If you liked
...then you might like
- Ecchi
- Teenagers fighting
- Maidos!
- War between students
Recommended by DJackerick
Fighting,Echii goodness in a school where teachers are nowhere to be found, filled with boys on steroids and girls that look like they just came fresh out of a brothel.Makes you wonder if they really are underage.
Recommended by Angra-Mainyu
In both, students at a school are made to fight. Mostly girl's, and the guys are either at the head of command or are made to assist the women. Both have extreme ecchi, which doesn't faze me, but as a warning.
Recommended by Shadolance
To call something such as Ikki Tousen & Freezing classics would to many film critics be pretty similar to getting emotionally bludgeoned to death with a lead pipe! But there is always room for quality teenage hormone pandering in the hall of fame. With that said Ikki Tousen and Freezing are similar as they are amongst the best of its genre, forget about character driven story-lines lets utilize panty shots and boob slips as plot development!! That goes without saying, Freezing and Ikki Tousen are examples of the fap worthy editions to the harem-ecchi-action-school life anime that are never afraid to dwindle with what they
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-girls fighting
-ecchi theme
-loads of fanservice
-nice girls
-unique story, somewhat easy to grasp
Recommended by SirEvangelFrost
- Generously proportioned women
- Fighting
- Clothes coming off
Oh, and there is a story too.
Fan service aside, both shows also try to have a some-what interesting plot (for what the shows are, gotta give 'em a bit of credit for trying.)
Recommended by Holocat_Zer0
Both are ecchi
Both have fighting
Both male main characters act similar
Recommended by Sealshark122