Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki, Darling in the FranXX Recommendations
Darling in the Franxx, an extremely popular mecha series release recently has taken the community by storm with the surprising compatible duo Hiro and Zero Two.
Knights of Sidonia S2, the sequel to the original Knights of Sidonia story line; a fairly popular mecha series released in 2014 that has been absorbed by the community maintaining the power duo Tsugumi and Tanikaze.
Both series are extremely similar due to their premise and character palette,
I assume everyone is familiar with the premise of Darling in the Franxx so I will describe the similarities it shares with Knights of Sidonia with as few spoilers as possible.
Firstly, in S2 of Knights of Sidonia we are introduced to a Gauna/human chimera which replicates the humanoid composition of Sidonia's knights. The MC, Tanikaze grows to a liking with the Chimera which has human awareness; they are basically a power duo on the battlefield when attacking hostile Gauna (alien species) This is the biggest similarity between both series, they're essentially compatible characters with Zero Two and Hiro, we know from the series Darling in the Franxx that Zero Two is technically not human and thus seems like a direct mirror to the Chimera Tsugumi.
Secondly, in Darling in the Franxx, there is a control hierarchy or connection between the youth characters and higher in command known as adults, papas or mamas. In Knights of Sidonia S2, there is a similar chain of command called the council, which is essentially much older and wiser humans that have undergone a surgery that allows them to live near immortal lives and maintain their physical youth features. In both series, these higher in command control what is the best option for their survival as well as the society that live under them and as such, they decide many important decisions aboard their ships/ in their domes.
Thirdly, They both are set in a post apocalyptic settings; Darling in the Franxx is set on a planet (which may or may not be Earth) whereas Knights of Sidonia S2 is set on a large meteorite in Space. Although they seem to occur in drastic settings, both societies live within a man made shelter from the outside world in order to protect and preserve humanity.
Lastly, in both series they tend to have a common enemy: In Darling in the Franxx, the enemy that feeds on humanity and leads in destruction is a land monster known as Klaxosaur whereas similarly, in Knights of Sidonia S2 the monsters that are a menace to mankind are known as Gauna. In Darling in the Franxx, Zero Two, the female MC has a portion of Klaxosaur DNA and part human (I'd assume considering she maintains a human figure); Similarly to Darling in the Franx, Knights of Sidonia's main Mecha/female characters is a mix of Gauna DNA and human which is why she is referred to as a chimera in the series.
After watching a bit of Knights of Sidonia, it becomes much more apparent that there is much more similar chemistry shared with Darling in the Franxx. I assume that is because the general premise is intriguing/entertaining to watch; I enjoy both series so it's no surprise that I'm submitting this recommendation for both.
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