Elfen Lied, Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Recommendations
Eureka Seven is like a more happier lighthearted version of Elfen Lied
this is the list of the similarities that makes Eureka Seven and Elfen Lied compare:
-EL and E7 both feature a male lead who meets a strange girl who's humanoid yet not 100% human who he falls in love with..Renton x Eureka the Corallion... Kouta x Lucy the Diclonius
-both eureka and lucy are special humanoid beings with a dark murderous past. both of them killed many people in their past including someone's family .
they both are burdened with guilt over it at some point.
-There's an organization out to kill the girl in each show.
-Many of the lovable characters are morally ambiguous.
-in both EL and E7 some circumstance finds the main characters living with a group of people throughout the show
-Lucy and Eureka both have rivals or a rival among each of their own respective race...in the diclonius' case it's Lucy vs. Mariko vs. Nana ....in the Corallion's case Eureka vs. Anemone who is kinda like both Mariko and Nana in personality (like Nana she is supervised by someone . and like Mariko she's playful and pretty savage). Also to mention Eureka and Lucy both have this special ability in each respective way that allows them to sense when another of their kind is nearby.
-The titles of both series start with the letter "E"
-there's traumatic blood shed.. more in Elfen Lied than in Eureka Seven but it's present in both series.
difference is their is little to no ecchi in eureka seven
eureka seven is scifi/mecha/surf themed while Elfen Lied is Psychological horror slasher/drama
The bottomline is, if you love the Elfen Lied series but at the same time wanna check out something much more happier and less traumatizing, and if you also like the mecha genre, if you wanna see a happy mecha version of Elfen lied, then Eureka Seven is the series for you
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