Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii, Akatsuki no Yona Recommendations
At first these anime might not display similarities: they are indeed centered around very different characters and plots and in the first episodes you would swear that they won't be anything memorable or interesting, you could even tell yourself that you're watching another cliché you ask, where do you find the "special" thing in them?
They indeed start as shoujo: a kind hearted princess who was sheltered in her kingdom.
Then both deviate from the usual: the princess who was supposed to be a weak heroine after being forced into a situation, slowly makes her path into becoming a strong character, not physically strong, but
emotionally stronger by facing life challenges. The princess starts by travelling and getting to know the commoners and other cultures and people, broadening her view of the world. Also in both anime, the princess has a power which allows her to make people desire to follow her for her power and kindness.
Being shoujo both do present a lot of shoujo elements too: a slow romance and a hint of tragedy. At the end you realize that these shoujo becoming very interesting at aiming in heart warming moments, the power of friendship and love. ~These are shoujo worth watching even for male viewers. It doesnt contain any nude fanservice or lame romance moments: they both focus on a heroine and how her personal growth affects those around her. Personally I believe Akatsuki is more developped than Soredemo and has more intricate characters. So if you like Akatsuki no Yona you'll definitely enjoy Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii!
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Both are slice-of-life shoujos with lighthearted comedy featuring a strong-willed and capable princesses as the lead protagonist along with a cast of well rounded characters. The main difference is that Soredemo is more romance based while Akatsuki is more action based.