If you liked
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
...then you might like
One Punch Man
They are both parodies of their own genres. Romance or action I think it doesn't matter as they are both hilarious.
Recommended by bimbambusse
Two really great parody series, both keenly aware of the standard genre tropes and makes good use of humorous reactions.
Gekkan Shoujo, as its name suggests, parodies shoujo romance, One Punch Man is a parody of over-powered superheroes. The other key difference is that in Gekkan Shoujo most of the cast plays some role in deconstructing shoujo tropes and mocking overused scenarios; whereas in OPM, the main character is the only one who actively does anything to defy viewer expectations.
Parody. To make fun of one's own. Although OPM and Monthly Girls are of course very different in the premise. The two share the fact that they understand tropes of their genres and just decide to make it something of a little more fun breaking down some individual parts to reflect on in a comedic sense.
Good anime I would recommend to those looking for something of a good parody.
Recommended by NextUniverse