If you liked
Elfen Lied
...then you might like
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi
In both series you may find a lot of blood, beautiful womens with supernatural powers and both are pretty scary (at least in beggining).
Dark and bleak anime meant strictly for a mature audience.
Lots of blood, torture, gore and nudity.
Strong - to the point of immortal - female protagonists with supernatural powers and unusual hair colors, in the company of useless or antagonistic males.
Sci-fi elements, memory loss, and a love long lost are present in both.
Elfen Lied is sadder and more graphically violent than Mnemosyne, while the latter has boderline hentai scenes and a more complex story.
Both have an interesting plot besides the 'shock value' and fanservice.
Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
Both series have a serious tone and a lot of blood and violence. Elfen Lied has a harem setup to keep the mood light at times, but when you get right down to it, neither series pulls punches.
Recommended by lithiumflower
If you were into Elfen Lied for the blood, gore, and twisted emotions/storyline, and aren't afraid to watch something even MORE graphic (in every possible meaning of the word) this anime is for you. Blood, torture, rape...pretty much everything is somewhere in this anime. The plot is a little bit twisted and hard to follow, but bears many of the same elements as Elfen Lied. There are about 6 episodes of about 45 minutes each that take place over about a century and a half, and follow the story of Asogi Rin, an immortal.
Similar style, the type of argument, gore, drama, love.. In the both animes the player is a girl whith strong power.
First of all, both anime contain quite an amount of violence and bloodshed so plenty of action. Also nudity is included and Mnemosyne goes a little further in this. These anime are not rated R for nothing.
The main characters in these anime are played by (large breasted) women, they end up in a lot of fights but the personalities can't be compared. I'd say Elfen Lied is a little more sensitive and easier (less hard) to understand. Mnemosyne really needs your attention while watching and takes it somewhat to the next level regarding nudity (yuri, rape) compared to elfen lied. It can get very close
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Both mature series star beautiful women who are cruely subjected to brutal, often S&M-like torture (Mnemosyne being significantly more erotic than Elfen Lied). Explicit gore and nudity are abundant in these psychologically-twisted dramas about uber-human ladies used as pawns for a new world order.
Immortal woman, dark and violent tone, blood and killing, short and sweet. Will they find happiness? Get rid of the bad guy? Maybe...not..
Recommended by minikobe27