If you liked
Koe no Katachi
...then you might like
Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi
• Center around the insight into disabilities.
• Similar personalities with main characters and side characters.
• Similar pacing, environments and soundtracks.
• Same sort of aesthetic features in the animation.
Both romance movies deal with accepting -and overcoming- a disability. Although A Silent Voice has more of a focus on the topic of bullying.
Similar theme of female main character living with disabilities, main male protagonist learning to understand and support them. Animation style, character ages, side characters are similar.
Tone of the movie is somewhat different, with Silent Voice diving a bit more into the serious and heavy aspects of the theme.
Recommended by casualViewrKenny
- Both have stunning visuals
- Main girl has some sort of disability
- Happy ending, but got dark or sad at times
- Emotional Romance
- Both hit you hard
Recommended by xx_ibrahimd_xx
-Both FMC are disabled
-Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi focuses more on romance
-Silent voice on the other hand focuses more on redemption and self-acceptance
In short both story are similiar.
These movies involve romance and drama, and make focus on disabilities. Also, they have an amazing animation and ost. I highly recommend both of them.
They're both movies that follows the relationship between a disabled female and a male.
A Silent Voice is more emotional/dramatic heavier than Josee though.
Recommended by Great_King20
Both heroines are difable, thus give us an insight abt how this world still look down upon a difable people
The influence one of the movies had on the other one can be clearly seen. There are quite a few elements that were similar in the story. Great and enjoyable characters. Other than that, Beautiful visuals and animation. Sound design and OST were other things that were beautiful in both of the movies.
If you like one of the movies, you should highly check the other one out.
Disability. It sucks to have a disability, you become unable to pursue dreams you once aspired to, or you just become handicapped to the point where you are "too different" to be classed as a regular human.
A Silent Voice and Josee Tiger Fish understand this trouble.
With the two stories centring around drawbacks of such provided above, there comes the magnification of feels and emotion, which these two movies do a spectacular.
Silent Voice does this with the bullied Nishimiya rekindling relationships with her former bully Ishida, who undergoes his episodes of mental crisis in the movie. Josee Tiger Fish follows a disabled girl, Josee, who has
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Recommended by NextUniverse
Although "A Silent Voice" is a lot heavier to the heart in contrast to "Josee," the two can still be considered as similar since both have a premise of a guy falling in love with a disabled girl. Other than that, the two are also accompanied by a phenomenal soundtrack and astonishing graphics and animation.
If you've already watched "A Silent Voice" and liked it, then I am positive that you'll also like "Josee."
Recommended by Solaris-----
Both movies have a heroine with a disability. Both are also great movies*(imo)*
While both offer romance, silent voice is more focused on redemption and self-acceptance while josee offers more romance.
They are both a drama/romance about a person with a disability and they are both quite sad.
Recommended by Sonnyman45
- Female main character has a disability of some sort and suffers prejudice from other people because of it.
- Main character doesn't quite understand F-MC, but gets to know her better and understand her over time, eventually falling in love.
- Female main character has a rival in love that is a asshole with her at first. However...
- MC has a cool friend that supports him and the FMC
- Very deep and highly emotional, with lots of comedy, romance and drama. Prepare some lil handkerchiefs. Or buckets.
Recommended by LordeBatata
Both romance with disabled females. Josee focuses more on the romance while the other is more on bullying.
Both are coming up age romance anime movie consists of relatable and well written characters , beautiful and emotional storytelling with bitter sweet ending
Both anime are good but Josee movie has a romance scene
Both anime have a good character development
Have similar vibes and plot
talk about the most same point = Heroine with physical disability (no Offense!)
bring slice of life feels, this bold anime have much great story who telling how precious your life.
The FMC in both movie's are disabled and it shows how the world looks down upon those who are physically disabled
These movies are beautiful and similar in there own ways.
The story's are enjoyable, emotional with great characters and amazing plot.
Two Romantic Gems.....Excellent story and was heck of a drama.....Josee would be one of the best movies of 2020
Recommended by Reblex_7029
A Silent Voice explores the impact of living with a body disability on the personal relationships with other people, with a great emotional level and a stunning visual art, something which I similarly found in Josee, the Tiger and the Fish.
Recommended by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo
Both animes have a female character who has a disability, and another person who decides to be part of their lives and help them; grow together as a person overcoming obstacles, and with a certain romantic air. So if you liked one, you'll probably like the other.
Recommended by Sun_Rodriguez
For some reason, Josee the tiger and the fish is similar to A silent voice, in that the protagonist is a disable girl with difference character and story time plot too.
after watching Josee, the tiger and the fish, it reminded me of the ending of A silent voice. Both of the movies ending were same good in romance and have best slice of life stories. A silent voice significantly develop the romance plot after Ishida rescuing nishimiya and romance plot at Josee grow when tsuneo safes her from an accident too.
Recommended by MrFrostbite
Understanding others is often difficult. And it is even more difficult when the other person has something different, like a handicap, that sets him or her apart from the others. Misunderstanding turns into fear, fear into hate, and hate into rejection.
In these films, we learn to understand and love others, despite their differences. Both represent the difficulties of a girl with a disability, and how they manage to overcome them. It is a story of love and compassion, and although Josee is more focused on romance where A Silent Voice takes a darker tone, the two have a lot of similarities, both in the themes
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-Both are fantastic movies that properly develop the characters, their motivations, and includes some romance that isn't just shoehorned in.
-Both movies have characters that have disabilities that do impact their lives, and tastefully demonstrates those characters overcoming the major obstacles they are faced with.
Recommended by AuthenticRye
If you love " a silent voice " you'll love this too
Recommended by TheSanjibanSinha
If you enjoyed A Silent Voice and are wanting something simular Josee, the Tiger and the Fish would be the closest thing to it. Both entail a character who has some type of disability and displays the effects it has on how they live their lives. During the anime you see the characters form a strong connection with one another and witness them become a wholesome couple. They definitely dont have it easy during the anime and there are many problematic situations throught it but I think that shows how much they endured together and adds to their overall character developments. Josee, the Tiger and
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