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Vampire Hunter D (2000)
Vampires are scary, with blood and gore everywhere. Neither series shies away from the blood and gore, but they also put a level of humanity into the picture bringing into the picture this idea that there is more to the vampire than just a blood thirsty monster with no thought of anything but survival. Scratch that, survival is still a major proponent, but it is no longer about just looking out for oneself as both series present vampires as a having some form of group effort. This isn't a unique trait, yet for these series which are older series from Japan, that is one of
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Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both have vampires and awesome vampire slayers. Lots of great battles.
A-class shows with vampires as main heroes, who're deffending us from their evil brothers.
Both are based around vampire themed stories, with a gothic twist to them and both share elements of action and moments of drama too. And also both have really nice to look at artstyles and character designs too.
Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost