If you liked
World Trigger
...then you might like
Kaijuu 8-gou
In both these series we have a main character (Kafka in Kaijuu no.8 and Yuuma in World Trigger) who joins a military-like Defense Force, while technically being the enemy that the Defense Force fights against (Kafka is a Kaijuu and Yuuma is a Neighbour)!
And there's also that other main character (Ichikawa in Kaijuu no.8 and Mikumo in World Trigger) who learns about the secret and helps the other to cover it up.
Also, Kaijuu and Neighbours are monsters that no one expects to be humanoid, at first.
Despite this very similar premise, both series handle the situation in very different ways, so if you enjoyed one,
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Both World Trigger and Kaijuu no.8 have a strong sci-fi-esque ambience, and if you're into that aesthetic, I recommend checking out either series! But that is not the only similarity! In both cases, the city is in constant danger from monsters appearing, and the protagonists are specialized in defending the city. Well, that's a strong similarity! But wait, it gets even stronger: while the standard weapons depend on the individual's abilities and creativity, there are some rare personalized weapons, that require the user's compatibility and that are made from other people's sacrifices.
So, if any of those aspects captivated you in one series, you might enjoy
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Similar sci-fi setting, militaristic organisation defending against city-destroying monsters. Both battle shonen with focus on hype fights and badass characters.
An organization set on defending humanity. A very structured power system that allows for individual specialization and some wiggle room for anomalies. A hierarchy, ranks, recognizable faces. All while still mantaining slice of life and fleshing out characters, their motives and relationships. At last, a mistery pertaining the enemy forces and how they work.
Kaiju N°8 is a faster paced, lighter and more fun version of World Trigger on a moment to moment's basis. Wether this results on a better show at the end of the day, is still up in the air.
Recommended by BustedBayou
Monster beat-em-ups w/ supporting tech sci-fi weaponry. Debates on who is considered "human" or "allowed".
An organization who fight against creatures, if like kaijuu no.8 you have to try World Trigger(very underrated and better)
Recommended by Sorin-Skkkrrab