories, be it via epileptic shocks or stuff drawn by 4-year-olds.
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