If you liked
Shinseiki Evangelion
...then you might like
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
After hearing so much about Chimera Ant Arc being the deconstruction of the shonen verse, I decided to put up a recommendation because NGE as well is a deconstruction except in Mecha.
-Both main protag have daddy issues and emotional struggles to deal with (I find Gon more likeable than Bitchass Shinji)
-The story involves in multiple cast (except in H X H it is ridiculously huge) and the main char are pretty comparable if not exact if you notice (Gon-Shinji Killua-Kaworu Kurapika-Rei Leorio-Asuka)
-Blue and Orange Morality issue is explored due to the conflict between humans and an outside force who are sentient beings
-Light and Dark
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Recommended by WingZeroRequiem
Hmmmm just skipped all the arcs and go to chimera ant,if you compare chimera ant especially the palace invasion with evangelion,you can have some similarity,amazing philosophical lines and fights,the ending is life changing depends on what person you are,if you're not into demographic,you may not understand the eva ending,if you can't survive the palace invasion hell pacing,you won't enjoy the ending
Recommended by butterflyeffectt