Great Teacher Onizuka, Golden Boy Recommendations

Great Teacher Onizuka
If you liked
Great Teacher Onizuka
Golden Boy
...then you might like
Golden Boy
GTO and Golden Boy are extremely similar in style and humor - both feature honest and hardworking leads who will go to great lengths to make a difference in another person's life. And both are prone to trouble, especially when women are involved. The two shows have their differences though - they're similar enough that I'm absolutely sure anyone who enjoys one should watch the other, but not so similar that either feels like a ripoff.
report Recommended by Krelian
Very similiar main lead, art style and humor.
report Recommended by dacon
Golden Boy and GTO have similar humor and style. When I watched GTO I kept thinking about how it reminded me of Golden Boy. Both of these animes deal with comical perverted guys who you just can't help but love.
report Recommended by Hush
The same humor and style. Main characters: Eikichi and Kintaro are very similar.
report Recommended by SadMar
There both funny as hell!!!
report Recommended by FuzzyChaos
Onizuka Eikichi from GTO and Oe Kintaro from Golden Boy are very similar characters. That goes for their personalities and even applies to things such as the facial expressions they make. They are both perverted guys who act goofy most of the time but when it comes down to it, they always deliver and save the day. The art and animation style for the these series are also very similar and the same goes for the style of the voice actors. Story-wise, Golden Boy is very episodic. Each episode is about a completely different scenario while in GTO the story is ongoing from beginning to end. Of   read more
report Recommended by shinigamidono
Golden Boy and Great Teacher Onizuka has a similar style and humour and the main guys is just so similar in every way and yeah they make the same facial expressions lol...
report Recommended by OldAccount1921
Both have very funny main characters as well as multiple problems with no real goal almost being episodic ,both are perverts and have similar art style.
report Recommended by elsalvatrucho64
Both Golden Boy and Great Teacher Onizuka have the same kind of warm animation style and they both feature humorous male leads who frequently have all sorts of escapades involving women. If you liked Golden Boy's sort of humour, you will find more of it from GTO. Additionally, if you liked Golden Boy but wish to see something with a more solid plot, this is a good candidate.
report Recommended by Skull-Hunter
Both of the series involve a pervy protagonist who happens to get himself in loads of trouble but always gets away learning something or teaching something to someone else. Both protagonist make the most ridiculous faces that add to the charm of the series. If you like the brand of humor that Onizuka has, then golden boy is a great companion to the type of humor. Both are very inspiring and have a great spirit that make them a great watch. Sadly the series is a bit short but very worthy of a try.
report Recommended by Shadowdun
Slice of life, ~18-25 age group of main characters, male lead characters, mature themes, both have a lot of comedy, and voluptuous females.
report Recommended by kamehameha
Extremely similar characters. Very funny. If you like one then you will like the other.
report Recommended by RandomChampion
It's not like the series are similar in plot, but the sense of humour is analogous. Since Golden Boy is only an OVA, you won't waste much time if you happen to don't like it at all. While Onizuka Eikichi is actually a dumb ass (which is fine with me), Kintaro Oe is rather an intriguing character and one doesn't exactly know which on he is - a smart genius or a dumb ass as well. If you liked GTO, you might try to watch Golden Boy.
report Recommended by manatasia
GTO and Golden Boy both are similar in humor. Both have an honest, hardworking main character who will go to great lengths to make a difference in another person's life. Mostly women.
report Recommended by Deer50
GTO and Golden Boy are both my favorite anime ^o^ there are both funny and have sweet story line ^_^
report Recommended by Dreams062
if you finished golden boy and wanted more, GTO is what your looking for
report Recommended by WilyVooDoo
Golden Boy is some of the most baller S**t i have ever seen, but it is incredibly short. I feel as if GTO captured Golden Boys message, but is a lot deeper and longer. Both are some of the funniest anime you will ever find. I just couldn't stop laughing. When your done you'll feel sad because its all over.
report Recommended by yez
Well, these two series definitely shares some similarities. For instance, the main male protagonist is portrayed as a perverted guy. However at the same time, they are honest and truly wishes to help the people they meet. Both series' main male protagonist also gets into various situations with women. Initially their outlook on the mc is disgust but later on seems to view him in a different light. There's a lot of catchy dialogues in both series that is humorous. The old school style artwork also gives similiar vibes. There is also some fan service in both series.
report Recommended by Stark700
Both main characters are perverts go horny over any girls with ba-donk-a-donks There both Aspiring.. In GTO the main character Onizuka wants to be the greatest teacher while in Golden boy the main character likes to study study study study by going around japan learning new things, meeting new people, and taking alot of part time jobs Both shows are great Both have a funny humor to them, i would recommend these to everyone who wants a good laugh. Cheers.
report Recommended by Mrweed001
Both are 90's anime about hardworking pervert who somehow finds a way to save the day, but somehow never gets laid.
report Recommended by LittleCaesars
The situations that the main characters go through may differ, but the way they act throughout the episodes and they way they solve other people's problems are nearly identical.
report Recommended by CommanderPYE
"Learn, learn, learn!" is the motto of Kintaro Oe, a law school drop-out who goes on a quest to travel across Japan on his bike, to gain knowledge. Both shows largely focus on the comedic, weird experiences and life lessons derived from them.
report Recommended by BRhueBR
just ridiculous pervy episodic comedy to make you feel warm inside
report Recommended by hypernova_00
It has the same atmosphere and similar characters, except in GTO the protagonist is a teacher, and in golden boy it's a super fast learner. Same genre, same art style, both main characters are cool and funny at the same time in their own way, which is good. I personally prefered golden boy as an anime, shame it's only 6 episodes, although you can always read the manga of which there is a lot of. Golden boy used the "arc an episode" format so it's better suited as a -relaxing, switch off brain and be happy- anime because you don't need to follow a particularly   read more
report Recommended by Murdaj_Steve
Both are comedy about a perverted guy and his escapades. Both have old style animation. Difference is that one MC is a teacher while the other one is just travelling around the world.
report Recommended by abystoma2
Similar art and comedy.Both will make you laugh a lot A LOT
report Recommended by Heralder
well both are very similar in allot of ways * both are strong and willing to take a beating to help some out * both have perverted minds * both should be never underestimated * both are good good hearted * they both teach people that there better than what they think * both have funny ass face's * both are from the mid to late 90 Differences * golden boy is a little bit more ecchi * GTO Story is set in one place most of the time * Golden boy almost has a harem * GTO wish he had harem lol * GTO rides a Motorcycle * Golden Boy ride's a Mountain Bike
report Recommended by SteveBert
Onizuka and kintaro are protagonist fom the two series, the two share quite the similarities with both being a total perverted maniac who looks like idiot from the eyes of others. But as the story progresses others begins to doubt their despise and sees them as a kind of heroes.
report Recommended by JinxBond
Both the protagonists are perverted and they both get themselves into trouble but end up saving people.
report Recommended by fellowstranger
Both main characters are pretty similar : both are eccentric who are perverted and end up gaining respect from everyone by their acts. As the main characters being quite identical, both shows display similar jokes and comedy. Finally, they share quite the same style as both shows released in 1995 and 1999.
report Recommended by _Pingu_
Both shows are comedies that feature an expressive, perverted, happy-go-lucky man in his twenties as the protagonist. These characters then spend the course of their respective shows trying to help solve problems held by the people around them while simultaneously solving a few of their own. Also, both shows feature older, celluloid animation.
report Recommended by Linnaean_Cowboy
The thing I love about GTO and Golden Boy, is that both main characters are hilarious and get themselves into some of the most humorous, and most awkward situations that make them both so much fun to watch. I noticed that both Onizuka and Ooe, Kintarou go to great lengths for other people, even if they're risking their lives doing so. Golden Boy is very similar to GTO and I highly recommend you watch it, despite Golden Boy only having 6 episodes.
report Recommended by Pytosan
Very design and great samrt pervert main characters. If you like old school sexy jokes this anime is best for you.
report Recommended by superhik72
The main character in both anime are perverted guys who enjoy teaching and helping people. They are both great at many things. However, in most of the cases it's Onizuka's strength that helps him while Kintarou isn't really strong but smart. Onizuka teaches even though he isn't all that smart while Kintarou is a law school dropout because he had completed all his courses. Onizuka has his eyes on his hot colleagues and his students' mothers while Kintarou has his eyes on the girls he meets when he is trying to learn new things. GTO and Golden Boy have really similar sense of humour and their art   read more
report Recommended by CSHCHnehir
both very funny ambos muito engraçados
report Recommended by Bruno__
Both main characters (Kintarou Ooe and Eikichi Onizuka) are virgin perverts with a great heart and a necessity of helping people, both animes are funny with the main protagonist having a mixture of smartness and dumbess in their brain. They repugn women at the beginning, but by the end they can't resist Kintarou and Onizuka good side. Golden Boy and Great Teacher Onizuka are both a erotic comedy, the only crime is that Golden Boy is only 6 episodes in contrast to the 43 episodes of the Great Teacher Onizuka.
report Recommended by Hitman87
While Golden Boy doesn't have a focused-story, both are surprisingly similar, mostly in comedy. So, just like I said, both have a very similar comedy, Golden Boy focuses 100% only on comedy, while Great Teacher Onizuka doesn't, though. Both have a very similar artstyle, a quirky old one, it's comfy & great.
report Recommended by blank
Both shows have the main character doing odd jobs, and leaving a lasting impression on those they help out Both Onizuka and Kentaro tech others about life. Both are insatiable perverts that do and imagine bizarre things, for comedic effect. All in all, I recommend this anime even though there are only 6 episodes, it's fun to come back to and watch, I think it's refreshing to watch after you become sick of seeing the same old same old each season.
report Recommended by Jei-kun
MC is a damnass perv with some life experience. He is goofy, girl crazy but also kinda badass. Similar humor.
report Recommended by Georkele
These both fill the same hole in my heart in a perfect nostalgic/hilarious combination. While they are otherwise the antithesis of eachother (Kintarou is a genius college kid and Onizuka is a dopey dropout) they remarkably are still essentially the same character: Unexpectedly clever individuals full of humor with hearts of gold. I think the shortness of Golden Boy makes it a great cooldown watch after a GTO binge.
report Recommended by CosmicOwlDream
Both are really similar in style and the humor is very similar Kintarou and Eikichi Onizuka both are very similar when it comes to their personalities both of them are extremely likeable characters although the plot is a bit different Golden Boy is mainly focused on a guy traveling across the country of Japan. Great Teacher Onizuka is about a reformed biker gang leader named Eikichi Onizuka who is forced into being a teacher both of these shows use over the top slapstick humor and both of them are the most funniest shows I have ever watched especially GTO the comedy along with the characters   read more
report Recommended by TJ_Phantom
Same type of oldschool vibes and oldschool ecchi jokes, the main characters are very similar and the humor is quite the same
report Recommended by Ashhk
Very similar,both hilarious,both have the same style of animation
report Recommended by fcknzs
The styles of comedy are very similar in both GTO and GB. In Golden Boy the story revolves around an early 20s dude just going out and learning about the world while "fate" makes him meet a lot of attractive women, that by the end of the episode have the hots for him. GTO revolves around a teacher also in his early 20s going through school life and teaching, but also learning about the students he teaches. He ofc isn't the most normal teacher pretty much sexually harassing some of his students. But he's a funny and endearing guy. Both anime revolve around learning some   read more
report Recommended by Maki-Roll
Onizuka and Kintarou, they both are outwardly quite pervert and creates a lot of vulgar activities but their intention always remain perfect .
report Recommended by Ratul4444
Same old-school vibe with very similar pervy protagonists.
report Recommended by Kourtnay
Bot anime have similar art style to each other. Both have main characters that are similar as they are both perverted yet intelligent. Funny anime you can laugh too.
report Recommended by Datsnotmykid
Onizuka and Golden boy these two animes have many of the same characteristics whether the story, protagonist, plot, these animes are not just comedy and adult comedy, many people just see that in them. They are anime lost by the new generation, nowadays people don't know what a real anime is. Even if one copied from the other, the best doesn't matter and it's a tie if it weren't copies the world today wouldn't be like this, it's a dumb world.
report Recommended by jonathanmaximus
The humor is same.
report Recommended by BeelzebubJi
Lots of Comedy and lots of lessons about how life can be happy sometimes.
report Recommended by Frant13023
Hilarious, bizarre and extremely funny moments, something special of GTO which I only found again in the shorter but still great Golden Boy series, with even a similar the atmosphere and visual art style. For me watching both GTO and Golden Boy is a must. Just be aware about some explicit sexual content in Golden Boy.
report Recommended by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo
ayttt so basically both of the animes are pure gold comedy with a lovey 1990s anime art style.They are pursuing education in weird, funny ways with funny ecchi scenes that make it more enjoyable
report Recommended by VADERRR
Both have a goofy MC that charms the rest of the cast.
report Recommended by Stxnzr
Both have similar over the top and crude humor
report Recommended by 200Cracker
Both GTO and Golden Boy are similar late 90's comedies. Onizuka is older but to be honest both of them are about the same age mind-wise haha. Both of them go after women, and both also share some theme of lessons in that GTO wants to better the class while Golden Boy wants to learn new things the world has to offer.
report Recommended by CyanCheetah
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