If you liked
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
...then you might like
3-gatsu no Lion
Both series are about people who are passionate and talented in a specific thing (rakugo performance and shogi), and both give a very in-depth look as to the complicated feelings you can have toward something you dedicate your life to. Both have excellent character drama, writing, art, and directing.
Both are stories about protagonists pursuing success in the only thing they have to fill the void inside while coping with the isolation and loneliness that comes with it. Hurting people close to them and trying to fix the mistakes are dealt with in both anime albeit in different ways. And even though Shouwa Genroku takes a mature tone compared to Sangatsu, both of these stories are character studies and are pretty good ones at that.
Recommended by Doomdoctor
> the protagonists were obliged to choose the way that they travel still very young
> are part of traditional Japanese art and are improving over time
> there are several dramas and suspensions around the protagonists while developing the plot and talking more about their trades
Recommended by arvorekaindo
Both have to do with traditional Japanese arts/games and focus on the emotional impacts those skills have on the people who practice them.
Recommended by animeincamelot
Both series are incredibly introspective series. The main characters are both melancholic but not to the point of being annoying. In fact, they both work quite well with the tone of the series (dealing with doubts and anxiety that come with pursuing a profession at a young age). Also, the supporting cast can be quite uplifting while also dealing with complex issues of their own. Overall, I'd say Rakugo is a little darker in tone as it deals with subjects such as death. However, 3-gatsu is no lightweight either as it deals with subjects such as child abuse but it definitely carries a lighter tone.
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Recommended by Blood-Typemaster
If you liked how one shows emotions, the other does it is a similar artistic and poetic way.
Recommended by Natsuneeel
Fantastic and entertaining stories with appealing and deep character development. Drama is the strong key on both animes, showing the life and difficulties of a daily day. Both the main male characters grows in personality over the anime.
Both are great drama anime, if you like one of these, you'll most likely love the other one.
They use traditional Japanese art to tell their stories.
Recommended by itsDespera
Great dramas that focus on character development. With both Rei and Yakumo, their main focus in life (shogi and rakugo respectively) are things that bring them pain. To them both, this pain is brought about by losing people close to them.
Shogi and Rakugo. Even without any prior knowledge of these subjects, both shows manage to remain extremely engaging, focusing on the struggles of very well-written characters while showing their lives and relations with others.
Both are heavily related to traditionally Japanese activities and people who have nothing left but their craft.
Recommended by Timothy_Zlk3